Digital Camera Suggestions


42 (98%)
Amazingly I've never owned a digital camera. I'll be moving on September 22nd to live in Japan for a year and obviously want to take some great pictures. Any suggestions to brands and models to get or to avoid? Something in the CAG pricerange.
Canon is arguably the best quality, but usually the most costly. Avoid at all costs Samsung, low end Nikons and Casio. I'd probably say your best bet for a decent low end camera is fuji, just avoid cameras with internal lenses, they pretty much suck. Also, most important thing that a lot of customers don't realize-MEGAPIXELS MEAN JACK SQUAT. At least for anybody not doing huge portraits anyways.
Long story short, I'll get behind the "anything Canon is a safe bet" train.

Most cameras these days should include OIS (optical image stabilization), so that should be quite helpful. Other than that, look for something with a wide-angle lens to make sure you can cram as much as possible into the shot (be it people or scenery).

Unless you're shooting full-resolution burst mode there's no need to get the super-fast memory cards. That said, I'd still aim for at least Class 4.

Batteries last surprisingly long on my (3-year old?) Canon SD870IS, even when shooting hundreds of shots a day (though I don't use flash), but if you need a spare battery, generic "knockoffs" from eBay have served me well.
Thanks for the quick info. Last question is best locations pricewise to buy from? Of course I prefer to buy EVERYTHING on Amazon for obvious reasons, unless there is some place with better prices/selection?
Admittedly, I work for best buy, but I generally consider them the best place to get a new camera because of selection, and they price match, though not online places like amazon (and yes, accident protection plans are usually worth it).

Any run of the mill camera shop would be better for an older used model (i.e. you might be able to save even more money aiming for a 7/8-megapixel camera, you really don't need more than that in most cases, but new cameras start at like 10 these days because again, there's this myth that megapixels are mostly what matters).
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