Deus Ex the Movie


1 (100%)
Something always brings me back to articles like this:

Here sits a pretty much ready made movie, (the story, characters, everything they need is there) and yet movie studios decide instead to shoot the most abysmal pieces of crap ever, and say it's based on a videogame.

This movie, if done right, would be so completely kick ass, that it would make The Core look that much worse. Seriously, wtf was with that movie, pile of shit imo.

So for any fans out there, what kinds of things would you like to see happen in a Deus Ex movie, provided they make one.

Personally I'd like to learn more about JC's brother and the kinds of missions he was involved with.

Legacy of Kain would be an awesome movie as well, long as Wes Craven is kept far far away from it.
[quote name='']We wait with baited breath and hope someone other than Eminem, The Rock or Ashton Kutcher is hired for the role.[/quote]

A few more names to throw on that list: Ben Affleck, Vin Diesel and Colin Farrell. If any of those actors are in the movie, I'm going to boycott Hollywood.
Deus Ex tells a deep, interesting, coherent story. It'll take years of rewrites before they manage to come up with a script that turns that into a random mishmash of action scenes that have nothing to do with the game.

It'll come out eventually, but by the time it does, no one will care and it'll stink anyway.
Deus Ex The Conspiracy is one of my favorite games ever. The story is prime movie material, but the way movies are translated I'd fear it would turn out horrible.
bread's done