Dinobot TL Revived!~ Want to Trade and/or Sell! :D

Shameless Ad for dv8! I am too bored. haha.

Want something cool from Japan? Hate paying premium for one of those forwarding services from people you don't know? Worried about how your package is handled?

Well... I've got a solution for you. Visit www.dv8cag.com

@ www.dv8cag.com, all requests are handled by one and only dv8mad (SAM) himself.

  • Need something from www.amazon.co.jp?
    Ship it to dv8mad and he will forward it to you.

  • Looking for items that are out of stock online?
    Fill out a request form and dv8mad himself will personally hunt the little bastard down for you.

  • or just some tasty treats from Jap?
    Well order enough items and just maybe he will included in your next package.

Also, currently there are tons of awesome goodies directly from Jap listed on his website for purchase... and no, they are not replicated copies from HK!!!

For example right now, this beautiful Ar Tonelico 2 Luca 1/8 Scale is on his website for only 6800 Yen. And now for a very special limited time only (thru August), get 10% off all your purchases on the site with the code 10offdv8 .

If you are worried about packaging of the item, check this video out. Every item is packaged with love and care (like the michelin dude commercial).

bread's done