Desktop, Laptop, or Netbook


53 (100%)
Which do you prefer, and why? I'm curious to see the arguments that arise. I'm also interested in knowing if it's a desktop, then do you prefer to build it yourself, or buy pre-assembled. Not intending to start some online war, I just enjoy reading people's opinions.
[quote name='Riyonuk']Which do you prefer, and why? I'm curious to see the arguments that arise. I'm also interested in knowing if it's a desktop, then do you prefer to build it yourself, or buy pre-assembled. Not intending to start some online war, I just enjoy reading people's opinions.[/QUOTE]

Laptop if I had to choose one, but I have no problem with a desktop either as you can generally get much better specs for a lower price. A laptop is more useful for me however as I can take it to different places if I need to. I'm not a fan of netbooks mainly because of the smaller keyboard and for a little bit more, you can generally get a laptop.
if i had to choose just one i'd go laptop.. only because i'm in school (as in, on campus a lot and carry a backpack to store it in).. if i weren't in school, i'd have no real need for a laptop other than the rare travel day and would be 100% content with desktop-only.

in my situation, i prefer desktop + laptop.

since my laptop broke, i've been desktop only and have been getting by just fine.

i definitely prefer huge screens (i'm running dual 24", wanna up to 30") and good keyboards/mice/speakers.. for me that's more important than the computing power advantage.
The desktop + netbook combo is my favorite. Desktop for games and real work, netbook for portable and light-weight web browsing.

But if I had to pick one, it would be a laptop with a decent-sized screen. You get portability, horsepower, and affordability (unless you buy an $1800 Macbook Air :D )
Choosing between them is kinda sorta really retarded.

They're different machines, and they have different uses. When you pick one, you pick one that most suits you at that particular time.

If you have nothing at all, and you want to have a machine that's somewhat well-rounded, then a Laptop is a no-brainer. My first 3 years in college, I survived doing my papers, media watching, and countless hours of WoW on my dilapitated Gateway 7426gx.

Now, I upgraded to a Desktop for gaming/main machine. Though (stupidly) I still went for a sub-$1k laptop, where if I waited 3 or so months later I could have found and gotten myself a netbook that would fit all my portable needs without the massive hit on the wallet.

For me, my desktop is a off-the-shelf variety, just because I didn't want the hassle of building it myself, and BB was doing a bitching special on a monitor+tower+printer deal at the time that I just went with it. More often than not, I would buy a basic model from the shelf, and do a number of incremental upgrades overtime, until the unit is no longer recognizable from the shelf models.

I miss building my machines though, and I've been thinking to build a simple sub $500 machine for my fiancee's nephew that moved in with us, so I might go that route.
Here is my opinions.

Desktop- If you are planning on doing any really hardcore gaming (as most newer games), or if you don't need a computer for travel.

If you are making a gamer machine build yourself, it will save money and also you will select every part and you know whats in it.

If you don't want a gaming machine, then ordering something like a dell will work. Sure you wont have 100% control but it will save hassle and not be that more expensive if not cheaper for that range.

Laptops are good if you travel and want to do anything. I do not recommend gaming on the laptop or buying high end gaming laptops due to heat and how quickly parts get replaced. I only recommend a laptop if you don't want a desktop.

Netbook- Only if you have a desktop. They are small but good for basic things like web surfing. Don't play to do heavy amounts of work on it but it will run most apps. Good for travel and if you just need something light but I only recommend if you have a desktop due to not a lot of power.
Desktop. Even if I'm not gaming, I like the ability to not have to micromanage tasks to improve other things going on. On my craptop, I have to close all applications before I watch a movie/play a game or else it lags like all hell.
laptop: I haven't turned on my desktop more than twice in the past few years ever since I got my laptop. My wife even asks me every so often why we still have it.
If you could only have one, I would go for a desktop with a small form factor such as a shuttle pc. that way i could have the benefit of having the most powerful machine while still being able to transport it fairly easily if needed.
I prefer my desktop in general, since I can store almost everything I want on it (Pictures, Music, etc) and do all my gaming on it. I find it much easier to write a paper on a desktop than a laptop as well.

Laptops are fine, I use one at work, if you're in a field you travel a lot, I would recommend it even.
i prefer desktops, and to build my own.

but if i could only have 1 of the 3 id take a laptop.

i have a desktop and laptop currently. (iphone too)
I currently have a desktop to take care of all of my needs, with some light gaming. I just bought a netbook (Dell mini 9) to be able to carry it anywhere, or have it on my lap when I'm sitting on the couch or something.
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