Deleted Profile-Now can't access most saved games


Well I finally connected my 360 to the internet. Near the end of the process I got an error message. Decided to delete my profile(not my save games) and try it again. This time it worked.

Now the problem is all my saved games are attached to an unknown profile now. Most game don't support multiple profiles so I can't transfer them to the new profile. Thankfully mass effect was transferable. However Bluedragon and Eternal Sonata are not!

I can't recover this profile as it was never truely hooked up to xbox live.

So does anyone know if there is anything I can do or I am just screwed out of ever finishing those games.....

Why the hell does it even give the option to delete a profile and not the saved games attached to it if you can't access the save file attached to the profile! I think microsoft is pretty retarded not to have programed there system so other profiles can open other saved games.......

Anyways if anyone can help or has had a similar experiance I would be interested in hearing it.

Well it appears after turning my 360 off... or playing a seinfeld dvd(lol) that my saved data under the "unknown profile"do not even appear in the dashboard under memory. Or they were deleted.............. Glad I transfered mass effect.

Probably a duh to anyone but don't ever delete your profile.

Silly me for thinking the xbox 360 was like a computer and that you could delete a profile without deleting the games attached to it!!!!!!!!!!!

Tried recovering that profile that was halfmade, just get the same error I got when it was being made!
Same thing happened to me, apparently the option they give you to keep game saves doesn't do a thing anymore. Probably since they linked saves to gamertags it hasn't.
Was almost done with Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, and halfway through my 2nd play of Mass Effect. Those were the biggest hits. Hard to even pick them up again now.
Well I can't recall the exact error message. But it was giving me an error because I was trying to sign up with a hotmail account.... I made a new windows live email and used that, which worked fine. It was at this point I realized probably shouldn't have deleted my profile.... gives me the same error message that I got when I try to sign up as when I try to recover the account.

Don't think I was ever going to go back to bluedragon.... was going to go back to eternal sonata though.

Steap tradeoff to make xbox live work....
bread's done