Do you believe cloning is ethical?

heres my deal on cloning.

we have sheep and cats! Clone something we need! Find a animal thats about extinct and clone it! Why in the blue hell are you cloning cats! we have plenty. Plus they clone them selves jut fine even with the orginal or their sister. Put two cats in a room. in two months you have 8 more cloned cats!

Ok thats my take on cloning!
A bit off the argument in the thread but it does sadden me to hear that story of the woman who paid 50,000 to have her pet cat cloned. Not to go Bob Barker on you many cats are put to sleep every year? How many cats could 50,000 get fixed? Or how many PEOPLE could 50,000 feed, vaccinate, educate, etc?
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']heres my deal on cloning.

we have sheep and cats! Clone something we need! Find a animal thats about extinct and clone it! Why in the blue hell are you cloning cats! we have plenty. Plus they clone them selves jut fine even with the orginal or their sister. Put two cats in a room. in two months you have 8 more cloned cats!

Ok thats my take on cloning![/quote]

Hey, what if..? Hey! Hey, if I was a scientist, you know what I would clone? Hot dogs! Think of all the possibilities, Norm! Imagine a world with an endless supply of hot dogs! You could have a hot dog anytime you wanted! They'd be so abundant they'd become our currency. Twenty hot dogs would equal roughly a nickel, depending on the strength of the Yen I'm not quite sure but... ya know what I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's just keep praying that we can clone one of these hot dogs!
I honestly dont care about it at all since I know there not gonna clone me, theyll only clone the rich and beautiful and although I may be beautiful me coming to this website should show Im not rich....yet.
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']I honestly dont care about it at all since I know there not gonna clone me, theyll only clone the rich and beautiful and although I may be beautiful me coming to this website should show Im not rich....yet.[/quote]

Maybe it's just me, but I find it kind of funny that you say that and have
you avatar be the coordinator Athrun Zala from Gundam Seed.

(In Gundam Seed, coordinators are people that have had thier genetics altered so that the are stronger, smarter, etc. than the normal human.
[quote name='KingDox']When I said growing parts I meant as in tissue engineering. Kinda like how we were able to pull this off.

I've heard of the idea of growing people without heads and using them as parts. I don't like that idea. But I meant cloning as to grow a liver and only a liver in a dish.[/quote]

Yes, you said that you didn't see a problem with the cloning of parts. The idea of growing people without heads and using them as parts is the scenario which I find baffling. Presumably, folks would resort to "growing" entire bodies due to an inability to grow complicated organs or tissues in vitro or on mice surrogates/hosts, etc. A common loophole to avoid the necessity of murdering a cloned human being is to suggest that a body grown for replacement parts be brain-dead or headless or some such. Growing a headless body would certainly be a lot harder (if possible at all, which personally I doubt) than rendering one brain-dead. And a brain-dead individual--as court cases in cases of coma victims have shown--is in no way considered non-human. Therefore, this supposed loophole doesn't strike me as valid in the least, which is why I find it so odd that it is commonly accepted as feasible in discussions like this.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']we have sheep and cats! Clone something we need! Find a animal thats about extinct and clone it! Why in the blue hell are you cloning cats! we have plenty. Plus they clone them selves jut fine even with the orginal or their sister. Put two cats in a room. in two months you have 8 more cloned cats![/quote]

It's funny that your approach runs headlong into JSweeney's concerns regarding cloning. A common and simple approach to limiting the consequences/effects of genetic modification to organisms which are subsequently released into "the wild" (i.e. conditions where uncontrolled mating can occur) is to render the engineered subject sterile (think Jurassic Park's failed attempt in that direction.)

JSweeney suggested that bioengineering of people in general could release genetic weaknesses into the population at large (an epidemiological nightmare far surpassing efforts to track radiation exposure victims after Hiroshima or Chernobyl) and of course the same thing could extend to animal (or livestock) populations, as well. Your suggestion, Mr. Hockey, would directly oppose said safety measure by relying upon cross-breeding between bioengineered specimens. Ye hath swung wide the gates to Perdition, man! The End is near!
Sure. Why wont we be "allowed", who's telling us no? Why doesn't the dude who says no do something about it then? :lol:
I think that cloning is more pointless than anything else. Just because you can clone an Einstien doesn't mean you'll get another Einstien, you'll get another individual with the same genetic makeup.
bread's done