Dead Space 2 (360 & PS3 Pre-Order) $49.25 on Amazon FSS

Monsta Mack

CAGiversary! 360 version

If your looking forward to this I would pre-order now, and maybe a gift card offer down the road? Not bad for a pre-order price.

Apologize for the rush post meant to put 360 in the title thread.

Amazon is accepting pre-orders for Dead Space 2, which they list with a release date of March 31, 2011.

Go here to pre-order for PS3.

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Darn, would've bitten if it had been PS3. If this game turns out half as good as the first, people with a 360 should lock this price in now. Apparently this one will have multiplayer though, so I'm hoping they take the BioShock approach and don't take away the devs of the single player to work on the multiplayer simultaneously.
Any release a retailer has right now is just placeholder, although a 2010 release has been hinted at in the months prior to DS2's announcement.

Locked it down at this price, always can cancel if I don't like the direction they're going (unlikely).
Maybe this is Amazon predicting the future of video games. A 50 dollar price point for all games after next year? I've been spoiled by all of Amazon's video game deals that I almost forgot that new games are 60 dollars.

I'm still waiting on my copy of Dead Space 1 that I got from Amazon for 15 but I may as well preorder now anyways.
Pre-ordered. If it really takes them until 2011 to match the original, I say go for it. Best single-player experience of 2008 and completely blew RE5 away.
Awesome find, pre-ordered a copy. Recently finished the first one and thought it was a fantastic experience.
Wow that was quick, not even an hour later and they added all the games onto my existing order. Thanks Amazon. Just bought the first game a week or two ago to use some remaining VG credit I got from all the new releases in the past few months. Hopefully it's not as creepy as silent hill..
Amazing deal! If they do announce a mind blowing Special Edition I'll just cancel this order, but I gotta' take advantage of this while I can!
[quote name='Vortextk']Sent an e-mail to get this and some other games added to my order.[/QUOTE]
ECA still lives!
Preordered. Thanks op!

Dead Space 1 was my GOTY last year easy. Fantastic game, and I hated survival horror games, but this one changed my ways.
I haven't played the first yet (getting it for xmas), but I'm going to put in a pre-order to lock in the price just in case I end up loving DS1 like everyone else seems to have. EDIT: only problem is I have a $10 coupon from NSBMWii and it will get applied to this pre-order. No doubt I'll want to buy something else between now and then, so I'd have to cancel this pre-order anyway in order to get the coupon back. Hmmm.
This is the first time I've tried adding an item to an existing ECA preorder and Amazon took care of it within 15 minutes.
Awesome, I just preordered the PS3 version for $49.25. Man, it's going to be a long wait. I just received the new Game Informer that has Dead Space 2 as it's cover story. Looks bloody amazing.
Silly question, but they don't charge until it ships - right?

In for one. The first Dead Space is one of my fave all time games.
[quote name='jcarlon']Looks like PS3 is now also 49.25. Reserved one! Thanks![/QUOTE]

Nice. Pre-ordered it.

OP, you should update your thread title and first post to reflect that the offer applies to both systems now.
[quote name='Hellhunt']Silly question, but they don't charge until it ships - right?

In for one. The first Dead Space is one of my fave all time games.[/QUOTE]

Correct - they don't charge until the item has shipped.

Just make sure to remind yourself to check your order history around that time - the order will probably be in previous pages by the time you want to check if it's shipped or for tracking :bouncy:
Awesome! Gonna get this price in now in case they decide to jack it up in the next 15 months or so :p I saw the thread for the 360 version, and figured it was just a delay for the PS3 one. One of my favorite games this generation: RE4 with good controls.
bread's done