Dick Cheney accidentally shoots man during hunting trip

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Armstrong said Cheney turned to shoot a bird and accidentally hit Whittington.

Cheney: I thought he was a bird!

And when I went to CNN I ran across this other comic gem:

"I am the Jesus Christ of politics," Italian media quoted him as saying at a dinner with supporters on Saturday night. "I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone."

Everytime he speaks I become more convinced that berlusconi is the bush of europe. I really hate that guy.
Well, if a guy's gonna start quoting Charlton Heston's well known pro-gun diatribe, he better be willing to put up with the consequences.

If only Cheney shot everybody he spent time with; that way we could use the medical records to determine just whom met with the administration during the energy conference (to take one example).
Wow, is this seriously or some kind of joke. I don't care to go watch TV and check.

Edit: Nevermind so it is real...interesting.
Didnt Cheney make fun of John Kerry when he went hunting (during the election campaign)? Cheney said something about his hunting gear was brand new.
Do you know that Aerosmith song "Jannie's got a gun"

Someone should write a parody called "Cheney's got a gun"
He shot him in the face too!

It was only bird shot though so it didn't really do much damage.

This is what I heard on NBC Nightly News. Politics aside I found the story amusing simply because I was thinking of the scene from Wedding Crashers when they were reporting it.
[quote name='Xevious']Do you know that Aerosmith song "Jannie's got a gun"

Someone should write a parody called "Cheney's got a gun"[/QUOTE]


What did his daddy do
with Cheney's last IOU?
I was just wondering. Cheney was quail hunting, did the quail he was shooting at get away? It said only part of the shotgun shot hit the man, I hope the rest missed the quail.
Did anyone else catch the report that Cheney's medical team that always travels with him, administered to Whittington?

I know all the jokes about Cheney's bad health, but didn't know he had a medical team travelling with him at all times.
This incident reminds me of this classic picture:

[quote name='E-Z-B']Sounds like it took a private citizen to report this incident to the press A DAY LATER. Did the Bush administration think they could hide it? Or were they figuring out how to spin it?


Or maybe it was such a minor incident that it didn't require a national press conference.

Not every incident in Bush or Cheney's life is a conpiracy :roll:
[quote name='elprincipe']:lol:

What did his daddy do
with Cheney's last IOU?[/QUOTE]

Cheney's got a gun.
Cheney's got a gun.
The carnage...has just begun...
Cheney's got a gun.

What are you gonna do?
When Cheney tries to fire on you?
I watched part of Scott McClellan's press briefing at lunch. I wish the press corps were this persistent in questioning all the other things this administration has done.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Or maybe it was such a minor incident that it didn't require a national press conference.

Not every incident in Bush or Cheney's life is a conpiracy :roll:[/QUOTE]

Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but it sounds like the guy is in intensive care. Cheney shot him in the head, neck, and chest.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Ironically, I think that guy on the right is the one he shot.[/QUOTE]

Is it? Here's the picture on cnn:

[quote name='E-Z-B']Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but it sounds like the guy is in intensive care. Cheney shot him in the head, neck, and chest.[/QUOTE]

He shot him with bird shot.

It only sounds like the guy is in intensive care because it makes the story more dramatic and therefore more interesting. And no, this has nothing to do with a liberal media bias, it has to do with sensationalized stories selling better than a story involving injuries that are not very severe at all.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']He shot him with bird shot.

It only sounds like the guy is in intensive care because it makes the story more dramatic and therefore more interesting. And no, this has nothing to do with a liberal media bias, it has to do with sensationalized stories selling better than a story involving injuries that are not very severe at all.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, meant to say he WAS in the ICU, not "sounds like".

Accidents happen, but shouldn't we have heard this straight from the White House Press, and not the ranch owner who called into the local paper?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Maybe the problem was his buddy was dressed up like this:


:lol: Did that guy get shot in the crotch?
[quote name='Ace-Of-War']Quailman!

Hey check out what I found browsing the blogosphere.



Now THAT'S a comparison Republicans really need to be flogging!
Dam, doctors said they're going to leave the pellets lodged into the guy's skin where it is rather than remove them.
The hilarious part is that he tried to cover it up, and the story was only released when the wife of the victim called the local newspaper.
You're an idiot. A story like this can't get covered up, but I don't see why Cheney would want to parade around telling everyone he shot a guy.
He tried to have a private medical team treat the victim instead of calling an ambulance, because the paramedics and hospitals have to call in the police whenever there is a patient with a gunshot wound.

Plus, the proper authorities were not contacted, and only found out after reading the story in the newspaper.
Now the hunters are taking after Cheney for blemishing their sport with his half-assed, obviously dangerous hunting style:


Aspects of Vice President Dick Cheney's quail hunt make ethical hunters and hunter safety instructors cringe.

From reports, we know that this hunting party consisted of three hunters and, thus, three guns. This is highly unusual and generally seen as unsafe. Nearly every hunting preserve I know of here in the Southeast restricts upland bird hunt parties to two guns, for obvious reasons: one hunter takes the left side, one the right side. There is generally a dog and a guide (the dog handler), who is very careful to stay behind the guns after the dogs go on point.

Three-gun bird hunts do happen, but should be avoided. If there are three guns, the hunters have to be especially well aware of each other at all times, which clearly didn't happen when Cheney shot his hunting partner.

Where were the dogs?
Why was the hunter, Harry Whittington, looking for a downed bird? Were there no dogs? A quail hunt without a dog? Absurd. If there were dogs, why not have them go after the dead bird? The main part of the beauty and pleasure of an upland bird hunt is to see the dogs at work, crossing the fields, picking up scent, moving in, going on point, flushing the birds, then retrieving and receiving praise. This seems to have been a strange hunt indeed, at least from what we know from news stories.Reports say the hunters were hunting by car. Too old and feeble to walk? Too lazy? An upland bird hunt by car is an offensive idea to any honest, ethical hunter. This sounds like irresponsible cruising for easy shooting, rather than the time-honored tradition of slowly walking the fields and brush, watching the dogs work, and -- if you're lucky -- finding a covey or two of quail. A real hunt is about engaging with nature, enjoying preserved open spaces, connecting with traditions from the past, and, if the game bag is weighty, going home and cleaning one's take, then cooking it with love for family or friends.

Don't shoot low birds
The idea of hunting from a car is bad. It's dangerous because hunters would be getting in and out, guns pointing every which way, losing track of the wind, the weather, the angle of the sun, the energy level of the dogs. Hunting from a car is, for able-bodied hunters at least, completely antithetical to honest, ethical hunting.
One of the cardinal rules of any bird hunt: Don't shoot low birds. Why? It is more difficult to see birds against the ground than against the sky. It is possible that something besides a bird might be on the ground, and thus in the way; generally this would be the dog. Though it should never happen, a careless, selfish hunter might even swing through with his shotgun and find another hunter in the line of fire, but only if he were following a low bird (though most dedicated bird dog owners would agree it's better to shoot a hunting partner than a good dog!). This happened when Vice President Cheney shot his partner on Saturday evening.
Cheney's hunting party broke several basic rules: too many in the hunt party; no dog, or at least not having the dog retrieve a downed bird; hunting from a vehicle. And Cheney broke some of the most basic rules: shooting at a low bird and not being aware of the placement of his hunting party members.
One report I read stated that Cheney shot Whittington at 5:15 p.m. on Saturday -- way too late to be hunting quail. Good hunters hunt early in the day, when the light is good, the birds are active, and the dogs are fresh. One should generally not be out for quail this late in the day.
bread's done