[DEAD] Pontiac Halo 3 winners discussion thread

For the record, answers were apparently "Yakima, WA" and "StabiliTrak." I'm still waiting for the game to load, but lots of people are reporting that it's dead already.
can anyone else confirm that its over already??? loading is taking too long i input all my info at exactly 12 on the dot...
Answer: Yakima, WA Stabilitrack

Anyone that won. When you log back in does it say that you won ? I don't know if I did because it says I did the game already.

If not how long does the email take to come to confirm?
[quote name='becuzimbrown']Yakima, WA

im a beast

everyone said i was useless until i posted it, im glad i was able to help even though i won my copy a long itme ago lol[/QUOTE]
Thank you!

I owe you.
[quote name='spidamatrix']Does anyone who won, know how long it took to get a confirmation e-mail?[/quote]

havn't got mine yet.
[quote name='help1']I have to keep reading the prize page over and over, im in disbelief right now![/quote]

Same here, lol, I saved the page, did a print screen as well just to make sure nothing happens.
More CAGs who've won leaves less for them greasy SD'ers to take home. Good job with the answers brownz and thanks Geo for the chatroom.
[quote name='spidamatrix']Same here, lol, I saved the page, did a print screen as well just to make sure nothing happens.[/quote]
I have it saved to two of my comps right now!
i won a while back so ill give you "newbie winners" all of the details:

in about 24 hours they will send you a confirmation email and you will have to reply to that email and tell them your information is correct (or change any incorrect information).

the email also says the game will be shipped (using overnight shipping) on the 23rd, so we will all recieve it on the 24th.
slickdeals.net... They, along with the larger fatwallet.com, can single handedly ruin just about any deal. Slickdealers like to think of themselves above fatwallet standards, but for the most part they are born of the same breed.

[quote name='RoboPenguin']What does SD even stand for and why is there such a resentment against everyfrom from this SD place?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='help1']Any IDea what version of Halo this will be? Im guessing standard.[/quote]

sorry i forgot to mention,

it will be the 59.99 dollar version (regular)

but hey, free is free
[quote name='help1']Any IDea what version of Halo this will be? Im guessing standard.[/quote]

Just the reguar version.
[quote name='RoboPenguin']What does SD even stand for and why is there such a resentment against everyfrom from this SD place?[/quote]
SlickDeals.com (link to their Pontiac contest thread)
They're just bunch of cavemen goons over there anyhow.

Edit: This is what I mean:
I feel kinda bad now since I won twice....I just wanted to win something.
And 2 minutes later from the same guy..
I don't know. I dont even have a XBOX
Maybe ill give it away.
Here are the SD winners listed so far in the SD thread

"Winners!! WOOT
1. danb22
2. BeBe2006
3. VIxen_GT - hells yes!
4. Coreyblack 2 copies-sorry
5. Toemas
6. Wii Winner x5 very, very sorry!
7. otherjack
8. LostButSlick, new cag member and supporter
9. Sportsm0m
10. chris1152 - finally, after 3 rounds of being a loser!
11. sonic99
12. Whitetrash
13. amseco - 3 copies (1 for me, 2 for friends)
14. Ty001
15. Dixon06
16. javaFlower
17. RamHawk
18. matt_annie
19. luckygirl242 (thanks to caren)
20. Doiknwya
21. Lott42 4 copies round2 (1 for me, 3 for others)
22. FrankV
23. Chloerlz
24. deal_panda
25. fizzywhizkid (thanks everyone who helped!!!)
26. ahmadh007 (who deleted me, I was 22? )
27. Ann817
28. Christine1227
29. bk105
30. fakefakefake
31. scolon1818
32. Jbrowns22
33. qkrisq
34. aberfoyle 2 copies (1 for me, 1 for my bro)
35. SimplyDABulous (I was #9, but someone wanted that spot more than I did, obviously!)"

look at that fucker with 5 copies
How the fuck do they win multiple copes!

Any who, Im buying the legendary edition! Im going to play the standard one I get for a day, sell, buy my preorder from CC, keep the wall graphic and sell and then buy a Legendary with the money I saved.

Here is to hoping there are enough copies of the legendary edition!
[quote name='help1']Where are they shipping from?[/quote]

we'll see when we get the package lol

but it doesnt matter, its overnight shipping, and we will get it in about a day
[quote name='demolitio']Having slow internet sucks...lol[/quote]

Yea I have a great connection, even so page took a bit to load. I just got lucky.
[quote name='spidamatrix']Yea I have a great connection, even so page took a bit to load. I just got lucky.[/QUOTE]

Mine loaded about 300 times faster last night than when I tried on Tue/Wed night. It took about 20 minutes to load the last time, but only like 15 seconds last night. (I have crappy dsl). I suspect that it was cached.
bread's done