Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

Finally got my very first set item tonight, a ring whose name I have already forgotten lol. Anyways nice to finally get one, I was beginning to wonder if I was jinxed.
Got my Wizard to 70 the other night. It's been a chore to get my DPS up. Finally hit 485K this morning along with 12.5M toughness. I've just been doing Master Nephalem Rifts, but I think I'm clear to bump it up to T1.

The biggest thing for me is remembering to Enchant items. I basically got a free 100K damage boost by re-rolling the crappy stats on my items. 

Also, anyone notice the insane way the game ramps of the difficulty once you hit 64ish? On every class I was running T1 at 60 and it was totally fine. Once I hit right around 64, enemies started hitting really hard all of a sudden. It feels like the difficulty doesn't smoothly scale, but rather it spikes hard at that level. I had to knock it down to Hard/Expert for all my characters.

My friend literally figured that out like three days ago. I had no clue either. Other friend thought we were morons for not knowing.

Got my Wizard to 70 the other night. It's been a chore to get my DPS up. Finally hit 485K this morning along with 12.5M toughness. I've just been doing Master Nephalem Rifts, but I think I'm clear to bump it up to T1.

The biggest thing for me is remembering to Enchant items. I basically got a free 100K damage boost by re-rolling the crappy stats on my items.

Also, anyone notice the insane way the game ramps of the difficulty once you hit 64ish? On every class I was running T1 at 60 and it was totally fine. Once I hit right around 64, enemies started hitting really hard all of a sudden. It feels like the difficulty doesn't smoothly scale, but rather it spikes hard at that level. I had to knock it down to Hard/Expert for all my characters.
Are you talking about in-game stats with buffs, or your profile screen? Looking at my profile, my wiz is at 580K dmg, with 3.6 mill toughness. I can do T1 easily, and T2 if i wanted to with that.

Just for reference sake you can 'farm' a booster pack in Hearthstone in a couple of days casually doing daily quests (or just win 30 games for the 10g for 3 win reward if you're that dedicated and do it in a day).  The Demon Hunter hero from Heroes of the Storm costs about 5,500 in-game gold which you can earn in the first few hours given the initial gold rewards or about a week-ish of normal play.

Are you talking about in-game stats with buffs, or your profile screen? Looking at my profile, my wiz is at 580K dmg, with 3.6 mill toughness. I can do T1 easily, and T2 if i wanted to with that.
I was talking about with buffs. I'm sitting at 550K now though (buffed as well).

You're a crazy bastard if you're running HC with your toughness that low.

I got a second set item today and a legendary ring that lessens the requirements for completing sets by 1 (to a minumum of 2). Definetely enjoying Adventure mode so far, I haven't tried a N. Rift yet but looking forward to that as well. This expansion/Loot 2.0 makes the game so much better it's just crazy.

EDIT: Here's that ring, I don't know if anyone else has gotten one of these yet or not.

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Well holy shit!

(you can change stash tab icons by right clicking :dunce: )
I saw that a few days before the release of Reaper... Figured since I was still new to the game I had just never clicked on the tab before like that.

I guess I'm the only one to have not completely the expansion at least once now...? I've just been hell of busy, and I had to play three times just to clear out the first area (I now have the mystic artisan), but some of that is my fault... I want to explore every nook and cranny.

Anyhow, I love the ability to change what the item looks like now... I've pretty much had to use the ugliest helm type for way too many levels now.

I've been busy with a few thing (plus my ISP has been surprisingly awful) so I only really had my first play with Act V last night.

Played two hours, gained three levels (Black Hole is MEGALOLZ), and a nice legendary.

Overall, it just feels good. The changes brought in with Loot 2.0 have made the game what I wanted it to be in the first place.
I am so tired of the Battle.net client.  Trying to launch Diablo and its opened up 23 processes of Agent.exe taking up 3-8% of my CPU per process, getting stuck at 40% on an update.  I end all the processes and reload Battle.net and it connects fine without any updates needing to download.

Random dump of quality info links...

[RoS FAQ] Reaper of Souls: Frequently Asked Questions


D3 RoS List of Bounty Bag Legendary Rewards


Master list of Torment-only Legendaries


Efficiency Tips for Farming Legendaries in Adventure Mode


Legendary Crafting Materials - Drop locations & uses

(mentioned by SEH as well)


(alternative version)


Reaper of Souls Hotfixes: More Legendaries!


Blizz blue Post Hotfix log *-denotes the latest


Forcing AA/SSAO for Nvidia cards (I use this, and some SweetFX SMAA on top)


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Besides all the other links that were just posted I didn't really see this mentioned. If you grouped with people have a legendary or set item drops, you can let the others pick it up and then drop it to acquire the transmog for that item. Of course you need to trust the people you play with enough to do this and not just random people.

Well I kind of suck at the whole MMO style end game grouping with other people on really hard modes thing, but I'm liking soloing. It's nice that you can play adventure mode at any level. I've been leveling a Crusader that way. It beats the same old same old running through story mode, although the Crusader does have some slightly different dialogs here and there, but not much.

Sucks that they changed up the triumvirate for lvl 70, since even finding a new one with 200 more avg dmg and 300 more int is a 8% dmg decrease from my lvl 60 version.

Sucks that they changed up the triumvirate for lvl 70, since even finding a new one with 200 more avg dmg and 300 more int is a 8% dmg decrease from my lvl 60 version.
I'm still looking for a good replacement for my Tal Rasha Off-Hand from level 60 (Pre-2.0). Mainly looking for Crit Chance & +10 Arcane on Crit. Some yellows give slightly better damage, but because I lose +6 Arcane on Crit it hits too hard for me to switch due to my build.

Friend got the legendary gloves from the Act 2 Cache which is supposed to up shrine buffs to 10 minutes. Fleeting and Empowered both last for 60 minutes for some reason which is pretty overpowered glitch. Also annoys the shit out of me when he has the fleeting buff the entire time we play together.

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I haven't played this game in a hot ass minute. BF & I started to play this again on Monday (Maybe Sunday, who the hell knows). We deleted ALL of our characters (Our highest toons where like level 43 or 44) and started over again.

Holy crap

What did they do to this game? I mean that in a surprised happy way! I was never really one of the "OMGGG HATE THIS GAME!!!~~!!!" crowd, I didn't mind the auction house (though, I understand how negative it was on the game), and I just.. straight up enjoyed what was given to us in this game? (I got it for free via MoP upgrade).

Not only is the loot system just fantastic (I'm actually gearing up things that work for me and I don't have to spend 89,000 gold on a level 13 pair of gloves.. lol

When did they change the difficulty setting? Was that with the latest patch? We did the first 2 Acts on whatever the normal difficulty is. We raised it to hard and now we raised it to Expert and we are still on Act III. We haven't wiped yet (surprisingly, none of us even died yet), but we are noticing an actual change in difficulty. "Hard" really wasn't that hard at all. It's nice to receive the 100% XP + Gold while we level, though.

It also seems like some zones have changed, or they added? As we ran though Acts 1 and 2 we explore everything -- and we noticed a lot of stuff that didn't seem familiar at all. Can someone explain that, or did we just not play this game for that long of a time? (I think the last time we played this was Aug '13)

Oh, and my Wizard is just even more bad ass. I love a lot of the new spells they added
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God I'm so fucking addicted it's sick. Any CAGs want to add me on Battle net go ahead: Poozles#1133

I have a 70 monk and 70 wizard I'm trying to upgrade through runs and so much fun omg
Does anyone know/has anyone seen a copy of RoS at ToysRus? I'd love to use the 20% off coupon to buy this, but it's not on their website and I don't want to make the trip if they're not carrying it.

I finally got my first legendary from gambling... Shoulders (Homing Pads) on purchase #130 and gloves (Gladiator Gauntlets) on purchase #137. Sadly neither is a direct upgrade from my well itemized high quality rares.
congrats on the Homing Pads!

I usually keep that in my inventory along with Countess Julia's Cameo in case I need to swap to them

I salvaged my Gladiator Gauntlets after using them for a day. I was expecting the gold shower to be...something more

congrats on the Homing Pads!
I usually keep that in my inventory along with Countess Julia's Cameo in case I need to swap to them
I salvaged my Gladiator Gauntlets after using them for a day. I was expecting the gold shower to be...something more
Yeah, I ran a few bounites with my Gladiator Gauntlets... I was expecting a showier effect, I honestly don't think I noticed it. Then again I get a lot of really random gold drops from my Goldskin. Homing Pads at least look interesting. I used them under fire to bubble-hearth once to good effect =D

I'd love to get my paws on the neck for situational application.

Also I was digging into <Element> skills deal X% more damage. Yep it's as good as I expected and it feels. I have +75% Arcane damage from various bit of gear that is really sweet. I really feel the difference when dropping it, e.g. I have lv59 Moonlight Ward neck with +24% arcane damage that is just flat out better than anything I've found since. (sure other necks give more healing or stuff... but kill more faster).

Someone else's writeup since I'm lazy... basiclly it works like you think it would.
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The Gladiators definitely have the most misleading secondary ever. "Gold rains from the sky" should be changed to "A few coins fall from your pockets...and you probably wont notice".

Still no legendaries for me from Kadala. Currently at 2500+ shards spent.

On a positive note, I got both my WD and Monk to 70 yesterday. Now I just need my Barb to get there and I'll have one of every class.

Also, does anyone know of some good HC Monk builds? I cant find anything that is up-to-date.

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congrats on the Homing Pads!

I usually keep that in my inventory along with Countess Julia's Cameo in case I need to swap to them

I salvaged my Gladiator Gauntlets after using them for a day. I was expecting the gold shower to be...something more
Those types of Amulets are nice. Friend got one that had Arcane damage heal him (may have been that one) prior to the expansion release and the server died 5 minutes later and disconnected us and he lost it. Now he has a level 70 one that heals on poison damage.

Those types of Amulets are nice. Friend got one that had Arcane damage heal him (may have been that one) prior to the expansion release and the server died 5 minutes later and disconnected us and he lost it. Now he has a level 70 one that heals on poison damage.
Yup, this is the arcane one. Honestly, arcane is the only one that I would ever need immunity for. I sit in everything else because I'm a barb with 900-1k all res and I use the superstition passive to generate fury on taking elemental dmg. Arcane is the only elemental dmg that seems to melt you fast if you sit in it, regardless resistances.

I've had two of those drop, and two Chantodo's Will drop.

I had a WIll drop then two hours later I got a Force, 30 minutes later another Force, and a second Will a couple days later.
Yeah, I don't have that kind of luck. Mine is decent, but it's been really shitty since the expansion pack. Finding too much stuff geared towards other classes and little geared towards mine (Wizard) that doesn't completely blow.

Friend on the other hand has found like 6 Manticores and various other things for his class. And I end up getting spill over for my Monk and Demon Hunter because both use Dex.

There will be a 50% Bonus EXP this week (April 4 - April 7), it is currently live in EU, but will be coming to U.S servers in soon (no exact time =[)

bread's done