DJ Hero 2 W/ Wireless Turntable $30 at GS

[quote name='AshesofWake']sigh...i don't want to order again and get charged twice, this blows....[/QUOTE]
i didnt get charged twice, if you used your debit card or cc check your account online.
[quote name='AshesofWake']dammit. I just realized I used a gidt card to pay for some of this purchase online and I threw away the gift card. Now that there's no order status as if I never ordered. I'm SOL. Don't have the gift card anymore(unless I dig through my trash) and I'm not getting the item I ordered. Ugh. fuck this deal![/QUOTE]
was it a gamestop gift card? if it was a normal giftcard that acts like a creditcard you can go back in and pay for it, the payment information should be saved.
This is my favorite game from 2010. For $30, you need to give it a try, if you like music games or even just music itself.
I've placed three orders online. Yes three, one on 360 by accident and two for ps3. No confirmation emails at all, so I called gamestop and the guy told me he couldn't find any of the orders. I gave him my debit card number, my name, and address. He couldn't find a thing. I ordered Ninja Gaiden on the 4th and I received my email instantly and thats the only purchase he could find.

So I sent gamestop a message saying I will not pay for either of these orders since there has been no confirmation and thats what I plan to do. So I will pick the game up from the store today and I'm not doing business with gamestop ever again.
[quote name='Untamed Sorrow']You do know this is part of the Power Saver Sale, and is included in that thread already. I guess in b4 the lock....sorry to seem like a troll but I'd hate to see the deals forum flooded with individual threads per item.[/QUOTE]

True, but the 360 version was sold out very quickly. I had given up hope on it, but this thread got me a copy at this awesome price. Thanks OP.
[quote name='newbslice']I called a local gs store and they saidbit was still 60 what gives[/QUOTE]

Sounds like they're being lazy(no surprise there) and just readind the price tag, it needs to be scanned for the correct price
[quote name='newbslice']Ya that would be why I heard them typing on keyboard[/QUOTE]

It is $30, I have bought 2 copies. So you could either sit at home and take their word or go purchase a copy for $30.
[quote name='AshesofWake']dammit. I just realized I used a gidt card to pay for some of this purchase online and I threw away the gift card. Now that there's no order status as if I never ordered. I'm SOL. Don't have the gift card anymore(unless I dig through my trash) and I'm not getting the item I ordered. Ugh. fuck this deal![/QUOTE]

This is a lesson to teach you recycling rocks.
[quote name='newbslice']Ya that would be why I heard them typing on keyboard[/QUOTE]

It is part of their current sale, so I can guarantee it will ring up at $30. I just bought one today.
[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']OK I have no interest in rap or hip/hop but really enjoy RB. Will I enjoy this game for $30?[/QUOTE]

I'm not a fan of rap myself. I listen to metal/ classic rock. I'm having a really good time with this game. If you like rhythm games at all then you'll probably enjoy this.
For those that picked this up, I suggest getting the first game too much better music. I got mine for less than $10.
I walked in and got one on a whim today, looked like they didn't have any but they had a display made out of DJ Hero 2 boxes, i kind of dismantled it to find a PS3 copy (alot of Wii copies).
I got the first one awhile ago so now i have 2 turntables, its a good game and its not all rap/hip hop. It got me into Daft Punk which has a great sound.
[quote name='AteBit']For those that picked this up, I suggest getting the first game too much better music. I got mine for less than $10.[/QUOTE]

I'll offer my perspective, the DJ Hero 1 has more classic songs, but the mixes are pretty funky and I'm not really feeling it. DJ Hero 2 is more radio pop shit ("shawty's like a melody in my head blah blah ipod penis penis") but the mixes sounds much better, IMO.
my jeebus, my xbl gamertag is a bad choice to play this game online.the irony be it has nothing to do with DJ-ness of anything. It's jusy homage to an adorable vacuuming robit. RIP
bread's done