DJ Hero $59.99 @ HEB Plus (TX Grocery Chain) PM to B&M YMMV


5 (100%)
from slickdeals (via WildChickenDanc)

Slickdeals folks are reporting successful price matching at Target and Walmart.

H-E-B Plus ad for this week has :360: DJ Hero Bundle (price mistake) for xbox priced at $59.99 each. Pick up the ad in a Sunday paper or at HEB.

Seems that HEB is aware of the price mistake, but should be able to price match this at Walmart, Best Buy, Sears, or Target..

On page 7 of ad. Link worked for me in ie/firefox/gchrome with clean caches :)

alternate link:
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[quote name='gamenlegend']link didnt work. was gonna ask if youre able to PM this outside of Texas.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious?
Damn, grocery stores in TX sell games? I wish mine sold some...
I wouldn't be surprised if you go to a rookie cashier and they give you the PM. Some new workers don't have a full handle on everything yet, so just hope they don't call for a manager to help.
Since most aren't aware of HEB, you need to know there is an HEB Plus version of the store. Think of Target versus Super Target, or Walmart versus Super Walmart (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and Walmart still had tiny versions).

To find the ad, I'm guessing you'll need to put in a zip code for an area with an HEB Plus.

I think I found one here:

Click on the top left HEB Plus catalog looking thing. 12 pages long. Check page 7.
[quote name='Strell']Since most aren't aware of HEB, you need to know there is an HEB Plus version of the store. Think of Target versus Super Target, or Walmart versus Super Walmart (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and Walmart still had tiny versions).

To find the ad, I'm guessing you'll need to put in a zip code for an area with an HEB Plus.

I think I found one here:

Click on the top left HEB Plus catalog looking thing. 12 pages long. Check page 7.[/QUOTE]

Strell wins again... that link works. Now, how to convince a BB employee to PM this for me...

[quote name='cubeenigma']yes dj hero for 60 for te win. anyone want the ad when I'm done with it[/QUOTE]

I'll take it... feel like sending it for Florida for me? :)
Wow, yeah, anybody who honors this blatant mistake is an idiot. Even if they knew nothing about video games, an override that big is going to need manager approval. And any manager who gives you 50% off without even making a phone call for verification deserves their walking papers. Anyone who is able to get this "deal" should also buy a lottery ticket today.
Good luck!
well it seens that HEB themselves haven't correct the price mistake with official announcement yet (may be I haven't seen it). If you live near one go there now and show them the ad. They will HAVE to honor it if they don't just tell them you can sue them for false advertisement. About PM I bet it'll be very tough to do and you'll be one lucky son of a shaqfu to get some other retailer to PM it. The thread title totally had me going. I was like "$59.99?I'm definitely picking this up just for the daft punk songs".
[quote name='luan87us']well it seens that HEB themselves haven't correct the price mistake with official announcement yet (may be I haven't seen it). If you live near one go there now and show them the ad. They will HAVE to honor it if they don't just tell them you can sue them for false advertisement. [/QUOTE]


These pricing errors happen all the time... H.E.B. will simply put up signs (usually standard A1 sheets) around the store alerting shoppers to the printing error. You cannot "sue" them for that, but enjoy wasting your time.

It's WAY, WAY more likely that you would get an ill-informed BB employee to price match than to get this for $59.99 at H.E.B.
Most weekly ads come with "not responsible for price mistakes". But apparently some countries in Europe actually mandate that they honor their prices (gasp).
[quote name='luan87us']well it seens that HEB themselves haven't correct the price mistake with official announcement yet (may be I haven't seen it). If you live near one go there now and show them the ad. They will HAVE to honor it if they don't just tell them you can sue them for false advertisement. About PM I bet it'll be very tough to do and you'll be one lucky son of a shaqfu to get some other retailer to PM it. The thread title totally had me going. I was like "$59.99?I'm definitely picking this up just for the daft punk songs".[/QUOTE]

And the store manager will tell you "good luck". Get your head out of your ass and join the real world. Even if you had any kind of case against them (which you don't), I guarantee you that somewhere in that ad it says something about "prices subject to change" or "prices subject to manager approval" or something. Mistakes like this happen all the time, and these companies aren't just going to bend over and let you throttle them. Despite whatever silver spoon you were born with, you have no legal right to get this at that blatantly incorrect price.
I just tried to get it here in San Antonio.
They told me they have a bunch but the price was a mistake. They asked me if i still wanted it for $119, i guess there hiding them in the back.
I tried to go to a walmart to price match but they already have a sign at the entrance and at the shelf where the game is at saying they will not honor it.
[quote name='cubeenigma']so I'm so far one in a few that's in for one?

wal mart guy was super cool but after me no more can get it muahahaha[/QUOTE]

All right, totally deserving of this...

Pics or GTFO!
[quote name='zenintrude']Don't be so skeptical... never underestimate the stupidity of a customer service representative.

Unfortunately, the ad only seems to be five pages long...[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I priced match a Dualshock 3 at Circuit City with a Compusa ad. The closest Compusa to me is in North Carolina, I live in New Jersey:applause:
Went down to the local HEB Plus and they had a sign saying that it was a pricing error, but I grabbed the ad and took it to Best Buy. Customer service ended up calling to verify stock and was told it was a price mistake so got denied there. Took the ad to Walmart and they price matched no questions asked!
I liked when we looked for deals on CAG. Now we just exploit ads and try to get other retailers to price match the competitions errors. Sad.
I live in Louisiana and thus the closest HEB seems to be roughly 250 miles away.

I doubt Wal-Mart would PM a printout so I'd need a real copy of the ad.

[quote name='ZForce915']I liked when we looked for deals on CAG. Now we just exploit ads and try to get other retailers to price match the competitions errors. Sad.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget expliot nationwide retailers because of a computer error thus ripping them off hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of product.
[quote name='thegamer']Took the ad to Walmart and they price matched no questions asked![/QUOTE]

Let me guess, that was somewhere in the Rio Grande Valley :lol:
[quote name='Shadowguitar']Damn, grocery stores in TX sell games? I wish mine sold some...
I wouldn't be surprised if you go to a rookie cashier and they give you the PM. Some new workers don't have a full handle on everything yet, so just hope they don't call for a manager to help.[/QUOTE]

Actually the HEB Plus is a large-format store, with a large focus on General Merchandise (electronics, DVDs, games, clothing, etc) akin to a Target/Walmart. Regular HEB stores don't carry games (or if they do, do so in very limited quantities).

I'd advise you to try to make the discount effective, HEB is very customer-satisfaction focused, so you might get lucky to get them to respect the ad (without needing to threat suing)

I might be a little bit biased since I work for HEB, but to be honest I shopped with them even before I was hired
[quote name='n8rockerasu']All right, totally deserving of this...

Pics or GTFO![/QUOTE]
ok mah story:
best buy said that they called HEB and the 2 near us didnt know if it was a price error or anything
BUT they didnt have any in stock so they couldnt price match either

even though i called the plus closest to me and they said they had some but that the price was an error.

then went to target right down the street but they didnt have it at all so walmart down that street

got there. asked electronics guy if he could price match. 20 minutes later he found a manager and they just did it but he had to take all the other copies of the game down so no one could do it.

pics in a bit lol
[quote name='enemysquad']Anyone have a physical copy of the ad that don't need it anymore? Let me know cause I need it!!!![/QUOTE]
i will volunteer to send it but the guy at walmart wrote all over it...
Damn it, why didn't I come on here earlier? My g/f's mom gets the Sunday paper. I'm gonna get the ad from her and do a little driving around tomorrow and see if I can get someone to price match it for me. I'll post updates if I get anywhere.

EDIT: Well that was fast. The Sunday paper my G/F's mom had didn't have the ad. I went checked the Walgreen's down the street and their Sunday paper didn't have the ad either. I then went to two HEBs and neither of them had either the ad or the game. An employee at the second HEB told me that the closest HEB that had an electronics section was in Pearland. It appears that the ad only shows up in papers that have and HEB with an electronics section in the area. Either that or people are stealing HEB ads out of Sunday papers.

Oh well, it would have been cool to have the game, but it's not a huge loss. The way Activation works, the market will be flooded with sequels and expansions in a short time and the first game will be cheap to pick up.
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[quote name='ZForce915']I liked when we looked for deals on CAG. Now we just exploit ads and try to get other retailers to price match the competitions errors. Sad.[/QUOTE]

Here here (or is it hear, hear? I never know).

Anyway, all of this discussion on how to rip off retailers overlooks the fact that this game completely blows.
[quote name='SkylineChili4Me']Here here (or is it hear, hear? I never know).

Anyway, all of this discussion on how to rip off retailers overlooks the fact that this game completely blows.[/QUOTE]

qft. metacritic disagrees.
[quote name='SkylineChili4Me']Here here (or is it hear, hear? I never know).

Anyway, all of this discussion on how to rip off retailers overlooks the fact that this game completely blows.[/QUOTE]
ya for sure this game totally blows -_- Have you played it? I was skeptical and can honestly say its a really good game! Also if anyone would care to buy me one ill pay for it plus shipping+extra! PM me !
Anyone who isn't in Texas try this? also, are there bigger images of the ad anywhere? I'll try my Walmart, but not with a 3" printout lol.
I've heard many positive things about this game so far. Is this the best price at the moment or is there another offer out there?
[quote name='Strell']Edinburgh, eh? Ahh, the valley.[/QUOTE]

I rather pay $120 for DJ Hero than to live in the Rio Grande Valley. I lived there for 2 years and could not wait to get the fuk out of there. Too many people from Matamoros, Reynosa and Monterrey who think they are the shit. It's funny that once they leave the area (if they ever do) they realize they are nobodys and go back to valley (especially girls)...:booty:
bread's done