Dealing with A-holes on craigslist

[quote name='zman73']The classifieds that ALWAYS drive ME nuts are the one where they list the "supposed" price they paid for the item... and when they use the word "sacrifice" in the listing...[/quote]

LOL, those are the best. "Alright guys I paid $2,500 for this 5 years ago and I'll let it go to you for $2,000." It's something like a projection HDTV or very close to that description.

You definitely hit the nail on the head there, those bug the crap out of me as well.
I hated when they string you along. An email kindly asking you to hold for a week, but in reality they're just trying to lock you down while they hunt for better deals, and then they flake out on you once the week passes. Basically, they've just wasted my time and potential sale to other buyers.
[quote name='tinman_licks']I hated when they string you along. An email kindly asking you to hold for a week, but in reality they're just trying to lock you down while they hunt for better deals, and then they flake out on you once the week passes. Basically, they've just wasted my time and potential sale to other buyers.[/quote]

My policy is:

Unless you have the cash RIGHT NOW and are willing to pay my asking price without trying to knock it down to 1/3 or less of it, then fuck you and get lost since you're not worth my time.

It's worked thus far for me, so I'd have to say it's a pretty damn good policy.

Of course, those who don't like it usually flag my ads and have other people they know flag it as well. I just repost it and brush it off as some bitter asshole trying to steal something from me had a crybaby fit over me not wanting to take next to nothing for my stuff.
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[quote name='pitfallharry219']Awesome. Way to be a bigot.[/quote]

Excuse me for not being 'PC', but that's the term I've used for years. I have ZERO issues with anyone of another race, but some terminology is hard wired into my vocabulary, so excusssssssse me for not choosing my words better.:lol:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Excuse me for not being 'PC', but that's the term I've used for years. I have ZERO issues with anyone of another race, but some terminology is hard wired into my vocabulary, so excusssssssse me for not choosing my words better.:lol:[/quote]

I don't think the whole hard-wired thing is much of an excuse at all. I used to call things "gay" if I didn't like them -- when I was 12 -- but when I wised up, I somehow found the strength to undo the "hard-wiring." Somehow.

As for Craigslist A-holes, I don't know if this really qualifies when compared to other stories here, but I just dealt with a person who seemed to have a new excuse every time s/he was about to come pick up this desk I was selling. That was totally gay.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']My policy is:

Unless you have the cash RIGHT NOW and are willing to pay my asking price without trying to knock it down to 1/3 or less of it, then fuck you and get lost since you're not worth my time.

It's worked thus far for me, so I'd have to say it's a pretty damn good policy.

Of course, those who don't like it usually flag my ads and have other people they know flag it as well. I just repost it and brush it off as some bitter asshole trying to steal something from me had a crybaby fit over me not wanting to take next to nothing for my stuff.[/quote]

yes i noticed that alot. Whenever I have a rude conversation with a potential buyer, about 20 minutes later my ad says flagged for removal. My guess is they use one of those proxy websites or they shmoe has their friends and family flag it.

It used to be a decent site to do business with people, but the idiots have taken over. They need to weed out the trolls and the dumbasses who sit on there all day wasting peoples time.

So far all 8 people who emailed about my spare rig i put up have left me hanging with no response. Gonna have to repost again....sigh.......
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[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']My policy is:

Unless you have the cash RIGHT NOW and are willing to pay my asking price without trying to knock it down to 1/3 or less of it, then fuck you and get lost since you're not worth my time.[/QUOTE]

You'd probably hate me :D

My usual system is I go through the lot, figure out what I'm willing to pay (with really no consideration of the asking price), and e-mail the seller saying something like the following:

Here's my offer - I know it's lower than what you're looking for, so feel free to wait as long as you like for a better offer to come in.

If no one else comes in, or the buyers fall through, on higher amounts, please reconsider my offer.

I will pay cash and can come to you to pick up, or meet you partway if you prefer.

Probably over 50% end up coming back to me, fairly close to my offer price. There's simply not a strong market on my local CL for video games, unless the person is SEVERELY cheating themselves, then I have to race to get my e-mail to them before someone else does.
[quote name='pfp']You'd probably hate me :D

My usual system is I go through the lot, figure out what I'm willing to pay (with really no consideration of the asking price), and e-mail the seller saying something like the following:

Probably over 50% end up coming back to me, fairly close to my offer price. There's simply not a strong market on my local CL for video games, unless the person is SEVERELY cheating themselves, then I have to race to get my e-mail to them before someone else does.[/quote]

I like to think of it as the ghetto no-rules version of ebay. :lol:
[quote name='pfp']You'd probably hate me :D

My usual system is I go through the lot, figure out what I'm willing to pay (with really no consideration of the asking price), and e-mail the seller saying something like the following:

Probably over 50% end up coming back to me, fairly close to my offer price. There's simply not a strong market on my local CL for video games, unless the person is SEVERELY cheating themselves, then I have to race to get my e-mail to them before someone else does.[/quote]

As long as the item I'm selling is something I picked up either A) using cheap credit from flipping games or B) something that I got super cheap, then I don't really mind going a bit lower.

But there are definitely limits to my tolerance on the lowballing.

Like, for example, I had people offering me $5 each on JUST the 'rare' or hard to find games(Futurama for Xbox, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 for Xbox) I had listed in February 2008 on there and just disregard the rest of the ad completely.

This was even after I said right in the ad that I'm only willing to sell the games AS A LOT and that I WILL NOT BREAK THEM UP.

Apparently though, resellers just don't give a shit and think anything is negotiable and that everyone they're dealing with is an idiot.
To weed out the cherry pickers i put in my ads "will not sell games seperate or break up, must buy the whole lot"

if they miss that line, they just aren't worth wasting time replying to
My craigs is infested with trolls. I have posted video game material multiple times, always something different. And guess what? Within 30 minutes its the same half a dozen people emailing me offering me about half of what I'm asking, whether it's $2 average per game or whatever. Annoying. I swear man, some people...
Lately, I've been getting a lot of, "I am out of countrey but i needs this item for my best friends wedding prasent i wil pay u with westarn uniun moneys pleased to be taking this off of Craigslist now, thanks!" While there are a lot of retards on Craigslist, most of them are still able to formulate some semblance of a complete sentence. And no, your best friend more than likely doesn't need the latest version of Madden for Xbox 360 for their wedding present.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But there are definitely limits to my tolerance on the lowballing.

Like, for example, I had people offering me $5 each on JUST the 'rare' or hard to find games(Futurama for Xbox, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 for Xbox) I had listed in February 2008 on there and just disregard the rest of the ad completely.[/QUOTE]

I always make offers on the whole lot - I consider it one of the "benefits" for the seller of dealing with a dealer - I may only offer $1.00 or less on some games (esp. old sports games), but I get a lot of sellers BECAUSE I always offer on the whole lot.

Obviously, if someone does break down their collection, I'm gonna take what I want that's priced right.

EDIT: *Cry* I used to have Futurama for Xbox and never realized it was quite so valuable - loaned it to someone, didn't go through great effort to get it back, now it's passed through a few hands and finding it's gonna involve tracking down friends who've moved across the country.
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Lol those nigerian scammers, put up an ad that says "piece of dog shit for sale, $200!" and they'll email you saying

RE; piece of dog shit for sale

hello i would like to buy this item as a birthday gift for my son in west africa, am okay with the asking price and would like to pay via cashiers check. I am offering you $9000 USD for this item. Please do withdraw the advert from craigslist.

Regards, shadibi dalana
[quote name='pfp']I always make offers on the whole lot - I consider it one of the "benefits" for the seller of dealing with a dealer - I may only offer $1.00 or less on some games (esp. old sports games), but I get a lot of sellers BECAUSE I always offer on the whole lot.

Obviously, if someone does break down their collection, I'm gonna take what I want that's priced right.

EDIT: *Cry* I used to have Futurama for Xbox and never realized it was quite so valuable - loaned it to someone, didn't go through great effort to get it back, now it's passed through a few hands and finding it's gonna involve tracking down friends who've moved across the country.[/quote]

I still don't get WHY some of these titles are SO rare or sought after. Futurama was an ok game, but some parts were frustrating and some of the jokes really fell flat.

As for me, I only have one game now that may become a collector's item, though I don't believe Ebay allows it to be sold anymore because of the 17 yr old girl in it flashing in it.

I'm talking about The Guy Game, of course, which is a FUN mix of Girls Gone Wild video clips and trivia.

I think I picked it up for $10 just before many stores started pulling it from their shelves. I still see copies around, but they're usually in deplorable shape.
Only one I can think of that I have (for XBOX) is Steel Battalion

I'm pretty happy with my N64/PS1 collections though (the "personal" collection, not what's on my store)
Ughh I just dealt with a guy who wasted my time the other day. Was selling Dynasty Warriors 6 on 360 for 20 bucks on his post. I emailed him and then he gave me his phone number to text. I sms him and then he decides that he misposted and it is supposed to be 30 even though the email I sent him was about getting it for 20 as the ad said. I decline because I can get it for around 30 with coupons and discounts and gamestop and there I can return it if it doesn't work. At least he didn't up it when I came.
A few weeks ago I was selling a reclining couch for 200 bucks. It was 1400 when I bought it 3 years ago and just took up too much space. Had one thing wrong with it and that was the arm rest cushion was flat from where I used to lean onto it when I'd play games. Put in the post about the arm rest with pics. Of course the guy gets there and wanted to debate the price by 50 bucks because of the arm. Umm no a hole, its that price all ready because of the arm. Then he pulled the whole, let me pay you this and barter this. Trying to give me a motorola razr. Umm no thanks, got a blackberry bold don't care to put my sim in a crappy razr. Eventually I was like umm no thanks I'm done, you can go now.
Lately I find myself responding to peoples for sale ads and most of the time none of them reply back to me. It would be nice if people had the courtesy to DELETE the dam ad when they sell the items. Or tell me it's sold so I can move on.

People post ads to sell stuff and then they never make a peep when you wanna go pick it up like they changed their mind about selling it or something.

I'm sure they recieve my emails because i never get any error messages.
My dad put up an ad to do wedding photos, and got this one guy to do a job for.
My dad wanted $1200, and a $300 down payment, and would like to meet the guy in person.
The guy said he couldn't meet him in person, and would send a check.
A couple of weeks later we get a check for $2200 from UPS!
My mom and I were afraid to do anything with it so we waited till my dad got home. My dad was confused about it too when he looked at it because the bank, business, and envelop the check came in came from 3 different states!
Later we got calls from a guy who came up as UNKNOWN CALLER on the caller ID, pestering us to see if we cashed the check.
We could barely understand the guy because he had a heavy Jamaican accent.
So my dad just called the police in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (where the check was mailed from)
The next time the guy called, my dad told him he called the cops, then the guy hung up on the spot.
I just got an email from a woman on Craigslist that wanted me to lower the price on my DS because she wanted it for her daughter.
the guy might have been working for one of those nigerian 419 dudes, I heard they do that now. Make the target take the bait, and send off the money..
I put an N64 lot on Craigslist on Sunday for $35, $30 if you picked it up Sunday. Here is a series of emails between an interested buyer and me. Her emails are bolded:

"Hello Im interested in getting the games for the nintendo ASAP I see that you will see them 4 $30 today Please contact me soon"

If you are interested feel free to stop by today, here is my address:


Let me know what time I should be expecting you.

Ok an where is that near can u give me a landmark....I leave near little river trn pike

It is near the George Mason field house, right by Fairfax Villa Elementary.

Ummm still not 2 familar with that info....say I were to come from Nova campus how would I get there

This is where I copied/pasted Mapquest's directions to my house from the Nova campus

sorry not good with it close 2 fairfax court house?Is it near Gmason university

Sorry, I am not good with directions either. Yes, it is near the George Mason field house.

Wats the field house

It is the building next to baseball field.

Ok well Imma try 2 see if I can get the directions right hopefully I should make it there within tthe next 30 - 40min

This was at about 6pm last night. As of this writing I have no idea where she is. Not good with directions? That is why I did the work for her and sent her the Mapquest info. You have to be either retarded or not capable in English to not understand how it works. I believe she was the latter. Also, her name was Kitty. Also, I hate with a passion people that use IM speak outside of IM.
i hate people who type with all that slang bullshit

"umm hi wi11 u tak 45 dollaz plz ok thkz u let me no"

I'll give you 45 dollars if you go back to pre-school and learn how to speak english moron
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']i hate people who type with all that slang bullshit

"umm hi wi11 u tak 45 dollaz plz ok thkz u let me no"

I'll give you 45 dollars if you go back to pre-school and learn how to speak english moron[/quote]

I should start replying with that.
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']Thats what we we're thinking, but he really wanted us to cash it...[/QUOTE]

I think b/c it goes into your bank account, he may get some tracking information on your account on the back of the check.
Easy enough to fix, just take it to a check cashing place. They take a cut and you get free monies. :bouncy:
Ugh, Craigslist can be terrible. I'm so sick of the lowballing, flakers, and sob stories. In fact, the time and effort it usually takes to sell a used video game are not really worth it for me anymore. I'm going to go back to buying less games, playing each one more, and selling on eBay when I'm done. Or putting up printed ads in my college's libraries... that way I won't have to deal with shady 40 year old dudes.
I've had really good luck on CL but I've only used it a few times. I just sold my Jetta for $2,100 and a couple of years ago I sold 4 Pearl Jam tickets for $500.
A few months ago, there was this huge story on the news how there were teenage girls selling sex on craigslist. I went home and looked and all I could find was fat old black ladies.

False advertising killed my boner.
[quote name='Kayden']Easy enough to fix, just take it to a check cashing place. They take a cut and you get free monies. :bouncy:[/quote]

Except that when the check cashing place cashes it, they take your info and once that check bounces higher than the Empire State Building, then you're stuck reimbursing them for cashing it and you may even face criminal charges for passing the fraudulent check.

Trust me, I received 2-3 of these in the mail and I TRIED on the one, but luckily the clerk wouldn't cash it.

Nothing is for nothing.
Some mother fucker keeps flagging down my video games wanted ad. :bomb: It's alright, more luck for me.

Every time i get flagged down, I get another spot at the top of the list :applause:

I think it's the dealers doing it.
Fake info, duh. :roll:

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Except that when the check cashing place cashes it, they take your info and once that check bounces higher than the Empire State Building, then you're stuck reimbursing them for cashing it and you may even face criminal charges for passing the fraudulent check.

Trust me, I received 2-3 of these in the mail and I TRIED on the one, but luckily the clerk wouldn't cash it.

Nothing is for nothing.[/quote]
Fake face. godurdum! Haven't you ever seen Mission Impossible?

Why would they give news time to someone that cashed a bad check? :lol:
[quote name='Kayden']Fake face. godurdum! Haven't you ever seen Mission Impossible?

Why would they give news time to someone that cashed a bad check? :lol:[/quote]

Why do they give news time to people who rob a bank? Same difference really. You're still stealing from someplace by trying to cash it.
Someone that robs a bank is getting away with hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. Someone that cashes a funny check is getting away with, was it 2k? Kinda different. If they were a serial check casher, they might run a news story, but do you live in such a hick town that a bounced check is FILM AT ELEVEN?
yeah you get a thing that says "message from craigslist"

If you get flagged just repost. You get to go at the top of the list again anyways.
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']My dad put up an ad to do wedding photos, and got this one guy to do a job for.
My dad wanted $1200, and a $300 down payment, and would like to meet the guy in person.
The guy said he couldn't meet him in person, and would send a check.
A couple of weeks later we get a check for $2200 from UPS!
My mom and I were afraid to do anything with it so we waited till my dad got home. My dad was confused about it too when he looked at it because the bank, business, and envelop the check came in came from 3 different states!
Later we got calls from a guy who came up as UNKNOWN CALLER on the caller ID, pestering us to see if we cashed the check.
We could barely understand the guy because he had a heavy Jamaican accent.
So my dad just called the police in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (where the check was mailed from)
The next time the guy called, my dad told him he called the cops, then the guy hung up on the spot.[/quote]

You're kidding, right? You don't know what this is? Dude was a Nigerian scammer. He wanted your old man to cash the check then wire him the difference (or get your bank account info from the returned check as stated, but that's doubtful). Then the check would come back as bogus from the bank and your family would be out the money you wired him, not to mention other possible problems, bank fines, etc.
i really really HATE scammers..i got scammed for my really big PSP BUNDLE for 1500
bread's done