[quote name='simmias']Horrible reviews of I, III and V? Because those are indeed terrible movies. As far as picture quality and sound, all I've ever read is that these movies look and sound the best they ever have, especially the remastered TWOK. There also don't appear to be any plans for another set any time soon.
I picked this up this morning. I've been wanting it for a while, and this is the lowest it's been.[/QUOTE]
Hey now, Star Trek 3 is just stupid and really bad. If they did another script rewrite it would have been an OK movie. Star Trek 1 and 5 are horrid beyond belief. I've been buying them on DVD for really cheap used, $1.25 to $3 and the most expensive ones are 1-3-5 because they suck and no one bought them to resell them. :lol:
[quote name='sassylaurie']I was thinking the same, until I remembered that 2,4 & 7 were the ones I really liked. Star Trek V: The Search For God was awful and the part 1 could be shortened by about 2 hours (the 30min fly around the Enterprise is a bit much).
At the same time, I do really like box sets and don't have any of the movies.[/QUOTE]
You like 7? That movie was a mess, how many times do ships need to be screwed over with shield codes for Starfleet to realize maybe it shouldn't be posted in plain sight?
Plus there was so many plot holes, it was incredible.
2 and 6 are the best movies, masterpieces.