Divinity: Original Sin

Fell Open Ian





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No one is commenting?

Ive been holding off playing the game when it was in EA. But now that its officially released, Ive been playing for 6 hours but I have to restart twice as I didnt customize my toons the first time I played it.

Right now, Im rolling with female Knight and male Wizard/Witch. I also pick up the talent where I can speak with the animals but i havent tried it yet. Currently Im enjoying the game, bringing back fond memories from Baldurs Gate series and NeverWinter Nights.

So guys, what characters did you make?

I played and restarted a lot in early access in order to decide on classes/builds for release:

I use a rogue as my leader with pack mule and pet pal to start along with lucky charm. I'll probably add bartering/charming at some point as well with the idea being that I'm generally controlling her so she loots and talks.

For my second character I went with a wizard tweaked to start with healing and the scientist talent for crafting. The idea being that while my rogue loots and talks my wizard will be crafting and casting.

I was really bummed about there only being two proper companions at release but that also forced me to pick a rogue as my leader and that has been an absolute blast what with the stealing and pickpocketing. (I also tweaked her to use bows/crossbows rather than melee so it's super easy to sneak-up on enemies and snipe them)

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I'm currently playing two playthroughs between two different people.

Game 1) Cleric (Hydro/Man-At-Arms/One-Handed) + Wizard (Aero/Hydro/Pyro)

Game 2) Wizard (Earth/Fire) + Rogue (Scoundrel/Lockpick/Pickpocket)

In the first one I'm at level 5, closing in on six. Only found two legendary items so far and I believe we found a third, but had to reload due to a major screw up. They are:


In the second game I'm at level 3, almost level 4. Already found two legendaries, both of which were found by my partner, the rogue. He has stupid luck in finding stuff in games, so I'm not really surprised. They are:


EDIT: Edited for a bit more clarity, plus screenshots.

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Finished the first main story arc in the first map in Game 2. The final boss for that was quite brutal. Just a little bit to finish up the area and then move on to the next map.

There is one quest I found from an animal and then went to find the next person to talk to. Well, they were dead thanks to my co-op partner. Oh well, love ends in another tragedy.

Game 1 is a bit stagnant right now and hasn't progressed, but will likely soon.

Im currently busy stealing portraits and golden plates to deal in such trivial things like main quest!

Oh, and I'm trying to help a cat to win his crush.
You can do coop if you want but I only play as single player. I just set the other companion's ai as random. You can still control him/her but during some dialog he will either agree or disagree with you.

Currently there are 2 other companion that you can recruit each have their own background and reason for joining you and lots of henchman that you can hire.

Your party can have a max 4 active members. (2 that you created and 2 henchman.)
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Ok so basically 1 active type npc companion that interacts in dialogues etc and then hench. Do the hench do any cross party chatter. Not necessarily opening a text box but like "Go for the eyes"
Sorry for not just editing the last post. I am on mobile. I guess what I am trying to ask is how developed are the henches personality wise. From what you've said I assume they don't have developed backgrounds.
For the henchman, I still haven't seen them interact with me. They are just basically a mercenary for hire. But the 2 companions that will join you will have something to say.

Usually your other created character is the one you'll always interact with.

This came along at about the perfect time. My buddy and I grew up on Baldur's Gate and the like. I'm getting ready to move 10-25 minutes in one direction and he's moving 30 in another. It'll be much easier to find time for a couple of hours over the weekend for this than doing an hour and a half drive each way to hangout for a couple of hours.
Game 1 is still on hold for me, but Game 2 I'm level 14 with like 150k and nearly all spellbooks purchased and learned or held on to until I reach 16/18. I feel like I'm 3/4ths of the way through the second area. About to get heavy into the crafting skill now that I've maxed two of my main skills. Also since Madora has over 100% Fire and Water Resist, I can finally use my bigger abilities without worry. Unfortunately the rogue isn't quite as resistant, but I can throw shields up on them that should put them high enough to where it doesn't matter or they absorb it. Plus it can take a few hits before it goes down, which is rather nice.

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How the hell did I miss both the kickstarter and summer sale for this? The CAG in me wants to get it cheap, the gamer in me wants to pay full price and support Larian...I feel myself slowly being ripped apart...

In Game 2, I'm level 17 now. Came across a fight where I had to fight four guardians that had about 6,000 HP and hit for 1500 to 4500 damage up to twice a turn. Lost the initial fight because it was... unexpected, but changed my strategy and took them down thanks to status effects without taking a single hit thanks to a little bit a luck. Pretty sure I wasn't supposed to win as when I went past them I instantly die to some trigger that I can't avoid.

How the hell did I miss both the kickstarter and summer sale for this? The CAG in me wants to get it cheap, the gamer in me wants to pay full price and support Larian...I feel myself slowly being ripped apart...
It's pretty damn fun and quite long. Needs some improvements in a few areas, but it doesn't detract it nearly enough to make it not worthwhile to play through.

I'm definitely ready for the Workshop stuff to get sorted so that mods can be properly published to Steam rather than having to seek them out elsewhere.

My mage characters are in serious need of UI mods as clicking through 3 hotbars is already tedious even with the combat being turn-based. (plus scaling and repositioning of elements and all that stuff would be great)

They also need to improve where you can backstab from. It's a serious pain in the ass to try and pull of a backstab on some enemies. Visually you're behind them, but the game doesn't see it as a backstab. So you spend more action points (unless you have absurdly high move) to continually re-position yourself until you find it. I think that when its the turn of a character with a weapon that can backstab, enemies should have a small visible cone behind them.

But yes, modifiable UI would be great for any class. Casters need it the most.

Other than that, my co-op partner had 100% hit chance on a backstab and has missed a few times. He has also had times where we reloaded and his characters are naked and level 1 on his side and can't use any skills, so we need to reload or save and reload depending on when he noticed or decided to tell me.

Also, there's a bit too much Paper, Rock, Scissors. Wish there was a different game to mix it up. Find it odd that when doing it against AI, I have never seen a tie where both pick the same object in a turn. Though I have noticed that there are a few patterns that the AI seems to follow for the most part, however I only know one of them.

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I haven't done any backstabbing but I don't why there couldn't be an indicator along the lines of the flanked icon. (yet another reason why the publishing stuff needs to get sorted ASAP)

edit: Not sure if I need to highlight it in the OP but the GOG version is finally available for purchase.

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From reading the forums they say the UI is next to impossible to mod without further support from Larian, so I wouldn't count on that happening soon. It's a shame too because the biggest complaint I'm reading is the way they implemented the hotbar and how lacking it is.

From reading the forums they say the UI is next to impossible to mod without further support from Larian, so I wouldn't count on that happening soon. It's a shame too because the biggest complaint I'm reading is the way they implemented the hotbar and how lacking it is.
Yeah, basically you get one bar on your screen from 1 to 0. Beyond that you can rotate between bar 2 & 3 in-combat by using your mouse to scroll to other bars (I haven't checked for a hotkey to insta-switch). Besides it being a time consuming pain in the later game, if you make an uber caster from a myriad of schools... you aren't going to have enough space to put every spell you want. One can of course argue that you're wasting space by putting so many on your bars, but a lot of them are very useful in various situations.

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Yeah, basically you get one bar on your screen from 1 to 0. Beyond that you can rotate between bar 2 & 3 in-combat by using your mouse to scroll to other bars (I haven't checked for a hotkey to insta-switch). Besides it being a time consuming pain in the later game, if you make an uber caster from a myriad of schools... you aren't going to have enough space to put every spell you want. One can of course argue that you're wasting space by putting so many on your bars, but a lot of them are very useful in various situations.
That's one of the main problems, there isn't a hotkey combination to insta-switch. You have to click very tiny arrows.

Happy to see that this game has been first on the top sellers list pretty much nonstop since release, regardless of the lack of reviews from bigger sites which have only just started coming in. Looking like a success. :D/

How easy is it to dabble? Say I want to primarily be a rogue with just a touch of spellcaster? Is that possible?
Not only can you do it but one of the starting classes is called Shadowblade which the game describes as:

"A powerful assassin whose arsenal of both daggers and magic would terrify any enemy, if they ever saw it coming."

The classes are very much just templates for play-styles really so you could just roll with the default Shadowblade setup or tweak it even further at character creation to say drop the point in single-handed for bows or drop the air magic for fire magic or change the talents around completely or tweak your stats so that your casting is more or less powerful and so forth.

If anything, the game encourages dabbling.

Here's a video of character creation:


Here's some info for those who want to plan out their character:

By level 20, you have 7 Talent Points, 49 Ability Points and 15 Attribute Points. This includes what you distribute at character creation. Abilities go up in cost every level, so level 1 costs 1 ability point, level 2 costs 2 abilities points and so on for a total of 15 ability points needed to take a skill from 1 to 5.

There is an NPC in the game that you can unlock which allows you to redistribute all those points and three other things:

1) 1 Talent can be traded for 10 Ability Points

2) 5 Ability Points can be traded for 1 Attribute Point

3) 2 Attribute Points (Can go below 5 base) for 2 Reputation


It can't be reversed and if you respec after that, you don't get the original points back but where you shifted them to instead. Attribute bases max out at 15, so even if you go full one stat, you'll have at least five to put into other attributes. Outside of that, there are a few books found in the game that will give you attribute and ability points when read.

The only downside to respecing is that you lose all learned abilities outside of special abilities. This means you will need to find and re-buy all the skill books.

Companions do not get respecs unless you choose certain options during their special side quest I think. I was able to choose options to cause Jahan to gain over 200,000 exp and hit level 20 as well as resetting all of his points to the point where I first picked him up in my party (I went the other option and leveled him to 20 with the rest of my characters and he did not get a respec upon hitting level 20). I did Madora's side quest wrong and there's no way for me to fix that, so I can't say the same for her.


I'll be beating the game this evening with my co-op buddy in Game 2 as we're in the final area. We're level 20, 3/4ths of the way to level 21. Not sure if I can actually get to level 21, but it's allowing me to gain experience. I've sunk about 70 hours into this particular playthrough.

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Not only can you do it but one of the starting classes is called Shadowblade which the game describes as:
"A powerful assassin whose arsenal of both daggers and magic would terrify any enemy, if they ever saw it coming."
Damn youse guys. Don't you know I have enough other games to be playing right now. Hmm maybe by the time I actually get around to completing the other 60-100 hr rpgs (bioware, bethesda, and oblivion say hi) in my backlog this'll be patched to deal with all the ui problems. Mainly the backstabbing and spellcasting menu issues.
Updated the OP with links to mods now that the Nexus for it is up.

New patch 1.0.72: (some pretty major stuff here including fixed Workshop uploading, more character AI choices, compressed save files which should lead to turning cloud saving back on for Steam, and a lot of UI stuff)

Hello everybody!

We just released the first official patch for Divinity:Original Sin which introduces the concept of AI personalities.

During character creation, you can now select a specific personality for your characters. When a personality is active the AI will automatically make dialogue choices (based on its personality) for the avatar that isn't selected.

In addition to this, we've made a lot of improvements as well as bug fixes and balancing changes.

You'll also notice that you can now publish to Steam Workshop using the Divinity Engine Toolkit.

Here's the full list of changes:

- Save games are packed and compressed now
- Fixed issues when saving to a network drive
- Fixed unique drops over multiple sessions
- Fixed several tooltips
- Optimized syncing of action states
- Fixed leadership critical chance (didn't work)
- Changed leadership icon
- Better savegame error handling + a lot of sanity checks
- Levelswap error handling for levelcache
- 5% instead of 10%/warriorlore for Weather The Storm talent
- Raged lowers your chance to hit by 25%, but you don't lose dexterity anymore.
- Fixed issue where characters could sometimes stay in a closed dialog
- Dialog banter filter in the combat log
- Fixed trade autobalancer
- Unlearning a skill will cancel it if you were casting it at the same time
- Fixed issue with inventory tabs, sometimes resulting in missing icons in the UI
- Fixed issue where certain henchman were free
- Cannot hire same henchman twice
- Henchman will start with the Staff of Magus skill now
- Added more AI personalities
- Fixed a lot of issues where players were crashing after a level swap or after loading of a savegame
- Added 5.1 Audio on cutscenes
- Added video volume slider
- Reduced cloud artefacts
- Play movies before loading
- Small fix for getting quality preset from settings
- Sort display modes correctly
- Use dropdown for V-sync options + vsync tripple buffered is on in default settings
- Fixed memory leak in character creation.
- Fixed combat and chat log settings not being saved when quiting the game through Alt+F4 or closing the game window
- Added close buttons to the combat and chat log windows
- You can now rotate your characters during character creation using the left and right arrow keys
- Fixed stuttering in the texture streamer
- Seriously limitted amount of traffic sent during player movement and when executing certain actions.
- Fixed crash when texture detail is set too low (only possible through editing config file)
- No skill casting while a skillstate is busy (causing double skill casting)
- Fixed wrong trait names in combat log
- Changed default value of stored dialog amount from 10 to 50
- Fixed loading of formations
- Check talent requirements in character creation
- No combine in trade UI
- Fixed issues with crafting
- Fixed double Quick-Save issue when spamming Quick-Save button
- Less jitter in following
- Fixed telekinesis beam showing when moving items from inventory to inventory
- Use, repair, identify and equip items in context menu in picked-up containers and backpacks
- Repair and identify in context menu in containers
- Fixed crash when level swapping when overhead text is showing
- Sort on item type in inventory
- Reenabled hints for German and French
- Fixed crash when sitting on an invalid item

Divinity Engine Toolkit
- Fixed stability issues in certain preview panels
- Fixed uploading to the Steam workshop
- Fixed issues when trying to mod the story files

-Changed the name of the rock that moves away by pressing the secret button at the start of DAF_InnerSanctum from Hanneman's Axe to Rock. Also changed the stats of the rock because it was breakable from Gen_Stone_Indestructible to QUEST_Item.
-Changed the Enlightened Amulet object stat properties, set unique to 1 and also set the inventory override to MISC.
-Changed the voice of Mikhail Solomatin a trader in the Silverglen tavern from female to male
-Removed greeting voices from the wardens
-Created a new script for the Shrike (added on top of the rest with a higher priority) so the Shrike summons a higher level enemy (Shadows_Caster_B) when he's alone
-Void Dragon modified so the Void Dragon summons not level 10 but level 20 creatures
-Added Balberith to the IsNotMessingAround database
-Added Root Template Shadows_Caster_B, set Scale to 1.3
-Modified portrait for Root Templates Orc_Ghost_Female and Orc_Ghost_Male; those guys are summoned by Braogg Spiritchaser in the Dark Forest
-Set BloodSurfaceType to None for Orcs_Ghost_Female and Orcs_Ghost_Male, set HitFX to FX_GP_Hit_Jellyfish_A_Medium so it looks ghosty
-Modified portrait for Undead_FireSkeleton_Axeman, Undead_FireSkeleton_Warrior, Undead_FireSkeleton_Ranger
-Modified portrait for Template Animals_Cat_Slain
-Added Shadows_Grunt_B, to be summoned by the Void Dragon in HOM
-Replaced Goblin Tanks' Equipment to Goblins_Tank_A_Strong
-Changed equipment of elemental rock ice
-Renamed Raazen Ax'aroth to Raalzen Ax'aroth to match what's written in the story
-Set BloodSurfaceType for AnguishDemon_Slave_01-04 to None, set HitFX to FX_GP_Hit_Jellyfish_A_Medium
-Set Grutilda and DreadOrc_Grutilda to IsBoss
-Set level of landmines around Immaculate fort to 20, set Perception requirement to 11
-Dark Forest, rotated Cliff_Common_E_094 to fix display bug
-Dark Forest, fixed ground texture bug in Hunter's Edge inn
-Slightly decreased Shrike's walking speed
-Made Death Princess and the Shrike non-teleportable
-Moved LTS_Coal_Basket_F_076 and LTS_Coal_Basket_F_077 in Homestead to fix display bug (base of final flight of stairs right before the end fight in HOM)
-Increased level, Body Building, Will Power of Shadows_Caster_A_Strong & Shadows_Mage_A_Strong
-Increased HOM_Shrike's Body Building & Will Power to 10
-Set Sight Range of DAF_Orc_FemaleBossDouble to default instead of -4
-Gave DAF_RatKing_SlainCat a Constitution of 7 (instead of _Ghost's 4). Ingame, the cat now has CON 16 (instead of CON 9)
-Gave Norok 10 Will Power, 10 Body Building(removed all immunities)
Reverted Balberith's slaves' Dex back to _Ghost's base, increased Constitution to 6 (instead of _Ghost's 4). Ingame, slaves now have CON 15 (instead of CON 13)
-Gave Grutilda_Dread 15 Action Points at start, increased Speed to 8 (instead of base's 6)
-Decreased Constitution of HOM_Astarte and HOM_Astarte_SecondFight from 6 to 5, removed Vitality boost (130% > 100%)
-Increased DAF_Orc_Warrior's speed to 6, base initiative to 10
I-ncreased Sight Range of Cyseal_Council_Soldier_Helping_Arhu to 2 (overriding _Base's -2), otherwise sometimes they would not come to the player's aid in battle. Now has Sight Range 22.50, had before Sight Range 14.50
-Modified healthbar color of all Shield skills
-Boreas's tiny elemental rocks xp gain set to None
-Added Shadows_Grunt_A_Strong for the root template Shadows_Grunt_B, to be summoned by the Void Dragon in HOM
-Increased the level of _Shadows_Caster_A_Strong to 20
-Increased Action Points cost of _Goblins_Tank_A to 3
-Increased Action Points cost of _Goblins_Tank_A_Strong to 5
-Increased damage of _Cyseal_BC_CrabSummoner to 8
-Increased damage of _Undead_Skeleton_Grunt_Boss to 8
-Increased damage of _DAF_DemonBoss to 8, decreased attack's Action Point Cost to 4
-Increased damage of _DAF_Norok to 8
-Boreas's tiny elemental rocks now inflict proper secondary status
-DAF_PhantomForest_Ghost_Poacher_03 now has a proper character icon.
-Adjusted DAF_ImmaFort_Goblin_Boss's Equipment
-Added new spell, Summon_ShadowCasterEF (uses only old assets incl. name & spells)
-Set Phoenix Dive's DamageOnJump to Yes, Damage to 0
-Decreased Action Point cost of EnemyPoisonHailAttack from 7 to 5, increased cooldown from 2 to 3, increased damage from 5 to 6, dmg multiplier from 40 to 60
-Set Damage of Cone_Enemy_WaterSpit to 7, Multiplier to 100
-Set Damage of Cone_Enemy_WaterSpitSmaller to 5, Multiplier to 60
-Tweaked WellCraftedArrow's StatsDescriptionParams
-Set Damage of AttenberahKillingSpell to 12, Multiplier to 200, DamageType to None (otherwise people buff the Apprentice with a Water Shield and it absorbs the damage)
-Changed the way Zombie Jake behaves after Evelyn's fight to prevent any damage inflicted on him
-Force-remove the players from dialog before starting Astarte's last speech
-Changed the condition to enter the village, every amulet works now
-Change lock level of the door to the starstone in the trial dungeon to 99
-Added check for Grutilda's dialog before talking to her to prevent dialog overlap
-Remove wander of timfred in troll cave to prevent weird behavior, he used to end up relaxing with the trolls deep in the cave
-Added the achievment fixes even if the quest doesn't open or close while it's relevent
-Changed the alignment of Frederick from Good to Neutral to prevent him from joining every fight
-Changed blood cage so that it doesn't automatically place items inside itself if you have the Tenebrium ability. Also Brandon leaves the blood cage with you instead of taking it when the quest is complete
-Changed Bertia's attitude from +25 to -25 when you keep the sheep
-Fixed the timing at the goblin totem that could freeze the village due to disabling display text while winning the trial
-Gave treasure to Hunter's edge residence / made poker player one combat group
-Making sure the fabulous flag is on to prevent bug when turning the quest in
-Removed poison cloud from mushrooms to prevent permanent explosion
-Fixed Shrike fight setup restarting after savegame load
-Arhu attitude loop fix. To fix performance drop.
-Fixed elemental statue dialog issue
-Henchman trader fix for 2 players talking to him
-Added sound event for Cyseal Orc ship arrival on beach
-Added savegame fix for missing companion dialogs.
-Fixed no valid dialog node in HOM_Icara when talking to her after finding the hidden family but not accepting the druid quest yet.
-Made sure speaker boxes in source temple are called 'Trial Statue'
-Homestead guys don't respond to drawn weapons
-No speakergreeting for teller of secrets
-CharmedOrc in cyseal no greetingvoice
-Start Fun with Funghi quest if you find Maradino's spell
-Norok journal update only after he's killed
-Bugfix: Pincer had 2 diferent voices
-Fix Bicky Bomb Voice asserts
-Remove Bicky Bomb Voice asserts in Luculla Mines
-Cancel JAH_Truth if is Balberith killed
-Blocker fix: Parallel dungeon pendants
-Scale scraps can be crafted with Metal Armor
-Intestines can be crafted to create poison/poisoned food/poisoned arrowheads
-Strong sinews can be crafted to bowstrings
-Crafting scrolls now works with elemental essence like the cards say (e.g. fire essence + paper = blank fire scroll)
-The seller of secrets now only has 1 ability book and 1 stat book instead of regenerating those
-Summoned Skeleton now uses correct animation for his 2H sword
-Changed impact of Soulsap so that it doesn't lower Specializations anymore

-Added missing people to credits.
-Fix for messages in a bottle not showing.
-Added missing kickstarter rewards.

Mac specific
- Black stripes fixed in Black Cove
- Fake fullscreen mouse dragging corruption is fixed

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AI personalities patched in! Good thing I've managed to hold off playing this too much because I think this means I'll be starting over. Workshop uploading fixed as well.

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bread's done