Did you score a Wii this morning?


I got one at Circuit City. I arrived at 8:45 and there were 9 people in front of me. A little kid saved my butt, and the butts of the others in line, when he asked an employee arriving for the day if we could wait inside (I live in Ma and it was 14 degrees without the windchill). The employee allowed us to wait in the middle area between the outside and inside doors. At about 9:25 they handed out vouchers which allowed us to walk away until the 10am opening. I bought it for my college room mate who will be returning the favor by buying me a beer for a while to come.
I snagged one @ Target. Showed up when they were opening and got in line. I got one of the last remaining ones. ;)
I'm in mild disbelief at my luck on this.

I was so tired last night that I just said, "Screw it. I'm not setting my alarm. If I'm up in time, I'll make the effort, but if I'm not, I certainly won't lose sleep over it." (terrible pun alert!)

I woke up at 930, with Best Buy opening at ten, and figured I was screwed. Still, it's only an eight minute walk from my apartment, so I hiked over and saw a line of what looked like about 15-20 people waiting. I walked up to the back of the line just as two employees walked out and started with, "I've got some bad news for you guys..."

No one immediately strangled her, so I'm assuming there weren't too many in line who'd been there long.

Turns out the "bad news" was a weather-induced delay on the UPS truck carrying their precious Wii shipment, and as such they would take down the names and numbers of the first twenty people in line to notify when the shipment arrived. The lucky few would have 24 hours to come back and buy the Wii before it would then be made available for general sale.

I started quickly making a headcount of the folks in line, trying to determine how many were clustered together to count as one spot. I then heard them reduce the ranks of the lucky from twenty to seventeen names, since they'd received a tiny shipment of three Wiis the other day, and the ladies weren't sure whether it was an independent shipment or part of their "mininum of twenty" allotment for today's sale.

I was the last guy in line, having waited for all of forty-five seconds, and ended up thirteenth out of thirteen on the list. Lucky me.

And, if you live near the San Marcos, TX Best Buy, that means they had at least four guaranteed Wiis for rain check availability, as of forty minutes ago.

Cheers, and happy gaming.
Got mine at Target. I arrived 20 minutes before the store opened and I was #30 out of 51. They even had left over tickets 15 minutes after they opened. They only got in about 10 remotes and nunchucks, so I didn't get one of them. Oh well, I'm just happy to own a Wii.
I had some weird luck with this one. I went to bestbuy at 9:50 thinking they opened at 10 but they opened at 11 on sunday! so I went back home to rest cause I live close by cause it was freezing at 22 degrees in NYC! When I got back to Bestbuy at 10:45 they said they had already given out the vouchers so i got screwed, Then I biked ten blocks to circuit city and when I got there they said they had given out all the vouchers but i just waited around in the back of the line for about 30 seconds talking to the guy who told me they gave out all the vouchers when a manager comes out and starts handing out the last 4 vouchers and I GET ONE!!!!! I also forgot to use my 5 dollar coupon and ask for a gift reciept so I kept getting this string of bad luck, good luck, bad luck but at the end of the day I got a WII.
Score mine today!! no need to wait inline~ walk-in and grab 1 at Target this morning at warwick, RI.... 12 degree FREEZING!!!
Sounds like the temperatures kept some people away in northern states. I'd be interested to hear if the wait situation was similar in warmer states.
I had to give someone a ride this morning at 7 am and then when I got home,I remembered that there would be Wii shipments today and I'm thinking on whether it's worth buying.....I already have LOZ TP on GC....so,no I didn't score.
Got it last night, at Circuit City no less. No idea how that happened.

Total for system after coupon/gift card/tax: $196.09. Picked up Wario Ware and the classic controller as well.
My friends and I each got 1 from target and circuit city

We walked up to cc at like, 8:50 and there were 4 people in line, they handed out vouchers at 9:25-ish

Then we went over to target, as bizcanos told me they had 51 there and only 10 people in line when he waited, so we all got 1 more there

Good stuff :)
I was at target at 7:00 AM and an employee told us 15 minutes before opening that they didn't have jack shit.

I went to Best Buy and saw no one there so I left and came back an hour later at 9:00. There were like 20 people there waiting.

After 2 hours in line I got my Wii. They had 50 units.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Got it last night, at Circuit City no less. No idea how that happened.

Total for system after coupon/gift card/tax: $196.09. Picked up Wario Ware and the classic controller as well.[/quote]

The CCs near me got their Wii stock in last night and just sold them on the spot as well. I only knew this because of iTrackr.
Yeah, targets in some regions didn't have them advertised, you can check now by going to the website and putting in your zipcode to get the local ad. It will either have the wii advertised, or just two games.

Not that it does anyone any good now.
[quote name='tholly']nope.....because i scored mine on launch day....[/QUOTE]

Same, I was snoring this morning in my nice warm bed
I have a friend who did. He called me at 10am (when I was still sleeping) to inform me, and then called me again an hour later telling me he was bored with Wii Sports. WTF did he want me to do about it? I told him it wasn't a fun game to play alone and to not be cheap and buy Zelda but he just didn't listen.
Yes, I did. I went about 2 hours before the local Target opened and snagged #11 out of 19. Didn't see how many remotes and nunchuks they got.
Good to see that it was an overall successful morning. I managed to get 4 on launch day (one for me, one for cousin, two for friends). I also got the one I preordered in a few days before chirstmas and sold it to my friend who gave it to his son. I made a lot of people happy that christmas...
I got mine on FRIDAY. On my way home from work I had stopped at wallyworld to pick up a few blank dvds for my camcorder and was looking to pick up a new DS game. As I was looking there was one of the employees getting a couple of Wii s out of the case for other people. I saw they still had another and asked for it right away. I wasn't planning on getting one this soon (I wanted a 360 first) but I wasn't going to pass good fortune up. Now if finding the Wii remotes and Nunkuks wasn't such a chore. I found 1 set - 1 Wii remote at one store and a Nunkuk at another, after checking about 10 stores. I found the Nunkuk first, they had around 12 so I thought I would pass till I found both. The next store had the Wii remote but no Nunkuk, when I got back to the other store (10 mins had passed) they were all gone but 1.
Picked up #27 of 32 at CC. It wasn't even that bad, I got there at around 9:15, grabbed a voucher and came back at 10:00. Number 25 picked up the last controller though.
Glad to hear so many were successful. :)

Being that things aren't selling out hours before opening, maybe we're getting close to seeing them regularly available in stores. I wonder if supply is now finally meeting demand or if it was just more the cold keeping people away.
[quote name='daroga']Glad to hear so many were successful. :)

Being that things aren't selling out hours before opening, maybe we're getting close to seeing them regularly available in stores. I wonder if supply is now finally meeting demand or if it was just more the cold keeping people away.[/quote]I think people are getting tired of camping. Chances are they are all gone today by now except for a few random places.
I got my wii a day before target stores started to hoard for today. No luck for my friend. He went to the Sunnyvale, Ca target which had about a hundred people waiting in line. So he went to another target which had fifty people waiting. Then to circuit city where he missed out by one slot...
I stopped at my EB Games to preorder Hotel Dusk (that was a disappointment), and I was told that they had "tons". They had a huge box behind the counter that was full of remotes and nunchuks. The assistant manager told me that had "tons" and that nobody was interested in them today.

So, if you are near Keene, NH (aka the middle of fucking nowhere), then hop over to EB...apparently they have "tons".

I am glad I descided to buy one from someone off of Gametz Black Friday after I tried to get one at EB that day, only to find out that people were camping out Thanksgiving night at 10pm to get one of the three systems. I may have had to spend $50 more, but it was worth every penny.
Snagged one at BB (#6 of 24). Got there three hours early before a little crowd started hovering around the entrance which was about an hour and a half later

Now my Wii is grabbing some updates from its wireless internet connection to my modem/router.
[quote name='TheBlueWizard']I stopped at my EB Games to preorder Hotel Dusk (that was a disappointment), and I was told that they had "tons". They had a huge box behind the counter that was full of remotes and nunchuks. The assistant manager told me that had "tons" and that nobody was interested in them today.

So, if you are near Keene, NH (aka the middle of fucking nowhere), then hop over to EB...apparently they have "tons".


I havnt been to keene in a wile but concord was pretty much wiped out by 11am (I got mine on launch)
They had 50 here at the Staten Island Best Buy, we arrived at the parking lot at 8 and stayed in the car until around 9:15 when it looked like a line was forming...
They said they were going to hand out vouchers at 10 and we were happy to hear this, by 10 the line was over 30, they ended up NOT handing out vouchers and made us wait in the cold until 11 when the store opened...
By the end of the day the line was over 50 and some people tried to get grimy, but I got mine and now my search is over, and I can delete that stupid Wii Refreshing online sales update site off of my toolbar, YAY!!! haha
Snagged one from CC this morning. Pulled up at 9:15 and they were just letting people in early to buy them instead of handing out vouchers. So it took about 5 mins. Was going to hold off, but my wife was getting tired of me (and others) talk about it. :)
[quote name='panasonic']wow i don't know what to say nintendo has hit gold, they might hit 10 million by june if they rev up production[/QUOTE]

Yes i did, number 7 out of 50 at Best Buy in Miami, by the time the store opened there was about 100 people waiting, so half got turned away.
Called three Gamestops about 11:15 (the website said they open at 12:00) the last one said, "We have some left, better hurry though" drove down there and got one.
bread's done