Do you enjoy your DS more or your PSP?

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I am not married to getting either system- but I wonder what people think about the games that are out now? I haven't been following handhelds forever!

I own both systems and enjoy the DS more. There just seems to be more of a variety of games for it. Not that you can go wrong with either system.
I wanted to love the PSP i bought it briefly after launch for $250 when games were even $50 and even just Bought a new Ratchet 3000 Bundle. ive only purchased about 5 games in teh last 2 years for my PSP, its just never had the support the DS has. Games like Final Fantasy III, IV & Dragon Quest IV, V, and IX are the type of games the PSP needs.
I have both and I prefer the DS. I recently started playing my PSP again (Jean D'Arc) and I regret not giving it more time. You'll find that the PSP does have some gems but not even close to the number of quality titles that the DS has. I agree with Layd Dly in that I think it comes down to the fact that the DS gets way more support (especially last year) than the PSP gets.

OP, It also depends on what type of gamer you are.
PSP because I use the RSS reader to download my podcasts to it to listen to them. That and the great games it has, too. I play both about the same, so the other things the PSP can do gives it the edge.
I traded my psp in for a ds last summer. I liked lumines, jeanne d'arc, and a couple others but there are way more games that I enjoy on the ds. I have an iPhone so I don't need movies and music on my handheld.
DS by far. I think because it has games that fit the handheld platform. I can't stand failure '3d' games.
First off: I have both systems, and I get a great deal of use out of both. That being said, choosing one or the other definitely comes down to your own gaming preferences. I would break down the pros and cons of each system thusly;


Nintendo Brand: Pretty self explanatory. The DS has some pretty damn solid Nintendo exclusive titles, from Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, to Mario Kart DS, to Metroid Prime: Hunters. If you are a Nintendo fan, this one is pretty much a no-brainer

Solid, Deep Library: The DS boasts solid games from most every gaming genre (shooters being the glaring exception). From puzzles (Meteos, Planet Puzzle League), to RPGs (Sonic Chronicles, Chrono Trigger), to adventure (Zelda, Contra 4), the DS is going to give you good options no matter what your favorite type of game is.

Unique and Innovative Games: A number of companies have really figured out how to get the most out of the DS platform, providing gameplay you just aren't going to get anywhere else. The dual screen and touch capabilites give the DS a much different feel than any preceeding handheld. Examples of games that take advantage of this are the Trauma Center games, Hotel Dusk, and Phantom Hourglass.


The DS is Lite: Maybe it is just me, but the DS does not lend itself to extended gaming sessions. A lot of its gaming library consists of short session games, so if you are looking for a handheld to play on the crapper or to kill 20 minutes waiting for a bus, the DS is your guy.

Shoot Me: If you are a shooter fan, just walk away now. You have nothing to see here.

Graphics: The DS has decent graphics, but IMO, the PSP just craps all over the DS in this department. Just no contest.


PSP spelled RPG: If you are an RPG fan buying a PSP is one of the easiest purchases you will make all year. From Jeanne d'Arc, to the Star Ocean games, to the Final Fantasy games, to the Atlus and NIS titles on the system, the PSP just has a ridiculously good RPG library going for it.

Graphics: It is a PS2 in your hands. Period.

High End Handheld: The PSP is going to give you some great games with high production values and long session play ability. Aside from the previously mentioned RPGs, some other games that come to mind are Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters, Killzone Liberation, and God of War:Chains of Olympus. These are AAA quality PS2 level games on a handheld, like if the DS had Pikmin or Smash Bros.


Shallow Library: Once you get past the top of the PSP library, there just isn't much depth. The scary part is though, a lot of developers seem to have given up on the PSP, so you better be content with the selection that is out there now.

The Nub: Seriously, who the hell thought that one nub was a good idea? The lack of dual analogs is forgiveable; the stupid ass, useless nub is not.

Price Point: Once you factor in the higher entry cost, the cost of a memory stick, and the *generally* higher price of games, the DS is going to look like a lot better option for your wallet.
I prefer the DS. I like the game library better and I like how the touch screen provides some unique games but are still fun to play.

The PSP is a good system but I play my DS at least 3 times as much as the PSP (if it wasn't for GTA, I wouldn't have played it nearly as much as I have)
I have had both for a long time and prefer my PSP-2000 over the DS Lite 10 fold. I hate how tiny the DS screens are, and the games look so insanely cheap on it. I also dont play RPGs on the go often, so the major part of the DS library for me is useless. The D-Pad on the DS Lite is insanely horrible as well. Ive been thinking of getting rid of the DS Lite since i never even use it anymore, i enjoy my PSP all the time tho. Tekken on the go, web browser that works, movies look amazing and its just such a stylish machine. Really enjoy owning it.
I personally regret buying a PSP and I think the DS trounces it in ever way possible. I'm an RPG guy and am a bit surprised to see all the PSP love in this department when the DS has, as others have mentioned: TWEWY, Dragon Quest 4, and Final Fantasy 3/4 (remakes coming from square alone surpass just about any and all RPG offerings on PSP, imho).

I personally didn't really like any of the Star Ocean games except for Star Ocean 2 Second Story. Jeanne D'Arc is the only game that really enticed me (and Final Fantasy Tactics if you haven't played the playstation version previously.

I think the vast majority of people are better off with a DS if just inerested in it for gaming. For multimedia purposes and "hackability" (for lack of a better term), the PSP would be a better option.
DS. I play mine a few times a week, whereas my PSP sits in a drawer. It averages about one hour of gameplay for every full battery charge.
The DS imho. I had a PSP from when it launched upto last year. It just always collected dust. I wanted so much to like it. In PSP defense its power is pretty impressive. But, once I sold my psp I got a DS. The DS actually has such a great library, even if the graphics are subpar, the fun gameplay makes up for it.
I prefer playing the PSP-- it just feels better in my hands than the DS Lite, and it's a lot easier to play for longer sessions. But I find myself playing the DS a bit more because I just have more games for it.

Both systems have absolutely great JRPG libraries.
I think kidu nailed it pretty well except I think the DS also has a really impressive JRPG games lineup. I have owned both and it just makes more sense to play my DS instead of my PSP since it is more of true handheld. The games on the PSP feel too much like you are playing a console game, which is no surprise since most PSP games are PS1 or PS2 ports. I have a console and a PC for more hardcore gaming, and my handheld is just something to play quickly before bed. So ultimately I chose the DS over the PSP simply because it is more of a handheld in that you can play games in short bursts and get a good gaming experience.

I sold my PSP a few months back for the second time after rebuying, but since then I haven't even though about buying another one. U.S. developer's support on the PSP is a JOKE.
I own both and to be honest I never use either of them. I like the PSP for putting movies on if I have to go somewhere and the PSOne classics. My wife uses the DS because she likes the more simple games and is comfortable with the DS.
I have both. For games, I have to say I prefer the PSP because I played Grand Theft Auto for a long time. The DS I use more though, I have the Korg DS music making software and I enjoy that alot.

I would say if I had to pick one- I'd say the DS. Its better engineered, better designed and it has better battery life. The PSP always struck me as being kinda awkward.
PSP, there's no comparison... There are no games like GoW:CoO and FFCC on the DS. If you like puzzle/brain games, yeah, DS is okay, but if you want games actually look like console games, PSP.
[quote name='The Crotch']The one what plays Link's Awakening.[/quote]
Does PSP's CFW support GB/GBC games? If so, the answer could be both. ;)
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Does PSP's CFW support GB/GBC games? If so, the answer could be both. ;)[/quote]

Wait, does the DS support GB/GBC games? I thought it was definitely the PS he was talking about - I've played through Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons on my PSP recently.
[quote name='javeryh']Wait, does the DS support GB/GBC games? I thought it was definitely the PS he was talking about - I've played through Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons on my PSP recently.[/quote]
I thought it might have been rereleased on some GBA cart or something, but its wiki so it wasn't, so I guess that seals the deal.
I don't know why people hate the PSP so much... I mean, come on, if you count cellphones as portable gaming system, then just read a damn book (or comic book) to kill your time (or daydream if you perfer). I know the key in portable gaming is portablity. However, it doesn't mean you can't have quality for the "quick fixes."

As for battery life, yeah, the PSP got shorter life, but come on people, how long can you play straight w/o being interrupted on a portable? The only time i can think of when my PSP's juice ran dry is reporting for jury duty selection (my DS also ran out of juice, i ended up daydreaming). The point is, 90% of the time, you can recharge before you play again.

As for loading the game up, DS and PSP are virtually same, you don't have to wait long. You can fire up a PSP game as quick as a DS game. As a matter of fact, DS games are a pain the ass to load, you have to spit to make it work sometimes... I would never ever play my DS if i don't have the *forbidden* card.
i enjoy my ps3 more than my ds. i would have gotten a psp over a ds is the thing had 2 analog sticks and better games but it doesnt so i didnt.
[quote name='javeryh']Wait, does the DS support GB/GBC games? I thought it was definitely the PS he was talking about - I've played through Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons on my PSP recently.[/quote]Actually, I was talking about the big grey brick I have sitting in the drawer of my desk.
I would definitely say the DS, simply for the much more appealing game library. But I suppose thats a matter of taste, if I were you I'd research and see which had the most games that appealed to you personally and go with that.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Too bad I want a good game and not just a nostalgia high.[/quote]

Then you're better off avoiding both both.

Heaven forbid people actually think old games (from both the Playstation and SNES era) are fun.
[quote name='DQT']Then you're better off avoiding both both.

Heaven forbid people actually think old games (from both the Playstation and SNES era) are fun.[/quote]

/me plugs in* Disgaea, Jeanne D'Arc, and Crisis Core and has no clue what you're talking about

*Note: I don't actually own a PSP ATM, but my family's got two DS's. :X

SNES games aren't fun. That's because I didn't grow up with them, so I'm not a biased fanboy. I have no desire to play another SNES RPG after the abortion that was Chrono Trigger.
I own both the PSP and the DS. I prefer the DS when I'm short on time and I can just get a quick couple minutes of gameplay in. If the circumstances are flipped and I have an extended time to play I enjoy the psp. However I find myself playing the DS much more than the PSP, mainly because both my wife and I own DSs so we play several games together.
I don't prefer one over the other. It all depends on what game is holding my attention. Currently, it's DJ Max on the PSP. But next week, I know it's going to be Fire Emblem. It really depends on what game (or type of game) I want to play.
I have both and use my PSP way more, infact I haven't touched my DS in months.

I prefer the kind of games you get on the PSP and it's great for watching movies/TV shows when you're on a trip somewhere.

I like the fact the PSP games are more like home console games whereas the DS game are quite different. Also I like racing games and I don't think the DS is a good platform for racers IMO.
Ok, so I was going to stay out of this discussion, but this has to be a joke post right?

[quote name='Serpentor']As for loading the game up, DS and PSP are virtually same, you don't have to wait long. You can fire up a PSP game as quick as a DS game. As a matter of fact, DS games are a pain the ass to load, you have to spit to make it work sometimes... I would never ever play my DS if i don't have the *forbidden* card.[/quote]

You're kidding me right? PSP games take far longer to load up and get ready than any DS game that comes to mind. Loads times are terrible in the older games especially.

To the OP, do your research, look at the game libraries, find out what each system offers and then make your decision off of that as to which device you want.

Personally, the DS gets far more play time, has better games, and is far more portable than the PSP. I own both, and all the PSP is used for is reading comics. My DS is by far the most played console I own, the library of fantastic games seems almost endless and you can grab them for just a tad over $100 now. It plays DS games as well as GBA games, so there's always something you'll find that you want to play. If I wanted a console-like experience, then I would sit in front of my TV and play a console, when I want a portable/handheld experience, the DS is by far the way to go.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']The DS has... what? SNES RPGs? That's cool. Too bad I want a good game and not just a nostalgia high.[/quote]

I don't have a DS, but I think it's best games are mostly remakes. Either of old snes games, or just new versions of the same old stuff from GBA SP. The few that aren't remakes make use of the stylus pen (like the new Zelda), totally ruining my interest.

I can play tons of SNES and GBA games on my PSP. There is no contest to me which is more useful. That said, I have 3 GBA SPs and 3 PSPs.
[quote name='SL4IN']Ok, so I was going to stay out of this discussion, but this has to be a joke post right?

You're kidding me right? PSP games take far longer to load up and get ready than any DS game that comes to mind. Loads times are terrible in the older games especially.[/quote]

Maybe he's loading his games from the memory stick?
Both are good portable systems. I only have a DS, but have borrowed my brothers PSP a few times when I wanted to play something.

I'd give the edge to the DS. It has more games I've enjoyed and I hate the controls on the PSP as both the d-pad and analog nub suck IMO. Has a great screen though.

I doubt I'll buy another portable though, I hardly touch my DS these days. Don't game on the go much anymore and at home I'd rather play something on the 50" TV than on a tiny portable screen.
[quote name='SL4IN']Ok, so I was going to stay out of this discussion, but this has to be a joke post right?

You're kidding me right? PSP games take far longer to load up and get ready than any DS game that comes to mind. Loads times are terrible in the older games especially.

To the OP, do your research, look at the game libraries, find out what each system offers and then make your decision off of that as to which device you want.

Personally, the DS gets far more play time, has better games, and is far more portable than the PSP. I own both, and all the PSP is used for is reading comics. My DS is by far the most played console I own, the library of fantastic games seems almost endless and you can grab them for just a tad over $100 now. It plays DS games as well as GBA games, so there's always something you'll find that you want to play. If I wanted a console-like experience, then I would sit in front of my TV and play a console, when I want a portable/handheld experience, the DS is by far the way to go.[/quote]

exactly! the ds is short burst, which is what a handheld is suppose to be. i don't understand on peoples take of wanting a handheld to play like a console. if you wanted a console experience then buy a console, there are a choice of three to choose from.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']exactly! the ds is short burst, which is what a handheld is suppose to be. i don't understand on peoples take of wanting a handheld to play like a console. if you wanted a console experience then buy a console, there are a choice of three to choose from.[/quote]

Short burst or not depends on the game - not the console. PSP does support sleep mode, so it's easy to play in "bursts". As for your other argument, just what exactly is this "console experience" and why is it bad to have an a handheld? As of now, it appears to me that you're advocating that portable games should look bad.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']Short burst or not depends on the game - not the console. PSP does support sleep mode, so it's easy to play in "bursts". As for your other argument, just what exactly is this "console experience" and why is it bad to have an a handheld? As of now, it appears to me that you're advocating that portable games should look bad.[/quote]

Who said anything about handheld games/console games looking bad or good? No one brought graphics into the argument, and if graphics are important to oneself, they probably won't be playing portable/handheld games very much.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven'] i don't understand on peoples take of wanting a handheld to play like a console. if you wanted a console experience then buy a console, there are a choice of three to choose from.[/QUOTE]

It's not rocket science.

Many people game on the go a lot (or have roommates that share the TV) and thus have need of a portable to get some real gaming in.

I don't much anymore, and I don't generally like short bust types of games, so portables aren't really for me. But I definitely see the appeal for people that travel a lot, or have long commutes, or share the tv/consoles with roommates, kids etc.
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