Dexter - Season 5 Discussion Thread



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Excellent episode. It just keeps getting better and better.

It was pretty horrible to see him tell Rita's kids about what happened. Wasn't too happy about Deb hooking up with Quinn, but they've been teasing it for a few seasons now.. The end phone call flashback with Rita where he said "Goodbye, Rita Bennett" and she said "Goodbye, Dexter Morgan." was really sad.

Also, the scene where he went apeshit in the bathroom and let it all out in one huge scream of anguish/frustration/sadness/despair .. wow
I thought this episode was kinda underwhelming, but the season preview has me excited as hell.
Maybe the blood on the wedding dress from the S3 finale will rear its ugly head. To credit Quinn's stupid theory that Dexter killed her in a jealous rage, as if he has been some sort of abusive husband all the way back to their wedding.
I absolutely think he did it - Rita doesn't fit Trinity's M.O. at all and they made it a point to mention that.
I'm already sick to death of the director's mediocre attempts at channeling Doakes every other season through some of the most underwhelming characters the series has to offer. You guys already played that hand deciding to cash in early. Dexter HAD the perfect foil until the decision was made to KILL HIM OFF in spectacular fashion. You can't magically recreate that sort of chemistry between actors so why you're so insistent on wearing out this angle's welcome is beyond me.


Unfortunately it isn't the only one (already sick of the random in-house romances) so I'll start praying early the Quinn/Deb arc crashes and burns much sooner than later. I mean Quinn? Seriously? ...Gross.
[quote name='Scorch']
I absolutely think he did it - Rita doesn't fit Trinity's M.O. at all and they made it a point to mention that.

Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. Trinity did it to get back at Dexter. Rita's time of death puts Dexter at Batista and La Guerta's wedding (they say so in the opener).

My thoughts on the opener.

I agree that this episode was a little underwhelming. I guess I had to be given it was a setup for the season.

I think we saw a little bit more of Dexter's ability to feel emotion. That's the first pure rage kill we've ever seen (bathroom), and his willingness to engage his emotions brought Harry back. He's finally able to feel love and remorse and simply not recognize what he should do to appear like to he does.

As for Deb and Quinn, I hope Quinn fucking dies. He's got two things going against him. 1) Everyone Deb fucks either dies or almost dies. 2) Everyone who gets too close to Dexter dies. Deb pisses me off because it's obvious she uses sex as an emotional coping mechanism.
I was disappointed.

They are trying too hard to line up a "everybody thinks Dexter could have done the murder" storyline. Dexter has always been cold and making the characters go "whoa, he is really cold" after he finds his wife dead is stupid. Have they never heard of somebody shutting down after a tragedy?

Same with the Dad coming back and saying "that's the first human thing you have done since she died". What? It breaks every one of his Harry's rules and the guy didn't even do anything besides be an asshole. How was that a good thing along with screaming on the bathroom floor?

The eulogy was retarded.

That's not to say it won't pick up. It usually does.
[quote name='Sporadic']I was disappointed.

They are trying too hard to line up a "everybody thinks Dexter could have done the murder" storyline. Dexter has always been cold and making the characters go "whoa, he is really cold" after he finds his wife dead is stupid. Have they never heard of somebody shutting down after a tragedy?

Same with the Dad coming back and saying "that's the first human thing you have done since she died". What? It breaks every one of his Harry's rules and the guy didn't even do anything besides be an asshole. How was that a good thing along with screaming on the bathroom floor?

The eulogy was retarded.

That's not to say it won't pick up. It usually does.[/QUOTE]

It's a reference to how mechanical Dexter was. Him killing that guy was acting on impulse and letting his emotions get the better of him. It's reasonable for them to question Dexter because everyone is expected to show emotion at the death of a spouse, no matter how withdrawn they are. As for the eulogy, it could have been written better, but it was a clear mixture of mechanical and heart-felt to me.
I just thought it was awesome how
he delivered such terrible news to the kids while wearing a Mickey Mouse hat.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I just thought it was awesome how
he delivered such terrible news to the kids while wearing a Mickey Mouse hat.

and then said
"sorry for your loss" to 2 kids
... i was underwhelmed. i was hoping they would skip forward in time some (like 4 or 5 months) like a lot of shows do between seasons.
[quote name='Malik112099']and then said
"sorry for your loss" to 2 kids
... i was underwhelmed. i was hoping they would skip forward in time some (like 4 or 5 months) like a lot of shows do between seasons.[/QUOTE]

It had to be addressed. It's an important insight into Dexter's character.
[quote name='Malik112099']and then said
"sorry for your loss" to 2 kids
... i was underwhelmed. i was hoping they would skip forward in time some (like 4 or 5 months) like a lot of shows do between seasons.[/QUOTE]
That was just ridiculous that they wrote that line, notwithstanding how much of a cold blooded killer he can be.. as if he never dealt with personal loss before (his father) and he's just that retarded.
[quote name='QiG']That was just ridiculous that they wrote that line, notwithstanding how much of a cold blooded killer he can be.. as if he never dealt with personal loss before (his father) and he's just that retarded.[/QUOTE]

It was kind of awkward, but you have to remember that he's never had to relate condolences to anyone else. He's only had to deal with it personally.
[quote name='QiG']
I'm glad Rita was killed.. never liked her nagging


I've felt that way about Deb. She's fking annoying
[quote name='Anexanhume']
Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. Trinity did it to get back at Dexter. Rita's time of death puts Dexter at Batista and La Guerta's wedding (they say so in the opener).

La Guerta thinks that but I think Dexter is in the truck of Trinity's car as Rita is being killed. The timeline will surely be brought up again though out the season.
[quote name='Caddywompus21']
La Guerta thinks that but I think Dexter is in the truck of Trinity's car as Rita is being killed. The timeline will surely be brought up again though out the season.

no, masuka, at the crime scene, says she had been dead 8-10 hours right in front of everyone....its not just what la guerta thinks.
Watched it today, it was just ok. I'm not worried about the entire season being as boring as this episode since they had to tackle all this stuff anyway.

I think Dexter was in the trunk of Trinity's car when Rita was killed because he couldn't answer anyone who asked him "Where were you?" If she really was murdered during Batista/La Guerta's wedding then I'm sure he'd say so. Scorch must not even watch this show to think Dexter killed Rita, that's the dumbest thing anyone who watches the show could think.

And him saying "It was me." was kind of like him saying "It was my fault because I was after Trinity and not with my wife like I should have been."
[quote name='Malik112099']
no, masuka, at the crime scene, says she had been dead 8-10 hours right in front of everyone....its not just what la guerta thinks.

Right but like tcrash pointed out, Dexter could never answer that "where were you" directly. Not to the FBI, not to Deb, not to Astor, if it was as simple as "I was a witness to a wedding" he'd say that but he knows the truth. He knows the time line won't lineup. If Rita was killed 9 hours ago then where was Dexter for the last 8. He has no alibi. Expect that he had to drive to Trinity's house talk to his son, find the autobody address, get there before they close but before trinity, remove the cap hide in the trunk and let Trinity drive him across the state til the car broke down in the dark, return Trinity to the cellar in the house for rent, do his ritual, get to the docks dump the body and then go home.
[quote name='tcrash247']
Scorch must not even watch this show to think Dexter killed Rita, that's the dumbest thing anyone who watches the show could think.

I watch the show. I have all of the seasons, and I love it. It doesn't make sense for it to be Trinity. It's not his MO. His pattern was done. Was it a revenge killing? Possibly. Do I think saying Dexter did it is logical? No. But I'm trying to expect the unexpected.. maybe Dexter had a fit of rage and blacked out or something (we saw evidence of his brutal side in the new episode), maybe the neighbor did it, who the fuck knows.. but I don't expect it to be Trinity. I don't expect it to be a simple revenge killing. I guess I'm just hoping for more out of it, maybe it is as simple as Trinity killed her and they're going to try to frame Dexter.. but I want it to have a big twist.

Regardless, can't wait for the rest of the season.
[quote name='Scorch']
I watch the show. I have all of the seasons, and I love it. It doesn't make sense for it to be Trinity. It's not his MO. His pattern was done. Was it a revenge killing? Possibly. Do I think saying Dexter did it is logical? No. But I'm trying to expect the unexpected.. maybe Dexter had a fit of rage and blacked out or something (we saw evidence of his brutal side in the new episode), maybe the neighbor did it, who the fuck knows.. but I don't expect it to be Trinity. I don't expect it to be a simple revenge killing. I guess I'm just hoping for more out of it, maybe it is as simple as Trinity killed her and they're going to try to frame Dexter.. but I want it to have a big twist.

Regardless, can't wait for the rest of the season.

Trinity knew who Dexter was and what he was up to. He knew Dexter ruined his family life..that he tried to kill him in the parking garage..and that he stole the life savings Trinity was trying to run away with. He had good reason to get revenge on Dexter...and I recall when Dexter finally was about to kill him, Trinity said something like "It's done. It's too late" or something like that. So yes, it was Trinity. He killed Rita before he left town in his sportscar. Dexter was probably sabotaging the engine and then hiding in Trinity's trunk while Rita was being killed.
[quote name='Gears24']Thank you all my putting spoilers I didn't want anything to get spoiled as I have yet to watch it.[/QUOTE]

Why the hell are you in the thread if there's only been one episode this season? It's all going to be spoilers.
Wonder who the main antagonist for this season will be. Everything is pointing to Quinn but I'm hoping they find someone more darker in nature. Then again they have yet to reveal Quinn's "dark past" but didn't they already have this storyline in season 2 with Doakes?

Second episode was a little better than the premier, here's hoping it starts picking up next episode
especially now that the kids are gone
[quote name='antlp89']Wonder who the main antagonist for this season will be. Everything is pointing to Quinn but I'm hoping they find someone more darker in nature. Then again they have yet to reveal Quinn's "dark past" but didn't they already have this storyline in season 2 with Doakes?

Second episode was a little better than the premier, here's hoping it starts picking up next episode
especially now that the kids are gone

Yes except Doakes was awesome and Quinn sucks.
[quote name='yankeessuck']Yes except Doakes was awesome and Quinn sucks.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I completely agree. It will be a lot easier to manage Quinn being killed off, I'll probably even enjoy it. With Doakes on the other hand, that completely sucked but I guess it had to be done.
I wonder if that Boyd guy is going to be this year's serial killer. This episode was definitely better than the first, can't wait for next week.
It seems like he's getting killed fairly soon. I still see this as a season 2 with no Rita and Quinn being a pussy rather than Doakes the badass coming after Dex.
I remember after the season premier they showed clips from future episodes and they showed one of Quinn hiring that gang that beheaded the two people from the second episode to kill Dex.
[quote name='slickkill77']
I remember after the season premier they showed clips from future episodes and they showed one of Quinn hiring that gang that beheaded the two people from the second episode to kill Dex.

I'm pretty sure the teaser just showed
Quinn hiring a private detective. Simply someone to tail Dex.
If I'm wrong, wow, that'll be one hell of a twist.
LMAO! @ "Tactical retreat" "You should be polishing his Lance"

The short Mexican cop chick is cute.

I like the nanny oddly.

Uh oh, problems. LOL
Now I know where I recognize the cop chick, she was in Freedom Writers.

Surprised to see the nanny. Maria Doyle Kennedy was awesome as hell in The Tudors as Catherine of Aragon.
I don't know about the rest of you but the nanny honestly creeps me the fuck out.
I thought the same thing Dex did when he got home because I could totally see her pulling a stunt like that.

Quinn's eventual death/imprisonment/reassignment/whatever Dex can come up with can't come soon enough IMO. And yes, the local cop is most definitely hittable no question.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I don't know about the rest of you but the nanny honestly creeps me the fuck out.
I thought the same thing Dex did when he got home because I could totally see her pulling a stunt like that.

Quinn's eventual death/imprisonment/reassignment/whatever Dex can come up with can't come soon enough IMO. And yes, the local cop is most definitely hittable no question.[/QUOTE]

I take comfort in the fact almost everyone Deb fucks dies.
This season has been horrible so far. I'm now realizing the only reason I kind of like Season 3 and loved Season 4 is due to Jimmy Smits/John Lithgow. Without those two, I would have bailed on this show a long time back.
This is true though I suspect in Quinn's case he might luck out on being the first and only exception depending on how much dick the actor playing the role has been teething on IRL.

I had always wondered whether anyone had stumbled onto one of Dex's ritual sites before, during or after the act. Now that the producers have finally provided me with a straight answer I can't wait to see how Dexter will work his way out of this one especially if she works her way to Quinn.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']This is true though I suspect in Quinn's case he might luck out on being the first and only exception depending on how much dick the actor playing the role has been teething on IRL.

I had always wondered whether anyone had stumbled onto one of Dex's ritual sites before, during or after the act. Now that the producers have finally provided me with a straight answer I can't wait to see how Dexter will work his way out of this one especially if she works her way to Quinn.

Well, I said nearly everyone because Anton almost died, but is still very much alive. The black dude lives for once :D
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL.

The "all minorities must die horrible unexplained deaths" rule only applies in the horror genre. ;P[/QUOTE]

Doakes died for being black. Sure, that chick said she was doing it for Dexter, but her eyes screamed "Hail Whitey."
[quote name='Anexanhume']Well, I said nearly everyone because Anton almost died, but is still very much alive. The black dude lives for once :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but they kicked him off the show and changed all the locks.
I love Dexter but I really hope that it gets back into the psychology of Dexter. I mean, the thing that made him so compelling in season one and two was all of these surprises, and I'm not talking about
him being related to the ice truck killer and all that origin stuff

I mean the little things--like how the show used to drop these hints that Dexter is
absolutely completely TERRIFIED of death, like the alligator scene or electric chair scene in season 1

So far season 5 has been pretty good though.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Doakes died for being black. Sure, that chick said she was doing it for Dexter, but her eyes screamed "Hail Whitey."[/QUOTE]


As if I actually required any other reasons to never delete you from my FL. Speaking of that season I still say it and the first were the best of the series. The third... eh... well nothing in this fragile world is meant to stay perfect forever.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Well, I said nearly everyone because Anton almost died, but is still very much alive. The black dude lives for once :D[/QUOTE]

What about that guy from the gym? Season... 2 I believe? He never died either, at least, as I don't remember him dying.
bread's done