Digital Devil Saga $39.99 Shipped at Outpost!

Thanks OP! I will no longer be lamenting that I don't have a Fry's near me (since it will be on sale there next week for the same price).
That's such a good deal...I almost never ever buy games when they first come out but I'm seriously considering this.
I pulled the trigger on this deal even though I shouldn't be buying any more games for a while. The stack is just getting too big.
[quote name='Machine']I pulled the trigger on this deal even though I shouldn't be buying any more games for a while. The stack is just getting too big.[/QUOTE]

No kidding. *counts about 30*
I was going to hold off on this one because of the price, I thank you OP but my wallet curses you for the pain it is suffering.
How relieable are these people? Do they ship quick? Do they ship the right thing? Does it come damaged? Does the wrong item come?

Description: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga - Playstation 2
Price: $39.99

SUBTOTAL: $39.99
Discount: $0.00
Tax: $0.00
Shipping: $0.00
Handling: $0.00

TOTAL: $39.99

You have to choose the free shipping method at check out.
If you add it to your cart, it shows up as $54.99. If you continue to checkout, though, it goes back to $39.99. Don't ask me, but that's how it's going right now. (And yes, you have to click on Ground Shipping to get that free.)
After I add it to my cart and then change the shipping to ground, it changes to $54.99 again. It stays 54.99 up until the last page which says "submit your order".
Okay, I'm at checkout and it's still 54.99 even after this and changing it to ground....I guess I'll just get Yoshi's touch and go for 22.99
[quote name='suko_32']Okay, I'm at checkout and it's still 54.99 even after this and changing it to ground....I guess I'll just get Yoshi's touch and go for 22.99[/QUOTE]
If you call in your order you'll get it for the 39.99, but only tonight, then deal is over.
I just got this game for the same price at my Fry's. They also had many copies of Disgaea for $50 so I also picked up a copy.
Got mine too. just before my ADV sale DVDs, it's like Xmas all over again.

The package is so slick it makes me want to play it right NOW.... *Woosh*
They actually shipped it Saturday and I was surprised to find it at home yesterday when DHL tracking had indicated expected delivery on Friday, 15 April.

The Ides of April and Tax Day...OOOO Truly a Devil Saga.
bread's done