Disgaea DS - $19.97 at Amazon.com

What's the difference between this and the PSP version of Disgaia. Because I already own the PS2 version, and if I'm going to get one of the portable ones, I'd like it to be the ultimate version.
PSP: Better graphics and sound, Japanese voiceover option, more responsive
DS: Touch screen and overhead map, a few extra characters

Either of the portable versions give you the option to skip the special effects for your moves, which is a must if you are going to grind for 100+ hours in the
cave of ordeals

There's also a nice bug in the
Tainted Staff and Foresight
that you can exploit on the PSP version. Not sure if that made it to the DS.
[quote name='enforcer2003']PSP: Better graphics and sound, Japanese voiceover option, more responsive
DS: Touch screen and overhead map, a few extra characters

Either of the portable versions give you the option to skip the special effects for your moves, which is a must if you are going to grind for 100+ hours in the
cave of ordeals

There's also a nice bug in the
Tainted Staff and Foresight
that you can exploit on the PSP version. Not sure if that made it to the DS.[/quote]

I don't imagine the graphics will be much of a downgrade. Disgaea wasn't exactly a graphically heavy game. Is it true that the DS version doesn't have voice acting?
[quote name='JCAll']. Is it true that the DS version doesn't have voice acting?[/quote]

DS version does have voice acting. Apparently, the difference is that the DS has less voice acting.--not none at all.

$19.99 is a great price for Disgaea DS. I bought it at full price from Amazon not to long ago and I still feel like I got my money's worth.

I've never played the PSP version. But I will say that the overhead map on the DS version is really nice to have. As a matter of fact when I was playing Disgaea 3 the other day I was wishing that it had the same kind of overhead view too -- even on my big tv screen the boards can get confusing as to the actual positioning of the characters and I really like how you can easily tell exactly who is standing in the same row as who on the DS overhead map. It makes targeting much much easier.
[quote name='Solori']DS version does have voice acting. Apparently, the difference is that the DS has less voice acting.--not none at all.

$19.99 is a great price for Disgaea DS. I bought it at full price from Amazon not to long ago and I still feel like I got my money's worth.

I've never played the PSP version. But I will say that the overhead map on the DS version is really nice to have. As a matter of fact when I was playing Disgaea 3 the other day I was wishing that it had the same kind of overhead view too -- even on my big tv screen the boards can get confusing as to the actual positioning of the characters and I really like how you can easily tell exactly who is standing in the same row as who on the DS overhead map. It makes targeting much much easier.[/quote]

Oh yeah, I remember that. I could never get the damn camera positioned right to see where everyone was. A mep would be a life saver.

Okay, I'm sold. I've gotta go to the bank today and put some more money in (Damn you Amazon!). I hope it's still up tonight when I get home.
i still got mine sealed from the preorder deal... ended up with almost free

Think paid 65 shipped for the 2 games + goodies

sold off the soundtrack for 30... sent back the other game for 30 (the bugged one)

so ended with with game + pen + figure for 5 : )

maybe around xmas i will open it

i played the PS2 one for 179 hours.... never played the PSP one for more then 7 hours i wonder if i will like this one more
[quote name='slimin1122']so this is the same game generally speaking as the psp one?[/QUOTE]

I prefer the DS version, though I personally think the console version is the best.
I missed out on other Disgaea games would I enjoy this one?

Or should I say would it be a good buy for the Virgin Disgaea player
[quote name='JCAll']I don't imagine the graphics will be much of a downgrade. Disgaea wasn't exactly a graphically heavy game. Is it true that the DS version doesn't have voice acting?[/quote]

PS has crystal-clear sprites & more vibrant colors on a widescreen display (no stretching going on here ;-) ). Played the DS version for a couple of hours since my PSP was bricked at the time. Muddy sprites & "grainy" visuals, both you won't notice if Disgaea DS is your first Disgaea & especially if you weren't used to Disgaea PSP. Not to mention overall smaller resolution.

If you have access to a PSP, get the PSP version.
Only a DS, get DS version.

[quote name='joshnorm']I missed out on other Disgaea games would I enjoy this one?

Or should I say would it be a good buy for the Virgin Disgaea player[/quote]

They all have their own separate stories, though characters will show up in later games as cameos &/or recruitable members.

& personally, the 1st was the best of the series. 2nd added some cliche story & didn't have as much humor as the first. & 3...I honestly gave up on the first day after it arrived from Gamefly. Awful main character + story (netherworld's greatest hero or something stupid like that) & the fact that it was on PS3 when 2.5D SRPGs are better suited for portable, just made me roll my eyes.
I didn't play Disgaea until I got the DS version from the RosenQueen preorder deal. Yeah, I know, 4 years late to the party :)

Since I never played either previous version, I haven't really missed out on the stuff that had to be cut (which is basically most voice-overs and some sharper textures). Still, for a DS game I honestly and sincerely think it still looks great. The gameplay is what matters here more than any other game I've ever laid such a claim to. I'm only on the 6th chapter yet I've ground through the Item World so much that I'm juuuust touching 49 hours of gameplay as I write this!

To UberNinjaz point, if you have a PSP, that's a great version to have. But if you only have a DS, snap it up anyway. It is a GREAT game that you will easily get your money's worth from time and again.

One last point: I LOVE THE MINI-MAP ON THE DS TOP SCREEN. To *me* it really makes the game since I can easily find my team members, where they're facing, if they still have a move or attack action available, plot out my strategy when popping Geo Panels (this makes the Item World even better - and it is already great), and how to plot out stacked throws. This alone has made me never regret not getting the PSP version. Again, the PSP version is AWESOME, but for me the DS version wins out a bit due to the inherent UI bonus that is the top screen :)

So, enough talk - just buy it and find out why so many people love this game. My only regret is not buying it when it first came out :)
I decided to bite on this one.

Stupid Amazon I thought I was done with the buying this year. But after reading the reviews I couldn't stay away.

Now I *think* I am done. That is unless Amazon give me Rise of the Argonaughts at $20 sometime or another decent title at that mark.
I bit on this in a different way, with the 'TRU Paypal screw-up coupon redux'

Disgaea @29.99, N+ @19.99, $1 donation Toys for Tots --> both 1/2off, free s&h, +tax

Had I not had that coupon (and desperately searched for in-stock DS games that had free s&h) I would so jump on this deal - frankly my favorite SRPG.

All the other flavors and versions I've tried have failed to beat this one.
[Disgaea in general - I played the crap out of the PS2 version, now on to DS :)]
Nice deal.

This is pretty much exactly the price point for this game that I've been waiting for. I don't want to search for filler right now.... I'll hold off for a bit. I might be able to get it off goozex soon anyway.
Disgaea is by far the best SPRG I've ever played. It's one of my favorite games of all time.

I'm about 110 hours into the DS version, but I got it on day one.
bread's done