Destiny 2 *Official* CAG Thread - Farmhands Wanted

Anybody pull off 5 kills with one life in IB?

I did pick up a hooded cape for my hunter from my first package.

On a side note every time I see IB I think International Baccalaureate.
I completed all the challenges, but I think I only did it because I wasn't thinking about it. :)

Though I had to redeem all my milestone engrams that were available...but I'm in a much better place. Still rocking 296 & 297 gloves & chest though...cause RNG.

I'm not a big fan of the American Gladiator/current DC comics style spandex hunter faction planetary faction gear either, but imo the somewhat more worn in or modern military style gear is much more appealing to me. So if you mix and match you can get a nice looking set w/the right shaders.

got the NF done w/Non & gotdott. 1st try too which is always nice. There was a moment where it didn't seem like it was going to happen, the boss had some new moves but then a couple waves of a dozen vex certainly helped trigger Orpheus Rig's super over and over again.

Dat IB tho...Sins of the Past, Mida Multi-Tool, & Uriel's Gift & supers was the most common ways to get kilt by the other team. So i had to comply except I don't have a good rocket launcher yet.

Seriously not a fan of Control but we did pretty decent aside from what appeared to look like wall hack shenanigans, throwing knife to the face w/no kill vs. a hunter, and melee short comings. The first 2 challenges were easy, the 5 streak on 1 life? Thank you golden gun & sword. Grabbed power armor, sworded their entire team starting w/their shiny titan showboating his raid sword. That's great value.

I haven't cashed in my tokens yet, I figure after I loot the rest of Cayde's treasure chests and possibly up my power level by 1 or 2 I'll start redeeming them in hopes for the right stuff.

You did IB stuff yesterday? Before reset?

Also two packages and two IB weapons and no armor... Although that hand cannon might be nice...
Yesterday to me meant last night after the 2am reset. If I go to sleep afterwards, what I did before that is yesterday even if technically it is still the same day ;).

Anybody pull off 5 kills with one life in IB?

I did pick up a hooded cape for my hunter from my first package.
Nice pickup. I hate all the armor for the Hunter that I've gotten so far so I'd love the IB set. I'm 5 packages in and I have boots for the Hunter, the Titan helm (which is cool), and then like 3 of the same damn weapon. I think it is an auto rifle. Is that thing any good?

So about the 5 kills. I *think* it counts if you assist on a kill too. I got it on my first 2 characters without even realizing it was a bounty. But then on my Hunter I had a hard time (because Hunters suck). But I'm pretty sure when I did get it that I only assisted on 1 or 2 of the kills. As long as you see "defeated xxx" show up I think it counts. That means you either killed or assisted on it. That makes it considerably easier.

So at there no longer drops from the matches themselves? In previous IB you could always do the bounties and rank up rewards PLUS get a lot of stuff to drop at the end of matches. Sometimes things didn't drop till you got a higher rank. I'm hoping maybe they drop once we hit 10 packages. Also, what is this "seasonal reward" nonsense? I'm wondering what character to redeem it on. If it is powerful engram stuff I'll want to use my 305 Titan. But if it is just a chance for more armor at lower power levels I'll want to use my Hunter to have a better chance of getting the armor set.

But I think maybe the highly random and infrequent drops are a way to get you to come back to IB again and again. If they made it too easy to get full armor sets for each character the first time, people wouldn't do it again later.

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You get the regular blus drops at the end of the IB match with a chance to get a legendary plus the slimmer chance to get a purple or yellow engram. You do not get any kind of IB gear as post match rewards as far as I have seen.

So far I've gotten the 3 daily IB challenges done my first or second match of the day.
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Also, what is this "seasonal reward" nonsense? I'm wondering what character to redeem it on. If it is powerful engram stuff I'll want to use my 305 Titan. But if it is just a chance for more armor at lower power levels I'll want to use my Hunter to have a better chance of getting the armor set.
Lol all you get is an emblem.
10 IB Packages and so far...

3 Auto Rifles
1 Scout Rifle
2 Fusion Rifles
3 Warlock Chest Pieces
1 Hunter Arms set
1 Hunter Legs set

I want helmets and hopefully Leg piece for my Warlock

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Interesting fact that I just assumed didn’t work but for hunters who can have two kinetic weapon balance mods they do stack and in turn make the IB pulse an absolute beast.

I’ve been having okay luck myself FINALLY haha have the arms and boots on my titan, helmet for warlock and then cloak and chest for my hunter. Weapon wise I am only missing the smg, fusion and nade launcher plus of those three I only want the smg anyway.
Lol all you get is an emblem.
Bungie loves those things.

EDIT - To expand on this: sure, some emblems look nice, but the majority of them (to me) are quite meh. There were a few that I liked in D1 (a NM and a DO one) but they just aren't that important to me. I do like that when you equip an emblem in D2 it slightly changes how your chacter/inventory/clan screens look, but I still don't think of emblems as a reward to work towards.

All that being said, I'm still completing that Milestone. :)

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...but at least RNG finally dropped a blue chest at the lowest LL for me which actually upgraded my chest finally.

5 IB packages and thus:

2 - Hunter Helmets (IB)

1 - Handcannon (IB)

1 - AR (IB)

1 - Scout Rifle (IB)

(plus shaders and random purples)

The hunter helmt default is classy...once you put a shader on it that highlights the lower part, it suddenly makes you look like a Samurai demon kabuto mask, the mouth of Sauron, or one of the Hive. I'm rocking Suros something which makes the mouth part metallic red, gold lattice work, and ivory where the eyes or eye slits would be. I'd like to think it's pretty menacing to the local fauna.

Scout rifle hits hard...but I've been using Nameless Midnight, The End, & Mida so it really feels very different. I'll need some more practice if I want to use it, or I can just use the other options.

Had the hardest time getting the quick multi kills in IB...the other team encounters tended to be 3 v 1, or staggered in such killing them 1,2, 3 didn't count towards the challenge...not that I'm complaining whenever that happened be it rarely. haha.

One Warlock teleport jumped and evaded all 3 gunslinger shots...I was both in shock & awe, then he rightfully started t-bagging my corpse so Non added him to his k/d that match mid bag. lol.

Completed the IB daily with my 2 characters - 1 titan, 1 hunter.

In general crucible/IB is much more fun when it's a very tight, competitive match. These slaughter matches are the worst, especially when you're on the losing end. It's much better when the people you're playing with understand team tactics. The heck with those me first, I'll do everything by myself, 12 year old tactics.
Just watched a guy on YouTube open 17 IB packages and he did not get a full set of armor or the weapons.
better still is one of the top ranked Hearthstone players after spending $600 on electronic card packs for a specific expansion, still was missing 7 legendary cards. (granted it was all youtube endorsements and tourney prize money...but damn)

RNG gonna RNG.

A shame you don't earn more rep by using the IB emblem like previous.

Where's my custom sparrow vapor trail mods?!


...but at least RNG finally dropped a blue chest at the lowest LL for me which actually upgraded my chest finally.

5 IB packages and thus:

2 - Hunter Helmets (IB)

1 - Handcannon (IB)

1 - AR (IB)

1 - Scout Rifle (IB)

(plus shaders and random purples)

The hunter helmt default is classy...once you put a shader on it that highlights the lower part, it suddenly makes you look like a Samurai demon kabuto mask, the mouth of Sauron, or one of the Hive. I'm rocking Suros something which makes the mouth part metallic red, gold lattice work, and ivory where the eyes or eye slits would be. I'd like to think it's pretty menacing to the local fauna.

Scout rifle hits hard...but I've been using Nameless Midnight, The End, & Mida so it really feels very different. I'll need some more practice if I want to use it, or I can just use the other options.

Had the hardest time getting the quick multi kills in IB...the other team encounters tended to be 3 v 1, or staggered in such killing them 1,2, 3 didn't count towards the challenge...not that I'm complaining whenever that happened be it rarely. haha.

One Warlock teleport jumped and evaded all 3 gunslinger shots...I was both in shock & awe, then he rightfully started t-bagging my corpse so Non added him to his k/d that match mid bag. lol.
You should time your GG shots to be right before he lands. Did you happen to get a recording of that? :)

You should time your GG shots to be right before he lands. Did you happen to get a recording of that? :)
The problem was the situation was CQC & there was a large stone in the center of the room. He saw me, he jump/teleported and I lost track of him. Fired where I thought he was, then when he landed he jumped/teleported in another direction, I fired a fraction too late, etc etc. Then I die.

Of course there was also another player shooting into the room so that added to the confusion after the 2nd shot.

No recording unfortunately, though I don't know if I want to watch that loop over and over.

Io might have a recording of us in D1 in a 2v2 match where my greatest moment in PVP history happened but that was likely more luck and right place right time.

Looks like the Target Crota Funko is going to be a disaster. Some stores put theirs out already and some stores are holding till Sunday. Apparently they get a assortment of them now under the same DCPI number with only 2 Crotas per box. If anyone finds one or an extra I still have a extra sealed vinyl Target exclusive Ghost to trade.
Looks like the Target Crota Funko is going to be a disaster. Some stores put theirs out already and some stores are holding till Sunday. Apparently they get a assortment of them now under the same DCPI number with only 2 Crotas per box. If anyone finds one or an extra I still have a extra sealed vinyl Target exclusive Ghost to trade.
Was there a release during D1? I saw them on ebay in the past week listed at $400. Or are target employees prelisting with the expectation of hoarding?

Also I think you might be able to get them shipped out of China. But it will take a month to get here and there's no guarantee on the condition.

And target brickseek is FUBAR'D.
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302* (still)

RNG laughed at me and great me more exotic grenade launchers to not be able to infuse into anything helpful...I did get an Antiope-D finally. Speaking of which, the IB SMG is pretty decent, high caliber rounds on an SMG is kinda crazy...though it does lack the range of the Antiope-D.

58 IB tokens away from dat emblem...and I only have one character. If it's another quiet night, that may change.

Trials Friday!

Same time tonight.

I earned enough IB tokens to open 10 packages, and all I've gotten is the Hunter boots and the cloak THREE TIMES...

Can't believe you only get an emblem for making rank 10 you would think they could throw in a aura or something also.
You'd really think it would include a powerful engram - maybe for IB gear, but even if it was just a regular one that would be nice. A single emblem is super lame. I mean the emblem is one of the cooler ones, but it's only an emblem...

I earned enough IB tokens to open 10 packages, and all I've gotten is the Hunter boots and the cloak THREE TIMES...
And here I want the damn cloak, and then I can stop opening packages on my Hunter. But I've gotten two arms and two chests for my Hunter. I did pop one package on my Titan and got the Mark, though, so I guess that's cool. Still trying to get cloak and helm for Hunter, but I'd stop at the cloak if I got that as I have an exotic helm that I use.

The only bounty I've been having any trouble with is the double play one (which you need to do 3 times). I was on my Hunter the other day and it took me several matches to get my 3rd one after getting my first two quickly. The Hunter supers just aren't good for that. I can nearly always get two people with Arc Staff, but not quickly enough since everyone runs. I eventually got it with my Raid rocket launcher.

The Hunter is really good for the super-shutdown bounty though. Golden gun is perfect for taking out an arc staff, stormcaller, or shield dude.

Today's bounties, on the other hand, I got done in just one match with my Warlock and I think 2 matches with my Hunter. I'd say these are the easiest set because you don't really have to try to do anything special to get them. Getting 10 kills with advantage (2 control zones) just depends on getting a team that actually tries.

So, OK, I see you guys saying you are playing, but both my friend and clan list have been really empty ever since IB started. (Then Gott et al just ignored my request to join their 3-man group in IB the other day. But that's OK ;)). Did something else come out this week? Destiny seems dead now. I had to use the guided games thing to get just 1 of my 3 Nightfalls done and it isn't even that hard this week.

If anyone wants to run Nightfall, or, like, even the Raid (which I haven't touched this week), I'll be on again tonight after 9 or 10 Pacific. Hell, if nothing else, we should get a group of 6 together to open the first raid door 3 times to get the powerful engram for each character.

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Made Rank 8 this morning in IB these are my IB rewards so far.

3 Hand Cannons

1 Pulse Rifle

1 Auto Rifle

1 Scout Rifle

1 Sub Machine Gun

1 IB Bond

Cant wait to get to Rank 10 to get the emblem

Just started the game yesterday and applied for the the CAG clan. PSN name is Nechrid, do i add this to the Wiki post? It seems messed up as there are not many users under the PlayStation section.

If you applied, the Admin's will catch it.  You're good.  I think we have two spots open at the moment.  The D2 thread in the PS4 forum isn't as lively, but the clan has plenty of PS4 players. 

Random thoughts:

- The Crota funko pop IS hitting Target stores as far east as Michigan, I can confirm.  I haven't found one, but when you go up to random Target employee and ask for a funko pop and they know which one you are looking for, it means that this sumbish is popular and it's likely that I won't find one.  if anyone comes across one, please pick it up and I'll pay you for the Pop, shipping and a bit for your trouble via paypal. 

- The Raid:  It's not fun.  Callus is not fun to fight nor interesting on his own.  I finally got the itch to try this raid and spent all friggin night with two different groups trying to take out Callus.  This started around 11 PM.  I went to bed at 4 AM with nothing to show for it other than 3 raid tokens that I can't use and a handful of legendary engrams.  No fun was had. 

Lastly, we know the first expansion is coming at some point and I thought it was to come in December.  Hopefully we'll hear a little about it soon. 

Clearly I suck at this game. My KD is 0.35. I don't know what I'm doing in the raid. But I'm not a quitter. It's just time for me to retrain and up my game. Apologies if I've dragged your game down.
Clearly I suck at this game. My KD is 0.35. I don't know what I'm doing in the raid. But I'm not a quitter. It's just time for me to retrain and up my game. Apologies if I've dragged your game down.
LOL, like that Trials round we got into? Man, we all got our asses handed to us! My KD is now getting around 1, but I'm only "just ok" at regular crucible. I blow at Trials and haven't fared well in IB. (by the way, sorry for bailing on that. My mic was jacked up and knew I wasn't going to be any help in Trials)

Even though I was griping about completely wasting my time in the raid last night, I did learn the mechanics. This game isn't always forgiving. But, if you stick with it, you do come out on top.

LOL, like that Trials round we got into? Man, we all got our asses handed to us! My KD is now getting around 1, but I'm only "just ok" at regular crucible. I blow at Trials and haven't fared well in IB. (by the way, sorry for bailing on that. My mic was jacked up and knew I wasn't going to be any help in Trials)

Even though I was griping about completely wasting my time in the raid last night, I did learn the mechanics. This game isn't always forgiving. But, if you stick with it, you do come out on top.
I've been watching some YouTube videos on mechanics and tactics. Hopefully that will help.
Well it took 21 IB packages, but I finally got all the Hunter gear.  I had enough tokens left over for one more package and it contained the helmet for my Warlock. :)

Also, I somehow got two Exotic Engrams about 15 minutes apart and one of them was a new to me weapon (The Prospector).  It looks like RNG took pity on me after all those horrid IB matches.  One of them was so short, a single 30-second recording captured the whole match before Saladin used the Mercy Rule...

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Stopped by target today to check for a Crota. Sounds like part of the problem is that they just unload and restock the funko pop area whenever they get to it. If the target near you got around to it early this week they released Crota before 10/15. On the other hand, if they're in no rush to put the new stock out Crota is in the back in a box on a palette to be released who knows when.
Well it took 21 IB packages, but I finally got all the Hunter gear. I had enough tokens left over for one more package and it contained the helmet for my Warlock. :)
I think I'm 19 in and just can't get the cloak OR helmet. I've gotten like 5 damn auto rifles though. I have also gotten 3 chest pieces :roll:.

Broly, you are a hand cannon guy. You like the IB one? It seems to have good range and impact, but handling/recoil is high. That double kinetic recoil ability for the Hunter might be good to use for it though.

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Broly, you are a hand cannon guy. You like the IB one? It seems to have good range and impact, but handling/recoil is high. That double kinetic recoil ability for the Hunter might be good to use for it though.
I am in love with Better Devils. That HC is great, handles well with manageable recoil and it packs a punch. Real easy to aim and target for crit shots, too. Love it.

I think I'm 19 in and just can't get the cloak OR helmet. I've gotten like 5 damn auto rifles though. I have also gotten 3 chest pieces :roll:.

Broly, you are a hand cannon guy. You like the IB one? It seems to have good range and impact, but handling/recoil is high. That double kinetic recoil ability for the Hunter might be good to use for it though.
It is a decent gun overall and fun to use in PvE. I can't get over how much I love the IB pulse though! That and I have been using my "boop machine" tractor cannon in PvP and holy crap is that a hilarious way to get a kill. Just boop people off ledges when they super, so good!

We plowed through the Raid nice and quickly last night so be sure to get your Hawthorne Engram. All I wanted was the rocket.. STILL. Everyone else who wanted it still got it... Except me. Then I redeemed 100+ ib tokens on my titan in hopes of finally getting the helmet...and I got a ton of duplicates. I hate this game haha ugh.
302* (still)

Warlock is up & ready...just need to do the patrol quest & take to Zavalla to unlock the NF's. Still trying to get used to the jump when I need it and not once in a while.

IB - just need the fusion rifle and I should have all the gunz. Still need the arms & legs for my hunter though the arms are more important as I'm likely never taking my Orpheus Rig off.

IB Pulse rifle? Yes. Best pulse rifles I've used so far and it shreds...not a fan of the hand cannon so much, especially when there's Better Devils, Dire Promise, & Old Fashioned. Sure it hits really hard but, the recoil & rof in my hands makes is less of a deadly weapon. hahaha.

I watched a bunch of youtube videos on how to git gud in the crucible and I gotta say it's helped a lot. I never really utilized the vertical axis of the maps much but changing my playstyle, awareness, and jump mechanic really made a difference for my hunter most. Now I'm rocking a scout rifle or smg & side arm with much better effect.

Raid - got the scout rifle from the clan reward, thanks guys. Hopefully the rocket launcher is in the stars next but more importantly being able to complete the raid itself.

Same time tonight...and now w/options.

Man, never start reading a forum thread for a game you are invested in, but not hardcore. You are all putting up neon signs telling me where the rabbit hole is, but I'm trying to stay on the surface.

I just need to accept I'm missing out on a lot and be cool with that. :)
I didn't get to play much iron banner until this weekend. Well, that's a lie. I could have but Stardew Valley came out on Switch and damn that game is addictive. After seeing how much time it would take to get a full set of armor I just kind of gave up and went back to farming nessus for the rest of my armor set. I actually was doing pretty good in IB. Too bad the rewards seem messed up.

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It is a decent gun overall and fun to use in PvE. I can't get over how much I love the IB pulse though! That and I have been using my "boop machine" tractor cannon in PvP and holy crap is that a hilarious way to get a kill. Just boop people off ledges when they super, so good!

We plowed through the Raid nice and quickly last night so be sure to get your Hawthorne Engram. All I wanted was the rocket.. STILL. Everyone else who wanted it still got it... Except me. Then I redeemed 100+ ib tokens on my titan in hopes of finally getting the helmet...and I got a ton of duplicates. I hate this game haha ugh.
So I ended up getting another IB hand cannon with an elusive legendary kinetic mod on it so I gave it a shot in PvE. I don't like it. I got that Tractor Cannon the other day - will have to try that out.

I was wondering who did the Raid - I thought maybe our PS4 brethren finally came through since I never see you guys on any more. I'd like to complete the stupid Raid on my Titan to unlock the vendor so please include me if you can this week! So, yeah, my stupid engram was another god damn Mob Justice. I have like 3 of those at 300 now. Was hoping for some armor.

As for IB, I've opened at least 22 packages on my Hunter and while I finally got the helmet, I still don't have the cloak. I really hate this system because now I will have to move over to my Titan since the chances of getting that cloak are infinitesimal and thus I'll never be able to complete the set for the Hunter. In the old IB you had guaranteed drops so you knew what you could get each time.

I also hate that they did the 3x double play bounty in 3 days in a row. I didn't have time to complete that on my Warlock and Titan before reset last night so that cost me another 34 tokens. After reset I got it done on my Hunter - I actually ended up with 2 triple plays in the process!

IB Pulse rifle? Yes. Best pulse rifles I've used so far and it shreds...not a fan of the hand cannon so much, especially when there's Better Devils, Dire Promise, & Old Fashioned. Sure it hits really hard but, the recoil & rof in my hands makes is less of a deadly weapon. hahaha.
I tried out the IB pulse rifle and I just don't get the love for it. I used to be a big pulse rifle guy in Destiny 1 too. I tried the double kinetic recoil Hunter thing and I don't see any difference between that and using just 1 mod. It seems like they make no difference, actually.

And, damn, I infused a 300 Old Fashioned into my IB hand cannon. Oh well.

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If anybody here manages an extra Crota, please let me know.  My store had employees hold them back and flip them on eBay.  Will gladly pay extra for shipping/time.

I tried out the IB pulse rifle and I just don't get the love for it. I used to be a big pulse rifle guy in Destiny 1 too. I tried the double kinetic recoil Hunter thing and I don't see any difference between that and using just 1 mod. It seems like they make no difference, actually.

And, damn, I infused a 300 Old Fashioned into my IB hand cannon. Oh well.
idk, maybe because we're so used to scout rifles & AF's, when a good pulse shows up it's suddenly awesome. I've tried a few pulse rifles in crucible and the recoil pattern was tight and handled like a hybrid AF/pulse. I'll have to try it again and see if I actually do well with it or if I just had a good string of matches.

I tried out the IB pulse rifle and I just don't get the love for it. I used to be a big pulse rifle guy in Destiny 1 too. I tried the double kinetic recoil Hunter thing and I don't see any difference between that and using just 1 mod. It seems like they make no difference, actually.

And, damn, I infused a 300 Old Fashioned into my IB hand cannon. Oh well.
Playing Iron Banner this week between all three characters right after one another it most definitely is there (difference in having 2x Kinetic Recoil Mods). I can totally notice when I swap to my Warlock or Titan from using my Hunter with it. There was a video I saw last week and he showed how the recoil pattern doesn't necessarily change vertically it just mitigates the horizontal recoil. Burning the trigger on my hunter I just have to manage vertical recoil whereas on the others it veers to the sides as well.

Playing Iron Banner this week between all three characters right after one another it most definitely is there (difference in having 2x Kinetic Recoil Mods). I can totally notice when I swap to my Warlock or Titan from using my Hunter with it. There was a video I saw last week and he showed how the recoil pattern doesn't necessarily change vertically it just mitigates the horizontal recoil. Burning the trigger on my hunter I just have to manage vertical recoil whereas on the others it veers to the sides as well.
OK, I had just tried it out for public events and I was marking how far it jumped vertically via the background and 1 or 2 recoil mods made no difference. But, yeah, I didn't look at the side-to-side. But it also seemed like the vertical recoil was considerably more than any horizontal. And also, I think I can have 2 kinetic recoil mods on my Titan. I'm pretty sure I have two different pieces with it anyway. I'll check for sure later.

I might switch to Nameless Midnight for IB though. It seems like people can two shot me with that while I'm still plugging away with Mida and barely have their shields off. If I do that, then I wouldn't even be using an exotic weapon since I'd have Uriels in the second slot and Sins of the Past in the 3rd. But for the most part I use Uriels anyway. With the Titan chest that reloads auto rifles it is pretty beastly.

Any chance of a raid tonight? Or at least the Nightfall? I still have to run that x2.

Other than that I'm just going to try to get the IB bounties on my Titan and Warlock (already did Hunter after reset last night) and maybe get 2 packages on my Titan to try for some more armor for him.

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My inner power gamer refused to awaken and I slept through a last ditch attempt at getting the arms for the hunter in IB before reset...on the other hand, that extra sleep will have me fresh for tonight's activities.

I'll be on for NF tonight and raiding.

Didn't cash in my milestone engrams for my alt so it was a nice surprise to see in the companion app I got the warlock gloves that makes you a melee beast and solo strikes...not that I'd want to solo strikes w/out proper incentive. :D

what dance does Tess have today? I've been saving dust for a proper dance emote.

Edit: Also noticed the Clan XP reset.

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IB loot summary:  I was able to get all the gear for the Hunter and all but the legs for the Warlock.  I was excited about the Warlock gear because I got three of the pieces quickly, but the last 8 or so packages only resulted in the fourth piece of gear (and untold weapons).

As far as this new "turn in tokens to get random loot" system is concerned, I do like how they no longer have random perks on the armor because I don't want to be stuck with perks that don't work for me, and I certainly don't miss having to balance the stats to try to get Tier 12 anymore.  But I wish that instead of hoping that RNG gives you what you want that they would introduce a system where you spend X tokens to get the specific piece of gear you want.  Make them expensive as heck (~40 tokens each?) so that people still have a reason to grind, but I very much disliked struggling to get enough tokens for 3 packages only for all of those packages (all three of them) to contain the IB SMG.  :fridge:

Okay, so I am at 266 with a single character. What is the best use of my time attempting to move the needle on my light level? Doing all the various and sundry adventures and quests? Pretending I know how to play PvP well? Trying to track down people to play with in the cooperative space?

I do okay with anything I try, but there seems to be another layer that isn't quite clicking for me. Like the whole "don't open a bunch of chests in chronoproximity" that is so antithetical to my "Clear All The Icons!" open world strategy. And there are still some public events I don't know how to trigger the Heroic version. Stuff like that.

I suppose I should also find a clan.
Okay, so I am at 266 with a single character. What is the best use of my time attempting to move the needle on my light level? Doing all the various and sundry adventures and quests? Pretending I know how to play PvP well? Trying to track down people to play with in the cooperative space?

I do okay with anything I try, but there seems to be another layer that isn't quite clicking for me. Like the whole "don't open a bunch of chests in chronoproximity" that is so antithetical to my "Clear All The Icons!" open world strategy. And there are still some public events I don't know how to trigger the Heroic version. Stuff like that.

I suppose I should also find a clan.
Public Events (Heroic) are the most efficient way to not only get gear but XP as well. imo Titan tends to be good because the close proximity of the 3 pub events that occur along w/how often the heroic is triggered. There's also usually a high value target near each event, sometimes even shooting the enemies at said event.

The gear & tokens will help w/the RNG process of getting higher level gear and exotics for infusing.

Doing story line missions after the campaign also help w/rewards that should be rewarded higher than your current power level. I would only recommend you stagger them since it's always good to start and finish one when you reach a power level wall.

Same goes w/your powerful & luminous engram milestone rewards. Redeem one, level up until you get stuck...then redeem the next one...etc etc.

With this practice you should w/casual play raise 2-3 power levels a day...then every powerful, luminous, or storyline mission gear reward, jump another 1-2 on top of it.

The chest looting cap is just 5 w/in 5 minutes...basically, don't do it w/Cayde's chests. Open his chest first then go do a public event before you seek out the next treasure chest.

Google the many ways to boost levels on youtube, there's hundreds of them.

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...Warlock alt. Go figure.

I did however cash in on every weekly that was obtainable to get there but it's only a matter of time before I finally get dat 305.

Thanks gotdott & Non for spearheading the NF w/me last night. Learned the hard way that when you hit the first ring it triggers all the ones in the area to spawn and then start the decay timer on them to destablize. So...don't jump through the ring until you clear ads and maybe even have someone in position to jump through some hoops that spawn higher than usual.

Having a great time crucible w/the Transitive Steps on the warlock, I actually am enjoying PVP w/the warlock more than the hunter.

Now I just need to do everything again w/my main...but I'm starting at 302 so the cap is within reach!

Same time...and good luck to those who will no doubt tackle the prestige raid tonight for shinier stuff.

bread's done