Demon's Souls officially cheaper NEW than USED at GameStop

Or spend another $25-ish and import a copy from the UK, get a hardcover guide, hardcover artbook, soundtrack CD AND the game.

:evil: I'm playing devil's advocate today.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Or spend another $25-ish and import a copy from the UK, get a hardcover guide, hardcover artbook, soundtrack CD AND the game.

:evil: I'm playing devil's advocate today.[/QUOTE]

One advantage to the UK edition may be more players playing online upon release.
That is true as well. Plus, just look at what the US version guide goes for now, even with the cover missing. The limited editions are the ONLY way to get a guide for this game and the $55 or so shipped is even cheaper than the US limited version was.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Then add in CAG16 and EDGE discounts for used copies and you have about another 25% off of the $32.99.;)[/QUOTE]

Substitute 20USED for CAG16 and you'll save even more.
Unfortunately, it's not in stock on Gamestop's website, so neither of our posts really matter about how to get X amount off. I just noticed it's not currently available online.
It's bonus says:

Get $10 off a future order when you purchase Bioshock 2. The $10 coupon code will be emailed within 24 hours of order shipment. Online Offer only.

do you get the $10, or is it a mistake?
[quote name='Ibramgaunt249']On the contrary, I feel like a sucker for giving into the hype and paying full price for it on day 1.

It fun and all, but difficultly should be fun and or a challenge, not an act of frustration. Only my thoughts of course, so /shrug[/QUOTE]

I bought it and I like it but I can definitely see what your saying though and its way over hyped.

Its one of those kneejerk reactions you get from people on net when they want to sound like a cool, sophisticated, and suave gamer. "Yeah if you dont get demons souls then your not a real gamer because its a hidden gem, a overlooked classic, a underrated title, unnoticed piece of true gaming history. Yeah its hard but your hardcore if you play it" and so on.

Its like psychonauts or beyond good and evil. Its a game where its only fame is from people who want to be cool by promoting some game that isnt call of duty or mario.
[quote name='gargus']Its like psychonauts or beyond good and evil. Its a game where its only fame is from people who want to be cool by promoting some game that isnt call of duty or mario.[/QUOTE]

Oh man tell me about it. Any game that has a smaller more niche market will have the most zealous fans on the internet.

They really advertise their games, and I admit I've been fooled by their hype before.

Not saying that Demon's Souls isn't a great game, just that in general people ignore to mention flaws when talking about how cool it is to support a developer of a hardcore, niche title.
[quote name='gargus']I bought it and I like it but I can definitely see what your saying though and its way over hyped.

Its one of those kneejerk reactions you get from people on net when they want to sound like a cool, sophisticated, and suave gamer. "Yeah if you dont get demons souls then your not a real gamer because its a hidden gem, a overlooked classic, a underrated title, unnoticed piece of true gaming history. Yeah its hard but your hardcore if you play it" and so on.

Its like psychonauts or beyond good and evil. Its a game where its only fame is from people who want to be cool by promoting some game that isnt call of duty or mario.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I really couldn't stand Beyond Good & Evil, Knights Of The Old Republic and about 10-12 other games that people rave about as being underappreciated, but I did love Demon's Souls since it was incredible and namely since it wasn't Final Fantasy. I can't stand those games or ones like them. Action RPG for me all the way.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Oh man tell me about it. Any game that has a smaller more niche market will have the most zealous fans on the internet.

They really advertise their games, and I admit I've been fooled by their hype before.

Not saying that Demon's Souls isn't a great game, just that in general people ignore to mention flaws when talking about how cool it is to support a developer of a hardcore, niche title.[/QUOTE]

And what flaws are we talking about? I only played maybe the first level the last time I had the game, but I plan on finishing it this time for sure.
The $10 gift card makes it very tempting (esp since I'm getting 25% off with a 100+ order from pre-orders and already have a $10GC from an order I placed...)
[quote name='panzerfaust']I haven't played Demon's Souls, I was just saying that in general people like to exaggerate how great under-the-radar titles are.[/QUOTE]
Well it isn't Call of Duty, but it's not exactly under the radar.
I enjoyed Demon's Souls. Looking back I should have ripped off the cover and got another strategy guide when they were offering it, but I don't sell guides and didn't really need 2. oh wells
Call of duty is trash compared to demons souls and i haven't even played demons souls. MW2 was the worst game out of the 37 that i have played from this gen. I want to get demons souls but i think i have too many games already.
Call of Duty sucked ever since COD 2 and that was only good cause there was shit else out at that time.
[quote name='BarrettSan']I felt like such a sucker for buying this game at launch (and the collector's edition no less.) What started out as a fun mash of Diablo and Zelda quickly turned into a train wreck of poor gameplay design choices. The same poor design decisions that plague the battle system in Final Fantasy XIII abound in Demon's Souls. It is possible to make a game both challenging and fun - I think most Shin Megami Tensei RPGs absolutely succeed at this. There is a point where challenge crosses over into bullshit. The onus should be on the PLAYER to make good decisions and succeed. If a game punishes a player excessively for experimenting or making tiny mistakes, the game designers have failed to create a cohesive gaming experience.

In Final Fantasy XIII, there are several points where the game can potentially one-shot you if you're unlucky, or set up your paradigms wrong. It seems to me that the designers' solution for this was to allow you to instantly retry any battle - a first for the series. To me, this feels like a patched hole - like the designers couldn't find a way to completely balance the game, and so that feature was slapped on at the last minute.

At least it HAS that feature though. Demon's Souls has dozens ways for you to either completely screw yourself, or lose massive amounts of progress, and there is no framework given by the game itself for success. You just have to keep going out there and getting punched in the nuts over and over and over until you figure out exactly what the game designers wanted you to do, or spend an afternoon in the library with the guide and wiki.

You shouldn't have to do hours of research before playing a game just to ensure that you don't fuck yourself over far into the game. Falling on NPCs is bullshit. Yurt is bullshit. Getting insta-killed by interacting with the environment is bullshit. I could go on and on. It's really a shame, because the underlying game is bloody wonderful.[/QUOTE]
Everything that you mentioned as a flaw about Demon's Souls is part of the reason why it is so awesome. I platinumed the game, so it really isn't that difficult if you have the patience.

Oh and I don't ever want you to compare DS to FFXIII ever again, or use them in the same sentence. Nothing in common. DS is great, XIII is not.
[quote name='BarrettSan']I felt like such a sucker for buying this game at launch (and the collector's edition no less.) What started out as a fun mash of Diablo and Zelda quickly turned into a train wreck of poor gameplay design choices. The same poor design decisions that plague the battle system in Final Fantasy XIII abound in Demon's Souls. It is possible to make a game both challenging and fun - I think most Shin Megami Tensei RPGs absolutely succeed at this. There is a point where challenge crosses over into bullshit. The onus should be on the PLAYER to make good decisions and succeed. If a game punishes a player excessively for experimenting or making tiny mistakes, the game designers have failed to create a cohesive gaming experience.

In Final Fantasy XIII, there are several points where the game can potentially one-shot you if you're unlucky, or set up your paradigms wrong. It seems to me that the designers' solution for this was to allow you to instantly retry any battle - a first for the series. To me, this feels like a patched hole - like the designers couldn't find a way to completely balance the game, and so that feature was slapped on at the last minute.

At least it HAS that feature though. Demon's Souls has dozens ways for you to either completely screw yourself, or lose massive amounts of progress, and there is no framework given by the game itself for success. You just have to keep going out there and getting punched in the nuts over and over and over until you figure out exactly what the game designers wanted you to do, or spend an afternoon in the library with the guide and wiki.

You shouldn't have to do hours of research before playing a game just to ensure that you don't fuck yourself over far into the game. Falling on NPCs is bullshit. Yurt is bullshit. Getting insta-killed by interacting with the environment is bullshit. I could go on and on. It's really a shame, because the underlying game is bloody wonderful.[/QUOTE]

Good post. Even if a person was willing to study the game as the designers required, how many of us of the time these days? Demon Souls has intrigued me for months; but when I'm honest with myself, it's clear that I'll never be able to make the extreme commitment required. Oh well.
So, I beat this game without using magic as a Barbarian.

Really tempted to rebuy the game. But I sorte've want to wait till it is cheaper...
[quote name='Fire_Thief']Got it for $32.74 shipped, new, with a $10 credit. =][/QUOTE]

I see a credit if you add bioshock 2... how'd you get a $10 credit?
Finally tried this last night. The problem for me is not that the game is hard, but that it's punishingly unforgiving. I think the comparison with FFXIII is great. Both games let you get in way over your head, and have monsters that can one-shot you.

In FFXIII, you get one-shot, die, reload immediately before the fight, try it again defensively. If you get one-shot and die again, you learn your lesson, reload immediately before the fight, make a mental note that you can't defeat this monster yet, and move on. In total, you've lost a few minutes.

In Demon's Souls, you get one-shot, die, lose all your experience, start over at the beginning of the world, and everything respawns. You re-clear everything, try the fight again, get one-shot again, die, start over. Except Demon's Souls has so much that can potentially one-shot you, that you don't learn your lesson. So you re-clear and die again, and again, and again. Then you look up the FAQ to find out that you're not supposed to go right at the fork. So then you go left, get one-shot, die, restart. Go left again, kill the monster, progress further, get to another fork. Go right, almost die, run back to the fork. Go left, die, restart. Die again, and again. Look up FAQ, find out you're not supposed to go left. So now you're back to where you were 3 hours ago. Oh, and the FAQ suggests that you should just re-roll, because you picked the worst class. $%#!

I love that the game is hard, and that so much can kill you so easily. It instills a great sense of fear and frailty. I hate how much the game punishes you for making a mistake, and how much time you waste if you don't follow a guide. Re-clearing gets boring. Oh, and not having a pause is inexcusable for a single-player game. It's like they designed DS to suck quarters at an arcade.

Edit: And yet, despite all that, I think I'm going to go and buy it. WTH is wrong with me? I feel that DS preys on your stubbornness. It pounds you into the dust, and kicks you when you're down, but as you're spitting out teeth you can't help but think "I won't let this damn game beat me!"
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[quote name='helmet']Been playing online all evening, haven't seen a single blue marker or message. :([/QUOTE]

Then most definitely you are not online. Try double check your connection.
[quote name='XClaude']Then most definitely you are not online. Try double check your connection.[/QUOTE]

You're probably right. I can't leave messages, I can't only occasionally use my blue stone. Says I'm signed in, and when I disconnect from PSN it says I also disconnect from Demon's Souls.
I was pure dext warrior. I loved the Meat Cleaver but now have moved on to the double swords that grow more powerful with your alignment either way. Awesome game. I've been meaning to play it again. I just wish there were more levels. and wishful dreaming that the broken archstone would be dlc :)
Do you EVER feel powerful in the game? I dont mind a bit of a grind or uphill battle, but I'll be damned if its nothing but trail and error the whole way through. I got a shot at the game in December and got to the point that I defeated the Dragon on the bridge (which was incredibly BORING shooting like 150 arrows at it through a crack). Is it like this the whole game through? Because I do not have 200+ hours to devote to this...
[quote name='BarrettSan']I felt like such a sucker for buying this game at launch (and the collector's edition no less.) What started out as a fun mash of Diablo and Zelda quickly turned into a train wreck of poor gameplay design choices. The same poor design decisions that plague the battle system in Final Fantasy XIII abound in Demon's Souls. It is possible to make a game both challenging and fun - I think most Shin Megami Tensei RPGs absolutely succeed at this. There is a point where challenge crosses over into bullshit. The onus should be on the PLAYER to make good decisions and succeed. If a game punishes a player excessively for experimenting or making tiny mistakes, the game designers have failed to create a cohesive gaming experience.

In Final Fantasy XIII, there are several points where the game can potentially one-shot you if you're unlucky, or set up your paradigms wrong. It seems to me that the designers' solution for this was to allow you to instantly retry any battle - a first for the series. To me, this feels like a patched hole - like the designers couldn't find a way to completely balance the game, and so that feature was slapped on at the last minute.

At least it HAS that feature though. Demon's Souls has dozens ways for you to either completely screw yourself, or lose massive amounts of progress, and there is no framework given by the game itself for success. You just have to keep going out there and getting punched in the nuts over and over and over until you figure out exactly what the game designers wanted you to do, or spend an afternoon in the library with the guide and wiki.

You shouldn't have to do hours of research before playing a game just to ensure that you don't fuck yourself over far into the game. Falling on NPCs is bullshit. Yurt is bullshit. Getting insta-killed by interacting with the environment is bullshit. I could go on and on. It's really a shame, because the underlying game is bloody wonderful.[/QUOTE]

You still got your guide? I'm looking for one. PM me.
[quote name='Kaijuboy']Do you EVER feel powerful in the game? I dont mind a bit of a grind or uphill battle, but I'll be damned if its nothing but trail and error the whole way through. I got a shot at the game in December and got to the point that I defeated the Dragon on the bridge (which was incredibly BORING shooting like 150 arrows at it through a crack). Is it like this the whole game through? Because I do not have 200+ hours to devote to this...[/QUOTE]

Yes. There are a couple places that make leveling up easy (though repetitive). With the right equipment/stats you can make the game relatively easy (one-shot kills, etc.), though in New Game + the challenge does reset.

The dragons are the worst part of the game, in my opinion, so keep that in mind. Doesn't guarantee you'll love the rest of the game, but it does get better. :)
Amazon price matched GS again on Demon's Souls, and also has a $10 credit (that doesn't have retarded usage limitations).

I'm this close to biting on the deal on Amazon.
[quote name='timobkg']
I love that the game is hard, and that so much can kill you so easily. It instills a great sense of fear and frailty. I hate how much the game punishes you for making a mistake, and how much time you waste if you don't follow a guide. Re-clearing gets boring. Oh, and not having a pause is inexcusable for a single-player game. It's like they designed DS to suck quarters at an arcade.

Edit: And yet, despite all that, I think I'm going to go and buy it. WTH is wrong with me? I feel that DS preys on your stubbornness. It pounds you into the dust, and kicks you when you're down, but as you're spitting out teeth you can't help but think "I won't let this damn game beat me!"[/QUOTE]

That. I rented DS when it first came out and it brings out that OCD stubborn competitive survival nature quite nicely. The game's been biting at my subconscious ever since, but I didn't want to pay so much for it.

I feel that I can at least one up the game now because I bought it cheap (under $25 GS).:booty:
bread's done