Do you Buy New Games?

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CAG Veteran
After years and years of gaming I decided to stop buying new games.

I know people have been doing this for years and to be honest I really don't know why I didn't follow suit. I bought Left 4 Dead last week, brought it home and played it for 3 hours. I put it back in the box and brought it back to the shop as it was pants!

I got a credit note and decided to have a look at the 2nd hand games. The price of some of the 2nd hand games is pretty impressive. I picked up TC Modern Warfare and Rainbow six Vegas (metal box) for €27!

If you can avoid being pulled in by the marketing machine for new games this is the way to go. Wait 6 months and then get the game for half the price if not less.

I know I am stating the obvious but just wanted to share
[quote name='free games']
I know I am stating the obvious but just wanted to share

I think you'd find a larger audience that would appreciate your sharing of common sense elsewhere. GameFAQs, perhaps?
I'm quite the opposite, I stopped purchasing used games, and have never looked back. I can't stand the mindset of thinking of what the previous owner did to it, why there's scruffs and scratches, why the manuals bent, why the case is warped, etc. With a new game, I lay my mind to rest :)
I've been purchasing almost exclusively used games for the last 6 or so years. Basically it happened around the PS2 years. For the most part, I've only ever bought mint/complete copies, so I haven't had much to worry about. I never understood the need to play a game as soon as it comes out. Why spend $50-$60 on an unproven game when you can wait a year and get it for half that price? Of course, I have such a massive backlog that I can easily afford to wait longer, so I end up paying about $10 on average for my PS2 and Gamecube games. The best thing is that they're all A-AAA games in my book.

Of course, I buy some new games when the price is right. I can handle $15 for good new games, and I also bought Eternal Poison for $20, since I couldn't resist a brand new game at that price.
[quote name='free games'] I put it back in the box and brought it back to the shop as it was pants!

That is the most awesome put-down ever.

Anyway, I almost always get games used. I happen to be a cautious shopper, so I never get a bad disc or a set without the cover art or manual. I'm cool with the local GameStop folk around here, so they'll often take care of me.

Chances are, if the GameStop employee that you hate won't help you out, you're probably a dick anyway.
I will only buy new games on clearance. Other than that I usually buy used/mint/complete games using coupons and Edge card at GS. The last new game that I bought at full price was Fallout 3:CE but that was bought using store credit at GS.
I generally buy new games. Just less to worry about, oftentimes the price differential isn't that huge, and lastly I don't have to deal with other gamers directly. No offense, but generally individuals selling something they own tend to be jerks about it. There's a used car salesman in most any gamer. (For the record, I /give/ my old games away to charity or to poor relatives and friends.)

Now and then I'll buy a used game from Ebay from a really highly rated seller, or I'll get something from Gamefly. Buying from Gamefly, however, is effectively like buying something new.

And as for Gamestop... I've had so many bad experiences there that Treehouse Gamer would assume that I'm "probably a dick anyway."
I buy new games on occasion; I bought Banjo Kazooie:N&B on Day 1 because it was just such an amazing deal. I'm so far behind in my backlog that I generally wait for games to drop in price. Why pay $60 for something when by the time I actually get to play it it's going to cost $20?
True, Cochese. I'd have to add that by 'new games,' I mean that I'm the first owner, not that I buy the majority of my games at the Day One Price.
I buy used if the price is good and they're in good condition. One advantage to EB/GS is that you can return used games within 7 days (in the US).
If the difference is only 5 bucks or so, I'll probably buy new....but then, I rarely pay full price for a game anyway. I will buy new if it's a good price (see: all the Amazon sales on and around Black Friday) or if I get a deal with it (I got L4D for 38.99 from amazon, and that was before they dropped the price.)
But yes, if you wait, you can get almost any game for much cheaper.
If I do sell/trade my own games, it's generally through Goozex or Amazon, and I get games from Goozex as well.
I buy 90% of my 360 games new, but I very rarely pay $60 (maybe once a year). I always wait for deals. I only buy used when GS have an offer on.

A lot of my PSP games are 2nd hand, but that cos I'm a bit late to the game on PSP.
It depends if it's a new game I want, if it's not a game I want at the moment I'll forget about it until I find some interest in it, then will decide if I want it at the price it's at or wait longer.

Although it doesn't matter to me much.
Pants must mean : Too awesome for me to handle.

And yea, if I buy a game, and it is still in print, I'll buy it new over used. Never at full price though.
I don't pick up very many games period anymore, and very seldom buy anything new at launch. This year Gears 2 was all I got new. I did get the DS castlevania new, but that was a birthday present.

Most stuff I just wait and get off of Goozex as I keep a good amount of points there since I don't keep many games around once I stop playing them.
Only reason I buy used is if price difference is around $25 or more and game is OOP. I still don't get why games go OOP long as it isn't on some exotic formats like: cartridges, PSP, GD-ROM, etc. Most movies and CDs doesn't go OOP even after a decade.
OH is that what meant by New? Lol. Yeah I buy used games when I can, I mean if I ever get a chance to go to Gamestop, and I have a game I want to get then yeah I'll look for it as used. Usually I just got to Walmart and get games, as it's closer.
[quote name='botticus']New only for me. Last used game I bought (not counting Nocturne which was a newsed/reprint) was Soul Nomad on 10/22/07.[/quote]

See, right now I'm at the point where I'm buying up a TON of PS2 JRPGs. If I wanted to try to buy them new, chances are a lot of them would be $30-$70+, and that's much more than I'm interested in spending. However, when I buy used and during a sale, I'm able to get some really solid games for $10 or less.

Of course, when there's a game that's packaged with a bunch of bonuses, like Mana Khemia or Ar Tonelico, I'm willing to shell out some extra cash because it's nice to have the full set.
[quote name='Rave Child']See, right now I'm at the point where I'm buying up a TON of PS2 JRPGs. If I wanted to try to buy them new, chances are a lot of them would be $30-$70+, and that's much more than I'm interested in spending. However, when I buy used and during a sale, I'm able to get some really solid games for $10 or less.

Of course, when there's a game that's packaged with a bunch of bonuses, like Mana Khemia or Ar Tonelico, I'm willing to shell out some extra cash because it's nice to have the full set.[/quote]
Well, I kinda cheated. Got my PS2 in May of 2007, bought a bunch of used RPGs then (though the only ones of those I ended up keeping were DDS1, 2, and Tales of the Abyss).
[quote name='botticus']Well, I kinda cheated. Got my PS2 in May of 2007, bought a bunch of used RPGs then (though the only ones of those I ended up keeping were DDS1, 2, and Tales of the Abyss).[/quote]

I've had my PS2 since about a year after launch, but at the time I didn't have a taste for JRPGs (hadn't played any except FF and Pokemon probably). Within the last year, though, I've finally graduated college and had a good paying job, so I started buying up used games left and right. I must have quadrupled my collection in the last year from used games, and I know the average price I spent was $10, even including some pricier things like SMT: Nocture and DDS. But now I'm kind of swinging back towards that new game mentality, since I've got most PS2 games I'll ever want, exept for a few handfuls of random stragglers. I'll just wait for sales or clearance.
I only buy new games. I will never buy a used game unless it is something like an import since it is likely in good condition. I am shocked at how disgusting people are at times (from working in retail I see a lot of gross stuff) and to think I could be buying a game one of those people once had makes me want to buy new games only. Plus with all the amazing deals on new clearance games, that is another reason I don't buy used.
[quote name='botticus']New only for me. Last used game I bought (not counting Nocturne which was a newsed/reprint) was Soul Nomad on 10/22/07.[/quote]

Damn man, I remember when you were one of the regular Morning Update people who used to buy all the used crap for 25% off. :D
[quote name='Rozz']Damn man, I remember when you were one of the regular Morning Update people who used to buy all the used crap for 25% off. :D[/quote]I was just reminiscing with daroga about those days, so sad.

My attitudes have certainly changed, but the Morning Update was usually about classic games for me.
A lot of times, I can find new games cheaper than Gamestop's used games.

Haha, so true. Gamestop also has the worst trade in values... Probably for a new released game you get 10% of what you bought it for. Basically a 60 dollar game, and you get 6 bucks for it, xD. Then they sell it for like 50... It's a complete scam. Oh well, when you are desperate for cash, you do weird things.

Sadly, seeing New Games become deformed from light scratches and dust depresses you. This is why we must worship our games, and perform a ritual of Putting the game away after use. Usually people just leave the game in the console or on top of the console, well I'd be careful of doing that, in case someone moves the console, or moves the game to the floor and people walk on it sliding it across the floor... *cringes* Never be Lazy about the handling of your games.
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