*DEAD* Mass Effect -$19, Crackdown - $11, Stranglehold - $8 Free Shipping at buy.com

This works out for me. As long as they eventually ship it out, i don't mind the wait.
Truth is even after i get the game, in most likelihood i won't even touch the game until months later on a rainy day.
With all the tax and the shipping, It would have been close to $20 anyways for me.

EDIT: I just noticed it has free shipping...Oh well.
Grabbed Stranglehold. I already rented Mass Effect a while back and beat it, and I don't want another free-roam game when I have GTAIV.
crackdown is $14.99 at gamecrazy combine with B1G1 free you get both that and stranglehold for 16 bucks so you may want to give that a go first
Wow ... Guess it wasn't totally on back order
I just got the SHIPPED Email from buy.com

I ordered it like 20mins after the creation of this thread in middle of the night so i guess i was one of the first to order.
Already got ME and CD around Black Friday. Took a swipe at Stranglehold, after looking at the reviews on IGN.com.

I'm studying to become an environmental artist, and the environs look great in the game.

Ironically, I have the PC version of the game, but don't like gaming on PCs.
[quote name='iggypop123']mass effect shows up for 19 for me. not worth it anymore[/QUOTE]

The fact that you don't think Mass Effect is worth 20 dollars makes me sick.

I bought it for ~12 a while ago, would have easily payed the full 60 of a new game.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']The fact that you don't think Mass Effect is worth 20 dollars makes me sick.

I bought it for ~12 a while ago, would have easily payed the full 60 of a new game.[/quote]

Well i don't think anyone is going to argue that the amount of content and production and entertainment that this game has is well worth $20 or even $60.

But you also have to take into account the buyer's situation.
If someone knew that they presently had some time to kill playing a lengthy RPG game and doesn't have much of a backlog then yea i agree Mass Effect is a bargain even at msrp.
But for someone that does have a backlog and/or knows that they probably wont have the time to play the game anytime soon, but would want it to have in their collection to play someday, then it would be pointless to buy it at a higher price tag.
Mass Effect at $12 NEW is the best its going to get for a long time or the best it will get period, so even if its only for collection sake this is still a irresistible price.
$20? ....ehhh.... It can still wait, pass.

I'm a prime example.
I don't know when i will be able to play this game, might be months and months, but for $12 i jumped on it without thinking twice, $20 i wouldn't have gotten it.

Or just simply they aren't big RPG fans so at $12 its worth a try, $20 too risky.
[quote name='Euripides']Thanks, I ordered Crackdown earlier

Since Thanksgiving I have a little more than doubled my PS3 and 360 games at a fraction of the cost thanks to all these deals. :bouncy:

Ridge Racer ($9.99 @ Amazon)
Resistance ($14.95 @ Amazon)
Resistance 2 ($0 NBA Inside from Amazon traded in at FYE)
Devil May Cry ($9.99 Golden Axe from Amazon traded in at Best Buy)
Soul Calibur 4 ($5 with $25 GC @ Amazon)

Xbox 360
Half Life 2 Orange Box ($14.95 @ Amazon)
Bioshock ($19.95 @ New Egg)
Fallout 3 ($0 NBA Inside from Amazon traded in at FYE)
Prince of Persia ($0 NBA Inside from Amazon traded in at FYE)
Call of Duty: World at War ($9.99 Golden Axe from Amazon traded in at FYE)
Virtua Fighter 5 online ($14.99 @ Amazon)
Crackdown ($10.99 @ Buy.com)

Plus have various store credits totaling $180 + tax for anohter Golden Axe trade in ($9.99) and two Brother in Arms: Highway to Hell ($12.49 each) They will be used for Resident Evil 5, Killzone 2 and Mad World. :D[/QUOTE]

So how did you get those games for NBA Inside?
Thanks for the tip on this. I just picked up Stranglehold. As a huge John Woo fan from the old HK days, I thought this would be fun. I have the other two games already and both were greatly enjoyed.
This is weird... yesterday I placed an order for Mass Effect at $12. I payed through paypal, I got the order confirmation page, but I didn't write anything down or check my emails since I knew it wasn't gonna ship out for a while.

Well, I got up this morning, there was no purchase emails, no charges on my Paypal account and the price I had gone up to $19... what gives? I KNOW I had placed an order, but it says I didn't...
[quote name='Ace!']So how did you get those games for NBA Inside?[/quote]

I jJust said to them that I received the games as a gift (same with the Golden Axes and Brother in Arms). FYE is pretty much always full retail.
I was surprised Best Buy took them. Did not even ask for ID.
I went for Stranglehold- it's hard to beat a well-reviewed current-gen game for eight bucks shipped.

I very, very strongly suggest Crackdown- jumping across streets and over buildings never, ever gets old.
I put Mass Effect on backorder at the 11.99 price and now it's telling me it's cancelled. What gives?

Also, when I follow the link in the OP to the ME page, it says Buy.com no longer sells that product and I can't find ME for the 360 with a search.
looks like I came late to the party =b it's looking dead

(only stranglehold looks to still be available and it's 19.99)
Just got issued a refund on my 11.99 Mass Effect order. I havent used buy.com in years so this officially ends it I imagine.
Well looks like they just didn't have that many copies of Mass Effect to go around.
They did ship some though, i know because i manage to get one.
I ordered mine like minutes after this threads so my luck for staying up late.
Well, that sucks. I just took off Mass Effect from my Gamefly queue yesterday and I get the refund in the middle of the night. I use Buy.com all the time, especially for work and they rarely fail me. But it took them way too long to figure this out and process a refund.
I wanted the PC version anyway and I haven't even finished KOTOR, so no huge loss.
[quote name='Flak']I put Mass Effect on backorder at the 11.99 price and now it's telling me it's cancelled. What gives?

Also, when I follow the link in the OP to the ME page, it says Buy.com no longer sells that product and I can't find ME for the 360 with a search.[/QUOTE]

Same here, although I didn't notice it until today. Awfully nice of them to cancel my order without letting me know.
I actually got my $12 ME copy in the mail today.
Weird thing, it still has the orange "Do not sell before 11/20/07" on it.
Could this be a launch copy that Buy.com have been hanging onto for over a year?
Maybe that's why it dropped the price on it, to get rid of the few that was left.
[quote name='supraazn']I actually got my $12 ME copy in the mail today.
Weird thing, it still has the orange "Do not sell before 11/20/07" on it.
Could this be a launch copy that Buy.com have been hanging onto for over a year?
Maybe that's why it dropped the price on it, to get rid of the few that was left.

My Crackdown had the same thing on it.
[quote name='madara']Just got issued a refund on my 11.99 Mass Effect order. I havent used buy.com in years so this officially ends it I imagine.[/quote]

Sounds like you just arrived late to the party. That's not buy.com's fault. Honestly, I've bought more items, consoles, games, gaming industry 3D books from buy.com than I have from amazon. buy is definitely a good alternative to find good prices on new items. Don't give up the ship! :)

[quote name='BIG5']Same here, although I didn't notice it until today. Awfully nice of them to cancel my order without letting me know.[/quote]

I think Buy.com has been good in the customer service department. When I ordered my 360 Elite, I was unable to use their 5% off coupon through Ebay's checkout, which would have given me $15 off. When I called to let them know I was unable to use the coupon, they simply gave me a $15 gift certificate. It's not something they really had to do.

Everytime I've dealt with them on the phone, I've gotten the impression that they'll bend over backwards to accommodate me, or at least that they're well-trained on the customer service end and go for customer retention.

[quote name='Mako1215']Stranglehold. hmmmm
is it worth 8$ tho. mite be[/quote]

If there are more left, go for it. I got the Crackdown deal from buy.com a month or so ago, and bit on this offer for Stranglehold for $8. It just arrived today, actually. I study games for school, so this is a good deal just to be able to absorb the incredible environments and dissect their destructiblilty. ( I wonder which game developers use XSI.)
bread's done