Do I need a PS3?


I have a 360 and a Wii. The 360 for everything cross platform, the Wii for the great Nintendo exclusives and the Gamecube compatibility. Also still have the original XBox, Dreamcast and a broken PS2 that will likely be replaced soon. So do I really need a PS3? I wanted one before the initial pricing was announced and got scared off. Now that they have come down to a reasonable price point, I already have a lot tied up in my existing systems and Sony stripped out the backward compatibility that would have enabled me to not have to replace my PS2. I have no need for Blu Ray and the handful of games available for the PS3 that I would actually want to play is also too small to justify the expense of owning one. So what would the rest of you do? Blow a chunk of cash on a system that will hardly be used or spend some pocket change to replace my PS2 and be happy with that and my other systems?
Well we don't really need any of these things. ;)

I just recently got one and I now own all 3.
IMO, it's good to own all 3 (if you can). You'll have your PS3/360 for all of your next-gen (well current gen, but ya know what I mean) goodness and your Wii for all of your .. other experiences :rofl:

There's some good exclusives on both 360/PS3. The 360 does have a larger library and a better online setup (but you pay for it.) so most people tend to get the bigger games on the 360.

I prefer the PS3 controller over the 360, so for certain genres I will be buying PS3 exclusively. But that's just me, of course.

Do you have an HDTV?
I agree with boo. It's nice to have if you can afford it.

Are there enough games out now, not coming in the future, that you feel the PS3 makes a worthy purchase? That's really the best way to decide.

Personally I feel the PS3 has better exclusives and a better 2009 line up. If I remember correctly IGN and gametrailers both said it had the best line up of 2008 as well.
I'd advise you wait until you are genuinely interested rather than buying it half-heartedly. It'd be a shame if you regretted your decision because you bought it too early before you could really justify the purchase.

Hopefully, the string of exclusives coming out this year will help push you over the top. Good luck! :)
I personally think that you can't have any regrets owning all 3 consoles if you you can afford it. Both consoles (360 and PS3) have great exclusives line up for 2009 plus PS3 has a nice amount of exclusives released for it in the last year or two.

But like I said before if can afford it, go for it.
Yeah, I can afford it, but no, I don't have an HDTV yet. I go into Gamestop and look at everything, so I know what's available for all the systems, and really can't see anything yet that compels me to get one. A lot of the games that were being promoted as system sellers like Lair, Heavenly Sword and Motorstorm came and went without generating much interest in me. Resistance looked good, but I can get a similar experience from Gears. Live is also in a far further stage of development than the PS3 online service. Most of the major titles that are out or coming out are cross platform. I guess I'll be waiting to see if anything that comes out exclusively for PS3 in 09 really grabs me. :whistle2:k
Gears and Resistance aren't similar at all.

Obviously you don't want one, so don't get it. However, if you like video games, get a PS3.
[quote name='CheepGamez']I have no need for Blu Ray and the handful of games available for the PS3 that I would actually want to play is also too small to justify the expense of owning one.[/QUOTE]

Thread over before anyone else posted.

If you don't need blu-ray and don't care about the exclusives, why on EARTH would you buy a PS3?

Keep the consoles you have now, and save the money.
Nah. Unless you find yourself honestly sitting on an extra $400 and nothing to play, the 360/Wii combo is enough for anyone.

I had all 3 for a few months and it just felt excessive. I didn't use the Blu-Ray movies at all though so take that into consideration as well.
Yes. It has some nice exclusive. But one big thing that really helps PSN is the awesome downloadable exclusives, which you can't find elsewhere, such as Wipeout HD, Siren: Blood Curse, Super Stardust HD, Crash Commando, PixelJunk Monsters, Echochrome, and many more. I had a list somewhere of all the great PS3 exclusives (discs and downloads), but need to find it.

EDIT: Here is the list
Retail Games
  • Buzz! Quiz TV (very fun quiz game with several categories of questions)
  • Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (while the graphics may be dated, fun SRPG)
  • Ferrari Challenge (I’ve heard from many it’s underrated, but I never played)
  • Folklore (highly underated action RPG, with unique gameplay)
  • Formula One: CE (Pretty good F1 game, if you are into it. Only F1 game out on PS3/360)
  • Gran Turismo 5: Prologue (while the game isn't as big as a main GT game, the controls are VERY good and it looks really great graphically)
  • Heavenly Sword (while I wasn't as big into it, still a cool game if you can find cheap)
  • Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds (Really fun golf game)
  • LittleBigPlanet (Excellent platformer and very long lasting, with its co-op, creating levels, and playing user created levels)
  • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots (Best game in 2008 IMO)
  • MLB 08: The Show (best baseball game in 2008)
  • MotorStorm (while not as good as the sequel due to lacking gameplay modes and very hard, still fun and looks good graphically)
  • MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (really good racer, although hard)
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (Maybe best for fans of Naruto series, but the combat is really fun and the graphics are great. Missions are all right)
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma (while I'm not the biggest fan, the combat is excellent and very hard)
  • Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (Excellent platforming action game)
  • Resistance: Fall of Man (while it might be a little dated now, single player experience is still good)
  • Resistance 2 (while some might not like it as much as the first, I love it more and
  • Ridge Racer 7 (IMO, best Ridge Racer in a long time. Enjoyable career mode or whatever it's called again)
  • SingStar / SingStar Vol. 2 / SingStar ABBA (very fun series and pretty good music in the SingStore, unless you are looking for music from the past few years from well known artists. Get the one with the songlist you like the most)
  • SOCOM Confrontation (After 1.3 patch, definitely recommended if you like Tactical action games. Just be warned it sticks heavily to the PS2 gameplay from what I heard (like if you expect it to be totally new, you won't find it)
  • Time Crisis 4 (I enjoy it because I really like light gun games, but I will warn that the graphics are dated and the Guncon3 is wired. Could use some improvements, but since lightgun games are so rare and I love TC, still fun)
  • Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Very fun and excellent story adventure/action game)
  • Valkyria Chronicles (excellent and different SRPG)
  • Warhawk (Very awesome multi-player online game)

  • Blast Factor (the game is pretty fun once you purchase all the add-on content, but may not appeal to everyone)
  • Calling All Cars (Fun to play with others if you have local friends and many controllers)
  • Crash Commando (Very fun online 2D Shooter)
  • Echochrome (very interesting puzzle type game)
  • Everyday Shooter (fun game and very interesting)
  • Fatal Inertia EX (the game is a bit expensive and not as good as Wipeout HD, but still good. Many improvements were made compared to 360)
  • Go! Sudoku (If you are into it, good purchase)
  • High Velocity Bowling (fun bowling game with online play)
  • Mortal Kombat II (while it may not be the best classic port, still fun to play)
  • PixelJunk Eden (might not be for everyone, but cool style)
  • PixelJunk Monsters (very fun RTS type game, similar to Tower Defense or whatever it's called)
  • Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest For Booty (If you beat ToD, this game is great to play, although short)
  • Siren: Blood Curse (awesome survival horror that's fun and scary)
  • Super Stardust HD (Very downloadable game that's addicting)
  • Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online (Best version of Tekken 5)
  • The Last Guy (Pretty cool and interesting downloadable game)
  • Wipeout HD (Very awesome racer)

Killzone 2 comes out in Feb. and it's definitely a must own.

Bold are definite IMO. I also might be missing some downloads since the last was a little old (I tried adding stuff to it as I remembered).
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Do you have a 1080i only TV? If so you shouldn't. The Mana Knight thinks it's only worth it if you have 1080p.
You have enough reasons to not buy it. I like my PS3 over my Xbox ten fold, but it just doesnt sound like you need it from what you have stated. I only have an Xbox because it was free, I couldnt justify buying it for what we do with it, you sound like your in the same situation as I was in.

I enjoy playing both, but I use my PS3 for online and my 360 for the exclusives or just the larger selection of cheap games. I dont have large enough friends list or the time needed to pay for live so thats why I like the PSN.
I have all 3 and the ps3 collects dust, I see no purpose for it other then using it for movies and youtube. That is what I do with it, unless you get a sick deal like I did it is not worth anything more to me then what I paid 150 with 3 games.
I have all three and the PS3 is the only one I really play. My 360 and wii have been unplugged for sometime. I wouldn't get one without an HDTV though, I don't think. You won't be able to take full advantage of it without an HDTV.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Killzone 2 comes out in Feb. and it's definitely a must own.

With TMK's approval, Killzone 2 will be awesome online!
[quote name='62t']get a 60GB, that way you can play your ps2 games too[/QUOTE]

I had considered that, but the first generation (20gb/60gb) PS3's cost more used than a new 80gb. There are also a lot of broken ones on the market for some reason, which makes me wonder about the reliability.
I was in a similar position, debating if I really wanted one, what games I'd play on it, etc. I guess for me, it was the $400-500 price that was holding me back. Then I happened to see one at a pawn shop for only $230, and I didn't even hesitate. Plus it's a 60GB, so I love it even more.

Mine was used, but it has run absolutely perfectly. Cruise around and see if your local pawn shops have any deals on them.
[quote name='CheepGamez'] I have no need for Blu Ray and the handful of games available for the PS3 that I would actually want to play is also too small to justify the expense of owning one. So what would the rest of you do? Blow a chunk of cash on a system that will hardly be used or spend some pocket change to replace my PS2 and be happy with that and my other systems?[/QUOTE]

I think you answered your own question. If you have no desire for Blu Ray and don't care for the PS3 exclusives it's stupid to buy one for $400-500 vs. just getting a new PS2.
[quote name='Chambered']Oh, I was going to say, you should consider putting that PS3 money into a nice HDTV, instead![/QUOTE]

Agreed. If you don't already have an HDTV, it will make you appreciate your 360 more. There's some good deals on 1080P TVs right now, if you're willing to look. Also if you replace your PS2, you can play that in HD as well.
Get the TV (and sound system), then the PS3. You should wait on the PS3 if nothing that's currently out (or much) interests you. Wait and see how the games are for this year and you can make a better decision then.
I have a used 60gig myself, and I couldn't be happier. Along with that a mere 4 exclusives, but that's more than enough for me given the enjoyment I get from them.

I also really dig the fact that I can do so much on it, from watching blu-ray dvds, playing ps2 and ps1 games, and even watching flash videos such as Hulu on the browser. It just makes life easier for me.

I can't make this decision for you though. If you're not sure, just get the ps2. It's still awesome, and very cheap.
I'd say you answered the question yourself. By the time you had finished typing it sounded like you had talked yourself out of it. I wouldn't just buy one just for the sake of buying one. If you don't have enough games to play between the Wii and 360 then maybe get one. But if you have games for the 360 and Wii to play still, why buy another system you're not completely sold on? I agree with what others said, put the money towards a new TV or surround sound system and enhance the experience of the systems you already have, plus watching TV and movies on it will be better.
If you're not excited about getting one now, there's no reason not to wait a while. The console and games will still be around, and you'll almost certainly be able to get a cheaper console with more features than if you bought today. Put the money toward a nicer TV instead, and come back to the PS3 question in a year or two, or when some must-have exclusive catches your eye.
As an original first day owner of the ps1 and ps2, i seriously considered buying a ps3 on launch. But at the time was playing WoW pretty much full time. Two years later and just playing consoles, im glad i held off and am enjoying my first next gen experience on the 360. Until the natural price of the ps3 and the game quality and amount both change im sticking with what i have, the ps2 and 360, and enjoying them quite a bit!
Missed the bit about not having an HDTV. I agree with the others, do that first. I didn't even think of buying a 360 or a PS3 until I got an HDTV.

HDTV was more important purchase for me since my 50" HDTV greatly enhances my enjoyment of movies, TV, sports AND gaming over the 27" SD TV I had. Add in that I do the first 3 more than play games and I had no desire to buy a next gen console (did have a Wii at the time) until getting a decent HDTV.

With you already having a 360, it's a no brainer to save up and get an HDTV first IMO.
I had my 360 with my STV :(
It was OK, but of course whenever I saw a 360 on display was always on an LCD screen :(

I had to then get an HDTV fast!
So, get one!
There are also other things you can consider:

1) There is no doubt whatsoever Sony will be forced to drop the price on the system, it is not exactly selling well in comparison to the Xbox 360 and Wii. Which is great news for consumers interested in the console.

2) Keeping the above in mind, it seems you don't have much motivation to get one even at this point so waiting to get a better deal later on is worth the patience.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Missed the bit about not having an HDTV. I agree with the others, do that first. I didn't even think of buying a 360 or a PS3 until I got an HDTV.

HDTV was more important purchase for me since my 50" HDTV greatly enhances my enjoyment of movies, TV, sports AND gaming over the 27" SD TV I had. Add in that I do the first 3 more than play games and I had no desire to buy a next gen console (did have a Wii at the time) until getting a decent HDTV.

With you already having a 360, it's a no brainer to save up and get an HDTV first IMO.[/quote]

HDTV is nice, but I wouldn't put it above getting a video game console. I myself went from an HD to an SD, and although clearly not as good, if you're a gamer it won't prevent you from enjoying gaming and impressive looking games will still impress. There is also the option of using a pc monitor as well.

Honestly sounds like you're not sure of the ps3. I think the ps2 is still an amazing console, with games that still have not been rivaled on the current gen consoles. Focus on the awesome of the ps2, and I think in a few years you'll see the ps3's library as more appealing.

I only have 4 ps3 exclusives along with a many ps2 and ps1 games, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of them. I probably have 2 360 exclusives along with a handful of xbox games. It should be more about quality over quantity.
[quote name='leveskikesko']HDTV is nice, but I wouldn't put it above getting a video game console. I myself went from an HD to an SD, and although clearly not as good, if you're a gamer it won't prevent you from enjoying gaming and impressive looking games will still impress. [/QUOTE]

It's just a personal thing. Like I said, I watch movies, TV shows and sports much more than I game, so an HDTV was a much more needed purchase before a PS3 or 360.

But for someone who's a hardcore gamer then going with the game console first may make more sense.

For me, I wanted a big HDTV mainly for movies and sports. The 360 is great, but I'm glad I waited and go the TV first. Both for the above reason and also getting the 360 after a price drop and getting a great bundle deal from
[quote name='dmaul1114']It's just a personal thing. Like I said, I watch movies, TV shows and sports much more than I game, so an HDTV was a much more needed purchase before a PS3 or 360.

But for someone who's a hardcore gamer then going with the game console first may make more sense.

For me, I wanted a big HDTV mainly for movies and sports. The 360 is great, but I'm glad I waited and go the TV first. Both for the above reason and also getting the 360 after a price drop and getting a great bundle deal from[/quote]

Yeah, that makes sense. But if games are your main thing and you're trying to save some cash in these hard times, hd can wait. 99% of games can be played on SD these days with no problems. Impressive looking games still will look impressive on the SD.

ps2 sounds like your best bet, my friend.
I've tried to justify a PS3, but my brother owns one and i could just borrow his. I'm more excited about the PSN games like Flower and maybe the tower defense game (i know it is already out). i'm disappointed they took out backwards support as i still play my ps2 and if the ps3 would upscale my ps2 games on my HDTV then i would of probably jumped onto the wagon. i want to play Drake's Fortune and MGS4 (after hearing the Giant Bombcast GOTY edition). But these are not enough to justify the cost of the system. The fact that the 360 handles graphics better than the PS3 for games like Fallout 3 make me hesitant to purchase a ps3. I'm not completely shut off of the idea of getting a ps3, but i really need something to grab me. I'll see after the next price cut and whatever exclusive. I would like to see if Afrika in the US.
I'm with everyone else on buy a HDTV first. I bought my PS3 at the end of August 07 and had a HDTV less than 3 weeks later. I agree with ManaKnights bolded PS3 exclusives and would recommend Heavenly Sword on top of it (Production was top-notch on it).

I don't know the 360s capabilities, so don't jump on me if I list things it does as well, but the PS3 is a great media unit that also plays games (much to the dismay of 'hardcore' gamers). It is a blu-ray player that will constantly be updated as time goes on, it outputs in Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD with a HDMI connection if your receiver supports HDMI pass-through (even if your receiver doesn't decode these formats, the PS3 can and will feed it to your receiver), dvd upscaling, media sharing, and supports sites like through the web browser. There's a ton of features that I'm sure only a fraction of PS3 owners even tap into. The games have been hitting their stride in 2008 and 2009 looks to have a solid lineup.

I *hate* to say this, but you are probably well enough off for now, but to be honest I chose the PS3 over the 360 for long term intentions. Reliability aside, I believe Sony will support the PS3 years longer than Microsoft will support the 360 (I'll be surprised if it's later than Holiday 2010 that they will have a new system).
Is the PS3 really that good of a blu-ray player? I never owned a PS2 but it seemed like it was a rather low quality DVD player. I'd think that as time goes on the price of blu-ray players will go down and the number of features that they have will go up. Will the PS3 be a high quality blu-ray player a few years from now when blu-ray really starts to replace dvd?
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