December 21, 2012 apocalypse theory discussion.


90 (100%)
Does anyone absolutely hate it when you say "Oh ____ is happening in ", and their response is "OH WELL TOO BAD WE WONT BE HERE PAST 2012 ANYWAY". Its a really frustrating thing going around now. And once December 22nd, 2012 rolls around, people will never speak of it ever again, and within a year everyone will find some new huge apocalypse theory to follow.

Let alone, the "theory" is a huge misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar.

Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is simply the first day of the 14th b'ak'tun.

We are on the 13th stage of the calendar, going into the 14th stage. There are 20 stages. The Mayans were in their "prime" during the 8th and 9th stages. Meaning, not only is this a stupid ass theory, its not even based on any accuracies at all.

What do you guys think?
I don't know, I'm inclined to keep the superstition around. I think you could convince quite a few girls to take it in the pooper on grounds we won't be around for much longer.
Yesterday on the news, they had a report about the rich people buying dooms day condos underground. The condos avg. cost is $1.7 million. I guess, I will have to perish. lol
[quote name='Anexanhume']I don't know, I'm inclined to keep the superstition around. I think you could convince quite a few girls to take it in the pooper on grounds we won't be around for much longer.[/QUOTE]

1) the pooper is overrated
b) if I made a calendar and simply stopped at December 22, 2012, that wouldn't make the world any more inclined to end than any other reason/day.
The End of the World is on my birthday. My parents always said I would be the death of them. Who knew they would be right, go figure.
[quote name='maddfrog']I think John Cusack said it best, if the Mayans were so good at predicting the future they did a piss poor job of seeing Cortés coming their way.[/QUOTE]

LMAO thats awesome, is that from the 2012 movie? I still havent seen that, im a special effects whore so i was actually interested in seeing it.
[quote name='Lazer77']Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is simply the first day of the 14th b'ak'tun. [/QUOTE]

Well I absolutely hate it when people thoughtlessly label whacky apocalypse and conspiracy theories as new age.

While it may not be dogmatic or authoritative, new age does have a meaning. Look it up, don't be so ignorant.
I thought the Mayan calendar only had 13 b'ak'tuns. Also people are thinking this because every b'ak'tun has ended bad. Also it is not known what will happen in the Galactic alignment. People have always had doomsday predictions and the last date was 12, 31, 1999 being the last day of earth. I say who the hell knows. The Spanish destroid most of the Mayan writing and their people so whos to say what we translated is correct. I say just live how you normaly do till then and see what happens. If you wake up December 22, 2012 great everyone was wrong if you don't then everyone was right.

However I think this will happen
I remember a National Enquirer said the gates to hell would open up on this one day. Me and my cousin built a fort in a ditch by his house that week and on that day we hunkered down and waited. The world did not end. Which was good because our fort probably wouldn't have warded off any demons.
Personally, I hope its true. Recently Ive been anxiously awaiting being killed and getting this shit over with. Dont even wear my seatbelt in the hopes Ill get in a accident and fly out the windshield and get run over by a rig.
You know, nowhere in the Mayan literature describe that the end of an old baktun signify the end of the world. In fact, the only thing that they said about it was something akin to what we currently have every end of the year; a party celebrating the countdown of the old year. Except that the Mayans like to celebrate it by killing slaves and enemies and displaying their hearts to the gods!
[quote name='gargus']Personally, I hope its true. Recently Ive been anxiously awaiting being killed and getting this shit over with. Dont even wear my seatbelt in the hopes Ill get in a accident and fly out the windshield and get run over by a rig.[/QUOTE]

Hey now, just go the wrong way on the freeway. I am all for stupid people that want to die, natural selection at it's finest.
[quote name='gargus']Personally, I hope its true. Recently Ive been anxiously awaiting being killed and getting this shit over with. Dont even wear my seatbelt in the hopes Ill get in a accident and fly out the windshield and get run over by a rig.[/QUOTE]

/emo plz k ty.

And this end of the world theories are just that, theories. Remember Y2k10 or wtf ever, i might be mixing that up with that basketball game my husband plays... Either way, it's not going to happen on this date... wtf is going to happen? is the sun going to blow up? how is the world just going to stop... i don't understand. If there is ever a "end of the world" I bet it will be from something mankind related, before mother nature (like nukes rather then meteors, or anything else natural)
[quote name='Sito']Hey now, just go the wrong way on the freeway. I am all for stupid people that want to die, natural selection at it's finest.[/QUOTE]

Wrong, dont go the wrong way because that will get others hurt. Just go really fast into a forest.

If he honestly feels that way, you should either seek help, or quit trying to get attention.
[quote name='sendme']However I think this will happen[/QUOTE]

Yeah i agree, the last statement is by far the most reasonable doomsday theory lol.

But weirdly enough, i read the December 21st and 23rd theories on there. I could have sworn that the theorists are saying a huge flood is supposed to wipe out civilization on December 21st, 2012?
[quote name='clickgoplay']You know, nowhere in the Mayan literature describe that the end of an old baktun signify the end of the world. In fact, the only thing that they said about it was something akin to what we currently have every end of the year; a party celebrating the countdown of the old year. Except that the Mayans like to celebrate it by killing slaves and enemies and displaying their hearts to the gods![/QUOTE]

You mean a bunch of zealots read a book, misinterpreted it and then shoved their own batshit insane beliefs down everyone's throats? THAT'S NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE!
I really think these 2012 world ending theories are stupid. Especially the ones based on the Mayan calender (and if I remember correctly, in the translations I read, the world wasn't supposed to really end during this next cycle, just "change," which could mean anything but the complete destruction of the world).

Ugh. My husband's relatives believe in this "world is going to end in 2012" crap. Once a week they get together for a cheesy "bible study" for discussions and prayer about how the world is going to end. You know, basically preparing themselves to die. Its almost comical to watch in some kind of morbid way. When they tried to convince me of the concept of "Rapture in 2012" I ended up LOLing and asked if they could leave their stuff to my heathen self.

My grandfather-in-law is so convinced that the world is going to end that when the toilet in his bathroom broke, he didn't want to have it replaced (despite water flooding his house), because its "all going to end in 2012!"
This is the day a super Blu-Ray Collector's Edition of all the Twilight films comes out. May god have mercy on our souls.
[quote name='clickgoplay']You know, nowhere in the Mayan literature describe that the end of an old baktun signify the end of the world. In fact, the only thing that they said about it was something akin to what we currently have every end of the year; a party celebrating the countdown of the old year. Except that the Mayans like to celebrate it by killing slaves and enemies and displaying their hearts to the gods![/QUOTE]

It is odd that when traced back the end of each baktun something happens that isn't a good thing. Most the older ones cities that the Mayan's built up just go a way. As for the new ones I think they were just a flood or fire and this one is said to be a flood. However back when it was made everyone thought the world was just their little civilization so when it flooded it was the end of the world.

[quote name='Lazer77']Yeah i agree, the last statement is by far the most reasonable doomsday theory lol.

But weirdly enough, i read the December 21st and 23rd theories on there. I could have sworn that the theorists are saying a huge flood is supposed to wipe out civilization on December 21st, 2012?[/QUOTE]

I'm telling you all this shit with BP is the start of the end.

[quote name='']

In a History Channel broadcast, grey goo is referred to in a futuristic doomsday scenario: "In a common practice, billions of nanobots are released to clean up an oil spill off the coast of Louisiana. However, due to a programming error, the nanobots devour all carbon based objects, instead of just the hydrocarbons of the oil. The nanobots destroy everything, all the while, replicating themselves. Within days, the planet is turned to dust."

bread's done