Dead Rising for 48 at

[quote name='d00k']This game is the only reason I'm considering getting a 360. It looks so awsome.[/QUOTE]

same here... tempted to jump on it, but waiting for free shipping.
[quote name='d00k']This game is the only reason I'm considering getting a 360. It looks so awsome.[/QUOTE]
Same...but I'm somewhat afraid its going to be a next-gen State of Emergency. I hope to God it isn't though.
[quote name='whoknows']Same...but I'm somewhat afraid its going to be a next-gen State of Emergency. I hope to God it isn't though.[/QUOTE]

As long as there is Zombies.

Though this game looks to have MUCH more depth that State.
[quote name='Roufuss']I need this on Day 1, not Day 23, so I'm going to pass on Outpost for now.[/QUOTE]

Good point...

After ordering there $20 MGA2, I wasn't too happy with how much time they took. The deal was great, so I didn't mind as much.

At this price, the wait is not worth it.
Actually they shipped Prey LE to me pretty quickly. Maybe it wasn't that much in demand. Anyway, the $7 shipping + tax kills it for me. If they go to free shipping I'd bite.
Good deal for someone who doesn't mind waiting for it. I preordered it for $49 from BestBuy because they had a deal for taking $10 off another game when you preordered NCAA Football '07.
Wouldn't this work to get the Outpost deal / first day availability?

Pre-order game from Outpost
Purchase game from favorite retailer on opening day
Return sealed Outpost copy to retailer when it arrives (with receipt) and get money back

Kind of like... borrowing. Probably not worth the hassle.
They had free shipping a while ago at this price a few weeks back.. I ordered it then.. they may not add free shipping the second time around, but who knows.
I want this on Day 1, but this is admittedly tempting. Not tempting enough without free shipping though.

Perhaps I'll try the "Buy a copy in-store, and return Outpost copy to store when it arrives." trick.
Outpost 48 (game) + 6 (Shipping)= $54
Instore ($55 or $60)

You could save $1 or $6 dollars... but either way... is that worth the 2-3 weeks after launch? Not to me.
I'm sure Play Asia will have it for $40 region free possibly on launch.
Either way buy it a retailer instead, you'll get the game faster and I'm sure there will be a deal somewhere.
[quote name='d00k']This game is the only reason I'm considering getting a 360. It looks so awsome.[/QUOTE]
Same goes for me this game looks awesome. I heard the game takes only about 4-5 hours to complete but the replay value is going to be sweeeeet.
Just in case anyone wanted to know, this game has now been banned in Germany. They thought it was too violent. I don't know if that makes it more or less attractive to anyone, but I'll just throw that out there...
[quote name='hwong3']Just in case anyone wanted to know, this game has now been banned in Germany. They thought it was too violent. I don't know if that makes it more or less attractive to anyone, but I'll just throw that out there...[/QUOTE]
Perhaps if the main character looked more like one of these cuties
[quote name='Mex25']Same goes for me this game looks awesome. I heard the game takes only about 4-5 hours to complete but the replay value is going to be sweeeeet.[/QUOTE]

that's more like Prey, but whatever...

It's been stated that the game is long as hell, or whatever term you want to use.
that's a nice price but I'm going to order it from gameznflix. You get the same price if your a member, plus it has free shipping.
Il will be taking advantage of Rhino's trade 2 for 1 offer to get it around 30 bucks or so (couple 9 dollar CC games, plus pay 10 dollar difference and tax)
My $47.99 Dead Rising at Outpost is now "In Process" with "Order Being Fulfilled" status. Not too bad, since its only 1 day after release date!
the game is supposed to be about 8 hours or so the first play through, but they basically make you replay the game 5-8 times to get everything
[quote name='hwong3']Just in case anyone wanted to know, this game has now been banned in Germany. They thought it was too violent. I don't know if that makes it more or less attractive to anyone, but I'll just throw that out there...[/quote]

too violent for that makes me LOL

Picked it up at BB today PMing with the Fry's ad taking ir down to $50 and then using $5 worth of RZ bucks so walked out with it for $45.

Now it's time to log some play...
[quote name='dago2727']My $47.99 Dead Rising at Outpost is now "In Process" with "Order Being Fulfilled" status. Not too bad, since its only 1 day after release date![/quote]

Me too. I was all ready to try the Wal-Mart swap thing and the idiots at my local Wal-Mart didn't get the game in yet. One lousy release for 8/8 for Xbox 360 and they don't have it. And no Slayer "Christ Illusion" either (not that I make a habit of buying various edited editions of CDs at Wal-Mart). But they had plenty of the other B.S. that was released 8/8.
[quote name='lawdood']too violent for that makes me LOL

Picked it up at BB today PMing with the Fry's ad taking ir down to $50 and then using $5 worth of RZ bucks so walked out with it for $45.

Now it's time to log some play...[/quote]
I did the exact same thing. Totally worth it in my opinion.

Edit: After checking Outpost, Dead Rising is now $49.99 with free shipping.
I'm in for one at $49.99 with free shipping. Plus Outpost ships from a neighboring state, so I usually get whatever I order in a day with regular ground shipping.
nice. tried to do the thing with the coupons. that didn't work. but now that it's free shipping, this is a good deal. took it
[quote name='Rudiger']I did the exact same thing. Totally worth it in my opinion.

Edit: After checking Outpost, Dead Rising is now $49.99 with free shipping.[/QUOTE]
I'm in at $49.99, thanks for the update!
For anyone who did the $47.99 + free shipping back in June.. it says my order shipped yesterday, and should be arriving tomorrow!

[quote name='DustBoogie']For anyone who did the $47.99 + free shipping back in June.. it says my order shipped yesterday, and should be arriving tomorrow!


Ditto, so those that constantly complain about Outpost not fulfiling pre-orders, cancelling without notice, etc. it doesn't happen every time obviously.

They did send me an e-mail a week or two ago saying they couldn't fulfill the order yet and I had to e-mail them back to keep it open within 30 days. But this would have shipped anyway without reaching that 30 days. Still never had any trouble with Outpost so I'm glad I jumped on it (at $2 cheaper than the current sale price).

EDIT 8/11--got it today, got an Outpost pre-order 3 days after release just regular free shipping. Not bad.
bread's done