Deals on Sam & Max: The Complete Animated Series?

Thanks, Codemaster. I ordered it from DD for $20. I was actually interested in the reprint of Surfin' the Highway, which came and went on Amazon already (sold out but might get more), but I'd rather just watch the cartoon.

I've never seen the cartoon myself, is the humor on par with the in-game experience?
[quote name='Kerig']I've never seen the cartoon myself, is the humor on par with the in-game experience?[/QUOTE]
Based on my vague recollections from when the cartoon initially aired, the humor of the cartoon was highly disappointing when compared to that of the game.
I didn't like this when it was on fox years ago. Seems like they were trying for bizarre humor but it never really worked.
Oh shit...there's an animated series!? I never played the games but always piqued my interest...How's the DVD?

EDIT: Just saw the above response...I'll pass then.
What the hell @ negative responses. I thought it was brilliant. Here's an episode to judge for yourself courtesy of YouTube

[quote name='SMMM']What the hell @ negative responses. I thought it was brilliant. Here's an episode to judge for yourself courtesy of YouTube[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that reaffirmed what I remembered about the show - a weak script, mediocre animation, and a complete lack of comedic timing. Most episodes were a chore to sit through, though I recall there being maybe one or two good ones.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Yeah, that reaffirmed what I remembered about the show - a weak script, mediocre animation, and a complete lack of comedic timing. Most episodes were a chore to sit through, though I recall there being maybe one or two good ones.[/QUOTE]

Well, the animation is definitely in-line for what it was - a mid-90s Fox Kids cartoon. Along the same lines of The Tick, I would say. And the comedy/script of was heavily influenced by the original comics moreso than the game. I enjoy it, anyway. "DEAR GOD, YOU'RE RIGHT! THE GORILLA SHOULD BE DRIVING!!"

Here's another:

"Are you talking dirty?!?"
"Ooh, I could never say that about an astronaut."
"Smells like burning upholstery up here."
"Now what am I gonna do? My little buddy is just a...just a bag of chum!"

And that's all just from one segment of one episode. I swear to god, I quote this shit all the time. I quote Sam and Max (comic, game, and show) like most people quote Caddyshack and Monty Python. And hardly anyone ever gets it.
I enjoyed this series a lot. The only real problem was that you could tell they were holding back to keep it within the guidelines of a "kid-friendly" show. Not that the game or comics were especially racy (pretty much just a Simpsons-level edginess), but you really can't get away with ANYTHING on a Saturday morning cartoon. This show really should have been on prime time, but it would have been a very tough sell to get that on the air and I can understand why it didn't happen. If the timing had been different, I could imagine this show flourishing on Adult Swim.
bread's done