Did anyone else NOT like Kingdom Hearts 2?


6 (100%)
I finally finished Kingdom Hearts 2 last night and couldn't help but feel like I was trudging through the last half of the game. The story seemed convoluted, the fighting was pure button-mashing, and a lot of the voice-over work was atrocious. I did like the gummi ship levels, but overall I was highly disappointed with the game. Anybody else feel the same?
I loved. So much so that it moved the whole franchise up to one of the best of all time in my eyes.

I actually through it was slowest after the halfway point where you start having to go through the worlds again,. but you only had to spend about 30-40 minutes in each world so it went by like a flash.

Storyline is wonderful, the battle system, was turned into something incredible, and the gummi ship levels even kicked ass this time.

Aeris' voice was absolutly horrid. but really, that's my only major complaint.

I mean hell, Mickey Mouse made me go RAWRAWRAWRAWR at my TV at one point. What kinda game that can do that doesn't kick ass.
I don't like either. They feel like an advertisement for EVERYTHING Disney has had it's name on. The key as a weapon is just odd to me. I couldn't get past how fake and strange it was. Like hell, in one cartoon Goofy couldn't build a damn ship without the boards blasting off and the frame work collapsing then sinking into the water. You expect me to use him in battle?
I didn't like it, but I have to admit I probably didn't give it a fair trial. I just couldn't get past the insanely slow beginning and constant loading. I put it on the shelf about 90 minutes in.

I loved the first KH, though, which is probably why the pacing at the beginning of II was such a turn off for me.
I thought Kingdom Hearts II was the best game this generation. I loved every minute of it and still want to play it now. It might be my favorite action RPG ever, topping Secret of Mana.

I liked KHII much better than the first. I was never bored during the great. I really loved many of the Disney and Squaresoft characters.
I liked the game. Just for the Sora story line though . Playing through the Disney levels was a chore, if you've seen the movies. Which I'm sure most anyone playing this has.

What's that Beast? If you don't find love before the rose petals are gone you're stuck as a monster forever?

Wait? Is Mulan trying to act like a man to get into the army?

Simba - You don't want to be king because you don't think you live up to your father's expectations?

Who knew?

They really need to come up with some new storylines. Or just drop the Disney thing all together.
I loved the first but was very disappointed in II, story-wise. I liked the battle system (especially Reaction Commands,) but once you realize that the explanation for the mysterious scenes at the end of KHI aren't that interesting, it kind of retroactively degrades the first game.
My g/f and I loved the first one and pretty much tredged through this one...the only positive I found was the RE 4 esque reaction commands...
I loved both of the games... but trying to get the good ending was an absolutely rediculous chore. Getting all 101 Dalmations was bad enough the first time.
[quote name='jasonlives13']I don't like Kingdom Hearts period.[/QUOTE]

I didn't enjoy the first at all. I didn't even tough number two.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']I loved both of the games... but trying to get the good ending was an absolutely rediculous chore. Getting all 101 Dalmations was bad enough the first time.[/QUOTE]
Should have just played it on the hardest setting. It's not a difficult game.
i loved it, the only gripe that i had with it, was the beginning, the first few hours go by so slow, but i thought it picked up fast, the fighting was button mashing really, but what do you expect?
definatly not trolling or flaming or whatever, just curious, cause like..almost every game you're going to have to press the same button to attack or perform any action, and i do agree it was alot of mashing, but it definatly was spiced up with all the combos and on-screen effects :)
I loved the first one, but the second one was horrible. From what I've seen over the internet, there's a bunch of people who agree with me, but then even more people who completely loved the second one. I don't see much of anything good about it. The story pacing was horrible and the gameplay wasn't any better than the first one.
I am a complete fanboy of the series. Loved the first one so much that I bought the Japanese-only Final Mix. Played through CoM once, and don't plan on it ever again though. I loathed the battle system.

KHII is awesome.

I do enjoy the gameplay quite a bit, but I'm mostly interested in the story.
[quote name='zewone']I liked the game. Just for the Sora story line though . Playing through the Disney levels was a chore, if you've seen the movies. Which I'm sure most anyone playing this has.

What's that Beast? If you don't find love before the rose petals are gone you're stuck as a monster forever?

Wait? Is Mulan trying to act like a man to get into the army?

Simba - You don't want to be king because you don't think you live up to your father's expectations?

Who knew?

They really need to come up with some new storylines. Or just drop the Disney thing all together.[/QUOTE]

This is my main complaint with the game. I think the game is ok, but playing through story after story that I already know by heart is just mind-numbing. When they get to original levels where you don't know what to expect, then the game really picks up. I plan to go back & finish it, but after the Pirates level I had to put it down & take a break.
I was really into the first KH, but the two games since have officially killed my enthusiasm for the series.

KH2 is a great example of something I never thought I'd see: a game that succeeds in polish and presentation to the point of excelling yet fails so completely in the gameplay department that the game itself fails. I think many of the boss battles were designed with either (a) apathy or (b) complete disdain for the gamer. The later bosses kept making me think a drunken monkey was behind its design... camera flinging about like a fish on the docks, purposely oblique objectives (use reaction commands to stop it from escaping! ... ...), an interminable amount of hits required to kill them...

What comes first to my mind is the Org XIII boss with the cards and the dice... without a strategy guide I can't see how anyone would glean what the hell they are supposed to do. "this is a time-based battle" ... umm, ok, so why don't the meters decrease over time? "you've been turned into a card!" ... umm, so am I supposed to do something specific to stop being a card? ... "get three O's" ... ok, so there are three cards and four action slots... umm... what? hell, I don't know, why don't I pause and look at the "HELP" option? Oh wait, that tells me nothing at all. Fantastic.

(as an aside, I realize that last paragraph is probably less than intelligible, but that was intentional. It gets the point across nicely, I think, because it makes little sense. Just like the boss)

The only reason that I got anywhere near the end of the game was that I'd already invested about 40 hours in the series through the previous two games. Were this the first in the series, there is little chance I'd have gotten past the first round through each of the planets.

Maybe I should have just bought a controller with a Rapid function, set it on auto for X, and come back in a few hours to see how the game ended.
Never played part 1 or the gba game.

Wife got me KH2 as a present.

I played thru the 3 hour tutorial, and wanted to shut the game off many times. I kept played only because it was a present, and I wanted my wife to think she had made a good choice.

I got a little more into it when the game really got started with Sora, and Donald, etc...

Then a few days later I was about 15 hours in, I realized that this was probably all there was to the game, I saved, shut it off, and havent touched it since.

The boss fights were retarded. I could never see what was going on, just the camera whizzing around and Im just waiting for the green triangle to appear on the screen so I can avoid the bosses attack... yawn...

Wildwop is 100% correct. Great presentation and polish, horrible game underneath.
I agree with the CoM hatred. I got it thinking, "meh, all these people are jsut too critical." Yeah well, I learned they aren't.

I quit it around floor 9 or ten, because it was just the same damn thing over and over with a slightly bigger area each floor. Was absolutely beyond aids.
[quote name='hohez']I agree with the CoM hatred. I got it thinking, "meh, all these people are jsut too critical." Yeah well, I learned they aren't.

I quit it around floor 9 or ten, because it was just the same damn thing over and over with a slightly bigger area each floor. Was absolutely beyond aids.[/QUOTE]

And this is different from KH2's gameplay how, exactly?

At least CoM didn't make you return to the same planets again to waste 20 more minutes of your life for zero gain. The first 15 hours (save the opening explaining who Roxas is) was a complete waste of time that didn't push the story along whatsoever.


One thing I neglected to mention above was the fact that the gameplay felt tacked-on from the beginning, almost like the developers put stuff in there to do begrudgingly.

Why, for instance, must the player walk ten steps in between cutscenes? "Let's go back to the castle", they'll say in cutscene 1. The scene shifts and you're in control right outside of the door of the castle and there are no save points and no treasure chests in the area nearby -- thus no reason for me to have to do anything right then.

Developer 1: "Oh crap, we need something for the player to do here... umm... how about some nobodies pop up for them to fight?"

Developer 2: "Nah, that doesn't make sense... why don't we make the player walk from point-A to point-B? They're doing something right? Right? Maybe make them jump a few times?"

Developer 1: "Hmm... genius! But I still think they should have to fight stuff on the way. Increase stats and stuff... dangle the carrot, baby"
In my opinion, KH1>KH2>CoM

I love the two PS2 titles, they are 2 of my PS2 favorites. But Chain of Memories was so disappointing and it got to the point where it was painful to play anymore. Boring. I quit when I got the 2nd set of world cards and have not been inclined to go back since.
bread's done