Do they sell old game magazines at used book stores?

I don't know about used book stores. Some might, I would think most wouldn't. I think your best bet for finding old game mags would be flea markets and yard sales.
I would try a Goodwill. My old Goodwill had a bunch for 15 cents a pop and I picked up about 10 of them. Mostly Nintendo Power and Gamepro.
Unfortunately, as magazines are a throwaway medium, most people simply throw them away. I'm not saying you should go rooting through people's trash, but I'm not saying not to either.

Ok, I'm just fuckin with you. I'm still angry my mom threw away my old Nintendo Power issues, though :lol:
You know, I've NEVER seen a used video game mag at a used book store.

I also work in a public library used book store, and I've never seen any video game mags come through there either. Or any video game guides either. My theory is they get so beat up most of the time people just throw them out. So while I guess it is possible to find them, they are probably really rare. (If we did have them, we'd sell them for 10cents each).

I did a quick search on Ebay and found some listings for vintage Gamepro mags, but they're not used bookstore/Goodwill cheap.
Half Price Books sells old gaming magazines but it's usually just the last year or so of Game Informer and the Xbox magazine without the demo disc.
I was a subscriber to GamePro for quite a LONG time... about 10 years. My oldest issue dates back to around issue 100 which was 1997 if i remember correctly.I have pretty much all of 1998 and 1999 issues... I ended my subscription like last year, i felt the magazine lost its touch. Plus i get all my news and stuff online nowadays anyways. But back then, it was more than GREAT.
Yeah my old mags usually get trashed... I did recently come across a stack of older mags from the 1999/2000 range and a weird book that was basically "the making of mortal kombat 3" with artwork and other stuff that I think my bro bought way back when. There's something really fun about reading old game mags, almost as fun as actually playing the games.

I agree with other folks, check your goodwill or other thrift store, you might get lucky. My goodwill has a PSM mag, but it's PS3 era so not really worth reading... I also found the 2nd issue of american shonen jump there, which was kinda neat.

On a side note, I'm pretty sure there was a gaming mag that sold reprints of older issues, and I mean you could choose from like the entire back catalog. I'm pretty sure it was a gaming mag like EGM or something.
I've got some old Game Informers. One I remember has a preview on Ratchet and Clank. I have some old Nintendo Powers bought from a Garage Sale like 10 years ago. Man, they've just been sitting under my bed. I should try selling these on ebay.

PM me if you're interested.
Wow, didn't realize older magazines were sought after. Glad I kept my old EGMs from '92-'95 as they are fun to look through so many years later.
I have asked in used book stores about old video game magazines and was told, quite pointedly, that "that garbage ain't worth nothin'".

Yet their magazine stands were crowded with old Muscle & Fitness and glam rock magazines. Not to say that old M&F/glam rock isn't worth anything, just that they, like video game magazines, would be targeting a pretty niche market.

That, and that I can't buy old GameFan/EGM/Electronic Games magazines for less than $10 each and older magazines (80's era) for $20 a pop.
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