Department of Homeland Security and Jesus


Department of Homeland Security and Jesus

Executive Order: Responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security with Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to help the Federal Government coordinate a national effort to expand opportunities for faith-based and other community organizations and to strengthen their capacity to better meet America's social and community needs, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment of a Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives at the Department of Homeland Security.

(a) The Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) shall establish within the Department of Homeland Security (Department) a Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (Center).

Much like the end of Star Trek 5 when Kirk asks the alien, "What does God need with a star ship?" I ask, what does God need with a Department of Homeland Security?
I consider this to be a tricky issue. On the one hand, I feel that since Churches are exempt from paying state & federal taxes, they should not be receiving federal tax money (collected from everybody else who DOES pay taxes) in the form of grants to facilitate assorted social services.

On the other hand, I want to be practical and would prefer that whichever group is capable of doing the job the best should be the one assigned to the task. Why give a secular group federal grant money to do a crappier job than that which we knew a religious group could do? I think the people being helped wouldn't care who was helping them, really.

Then again, I don't believe there ever was anything barring religious bodies from performing these good deeds...they just weren't allowed to compete for federal funding. If they're so capable and caring, why don't they use the money that *might* have gone to pay "their fair share" of taxes and consider THAT to be their federal funding?
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