Do you guys still get games at full price?


27 (100%)
There are several games coming out for the ps2 that are coming out that I want, but I'm tempted to just wait and get them cheap. There's VP: Silmeria, Xenosaga 3, FFXII, and okami to name a few. Xenosaga has preorder bonus of an art book and there's the FFXII limited edition version to tempt me.
If there's a preorder bonus that's worth getting or a Limited Edition, then I'll pay full price without hesitation. If it's just a regular version of a game we're talking about though, then I only buy the game at full price on occasion... the Fry's ad usually has a deal on games when they first come out so I can save $5 or $10 that way if I must have the game immediately. Other times I'll only have a passing interest in a game so I'll wait for a price drop. Hell, with imports, I almost never have the luxury of getting the game lower than retail price. Overall I'd say that I typically do not buy games at full price, but I will if I need to.
I never buy mainstream stuff from companies like EA or Atari at full price but I will pay full price for more obscure titles from companies like Atlus and Nippon Ichi. I like what those companies are doing and I want to support and encourage them.
If it's something I'm really interested in, then yea, I'll drop full price on it, espically if it's something popular that might not drop for awhile.

It's really easy to see what games will have price drops and which games won't.

And for everyone who is going to say "Oh, I buy Atlus games at full price because they might get rare!", the company is starting to overproduce it's games and we've already seen a handful drop to $29.99 new... expect to see more games in the future drop too.
i only pay full price for games i know i will enjoy and will have tons of gameplay and replayability. KH 2 was the last game i played full price for and yeah i was dissappointed but gta san andreas was the other game i payed full price for and it was worth it. id pay full price for the next zelda game too but if i find a deal for it on here ill go for it.
I still buy a lot of games at full or near-full price. Often times I'll wait a week or two for a used one to come in (25% discount on top of the used price!), but if it's a game I know I really want, I'll buy it right when it comes out.

Good examples for me are Kingdom Hearts 2, Pikmin 2, New SMB, Tetris DS, and the upcoming Dead Rising.
[quote name='rodeojones903']All the time. Like stated already, it just has to be worth it.[/quote]

Yup, I'll be dumping $75 on Disgaea 2 this Tuesday. I'll probably also get FF12 and Xeno Ep 3 full price. Same with Twilight Princess and well, a lot of Wii stuff.

Generally if I have something to play though, and i know the games gonna drop eventually i can wait. A la Kingdom Hearts 2. I was more than prepared to wait till it was
if he game is worth it yes, usually a safe bet with nintendo games, becuase it takes forever for good nintendo 1st titles to drop in price
Technically I drop full price on a ton of games, but they're all through preorders or purchases using store credit that I've usually collected at around 2-to-1 cash value. So in reality I'm getting them half off or more.

Only games I've actually paid full retail out of pocket for are Mario Power Tennis (first GC game I bought pre-CAG) and Daigasso (though even that is technically below retail at YesAsia)
There were some games I bought full price, mainly ones that I really wanted to get, like Kingdom Hearts II and Star Ocean: TTEOT.
Yes and no - I give full price in credit for games quite often, but I've almost always done some kind of trade-in deal that has me paying out of pocket much less than the stickered price. Usually in Rhino's 2-for-1, where I average $20 + tax on a new $50 game.

[quote name='Roufuss']And for everyone who is going to say "Oh, I buy Atlus games at full price because they might get rare!", the company is starting to overproduce it's games and we've already seen a handful drop to $29.99 new... expect to see more games in the future drop too.[/QUOTE]

It's hit-or-miss with Atlus. The first DDS is very hard to find, and that's just over a year old. I don't see Magna Carta a lot either. The second DDS is more common, true. But it's a gamble. If you want to risk waiting on one of their games to save $10-20, fine - but that's a risk I'm not willing to take. ;)
Regarding the particular games you listed:

VP: Silmeria - Square Enix - Will Drop to $20-30
Xenosaga 3 - Will drop to like $10
FFXII - Greatest Hits at $20. Collectors may drop $10-20 from initial retail like Gamestop's RE4 exclusive collector's edition, depending on how many they print
Okami - Everything else Clover has printed has gone in the bargain bin.

You just need more patience
Every once and a while. Usually I have some sort of giftcard or credit to soften the blow. The last game I bought at full price was the Oblivion CE, but I only ended up spending about $5 out of my own pocket. The next game I'll pay full price for will probably be Saints Row.
I'll still pay certain prices for particular titles, especially those that I really want or those that won't see drops for at least a year that I'm dying to play.

For example, I'll drop $50 on Disgaea 2 when it coes out because I need a good Strat/RPG after blazing through Suikoden Tactics. I also spent $40 immediately on Suikoden 5 because my friend kept raving that it's as good as Suikoden 2, a claim to which I cannot disagree.

Everything else? Oh, it waits. It waits and it waits. Between all of the other games I have on my backlog I never really have to buy another game again for a good two years.
I'll buy some games at full price if I really want them. Like I have Dead Rising, Saints Row, and Yakuza paid off at my local ebgames. I'm just waiting for them to release them.
Depends- collector's editions for PC games- Heroes V was probably a safe bet, They droped the price of BFMEII so probably should have waited on that one, Star Wars Empire at War was a safe bet for the collector's edition, so was Civ IV collectors. Warcraft III, Diablo II limited edition, I bought 2 copies of Collector's WOW, and sold one here on CAG for over double what I paid for it. (Long story on how I got two- was going to give it as a gift, but my Bro's GF bought him a copy in 2004).

For a $40+ game to get my money it has to be a huge must have- otherwise I'll wait for the price drop.

And GOGamer is your friend.

As for console games- well, I found I love the CC sales..... Console games are worth 10 bucks and sometimes 20, but never more than that.
[quote name='Roufuss']And for everyone who is going to say "Oh, I buy Atlus games at full price because they might get rare!", the company is starting to overproduce it's games and we've already seen a handful drop to $29.99 new... expect to see more games in the future drop too.[/QUOTE]Unless I go to Fry's, I cannot get too lucky with Atlus games. If no one preorders them at my local EB/Gamestop's (Happens all the time, which seems to be the case with Summon Night) they won't stock the game at all. And the other problem I have is, they might have 1-2 copies left, but they're normally display cases, where I have to deal with the sticker or try to remove it, making the case look like crap. :(

Anyway, I normally spend full price on a game if it's something I really must have (Usually an RPG), some Atlus and NIS RPG games, or a game that is becoming rare (where I have to buy it, or else I'll never get it new or have a hard time finding it used).

The rest of the year, I will pay full price for (meaning regular price, although if I can get them cheaper, I definitely will):
Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
Xenosaga Episode III (PS2)
Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2)
Ar Tonelico (PS2)
Rogue Galaxy (PS2)
Disgaea II (PS2)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (PS2), maybe
Tekken DR (PSP)
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (PSP)
Guilty Gear Judgement (PSP)
Final Fantasy III (DS)
Magical Starsign (DS)
Children of Mana (DS)
DDR Ultramix 4 (Xbox)
I used to pay full price all the time almost a year ago but now I've cut back on buying games. Unless it's a game that I'm really interested in, has a limited edition avaliable, or if it comes with a cool preorder; then I can wait.

So far, only games I'm getting at full price in the next couple of months are:
-Dead Rising
-Smackdown vs Raw 07
-Gears of War
-Disgaea 2
If its a game I really want, then yes. Right now the only games I have to have will be Okami and Yakuza...both of which come out on my birthday :D
[quote name='whoknows']If its a game I really want, then yes. Right now the only games I have to have will be Okami and Yakuza...both of which come out on my birthday :D[/quote]

That's gonna be a damn good birthday. Hopefully, everyone you know gets the hint and picks them up for you.
I do pay full price for a few games, but even now it's becoming easer and easer to find deals on a game the week they come out.
I'm sure I'll pay full price for a few Wii games when the system comes out.
[quote name='depascal22']That's gonna be a damn good birthday. Hopefully, everyone you know gets the hint and picks them up for you.[/QUOTE]
Everyone will know soon enough...I just hope I dont end up with more than one copy of either game :p
I would say I still buy 80% of games at nearly full price. If there is a deal at launch I'll jump on that. Only game I bought at full price recently I regret is Kingdom Hearts II and that's only because I have such a backlog of games now that by the time I get to it, it'll probably be on sale. Unfortunately I waited too long and I can't return it anymore (even though it is sealed). I also bought Shadow of the Colossus about 2 weeks ago and now it's going GH so that pissed me off a little but same situation.

Anyway most games I'm just not patient enough to wait for price drops. I should probably wait for price drops on Okami, Yakuza, Dead Rising, Double Agent, Saint's Row, Lego Star Wars II & Enchant Arms, but most likely I'll buy all at launch at or near full price. I'm just weak like that. If I can wait to buy them I usually just rent them and save myself the difference.
I could probably wait on some of those, but some of those with the pre-order stuff. I kind of want the artbook for Xenosaga 3 since I have the artbook for the first one. I would like that FFXII collector's edition, but I don't know if it is really worth it. A fancy case, some trailers, and history of video. That doesn't sound to exciting. I'm also tempted by the Disgaea 2 pre-order bundle. The bad thing is I haven't even played Disgaea yet. It's sitting in my backlog.

Also, did BB get rid of the regular GGC? Mine only has the ps2 ones.
Is Disgaea even one of those games where you need to play the first game to follow what's going on in the second? I'm temped to pick up the second one because of all the people talking about the first one, but the first one is going for like $80-90 on eBay.
Like most folks in this thread, I do still buy games full price, but it just depends on how badly I want it and if there are any pre-order presents available that sound good to me. For example, I'll probably spring for the Disgaea 2 limited edition package from NIS.

Also, I do enjoy import games, and those are much harder to find cheap.
No. I haven't bought a game for $50 since 2001 (Grand Theft Auto 3) and the only thing I've bought for over $30 in years was the Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition (originally retailed for $80).

EDIT: Just to clarify, I have bought quite a few games on or near launch for $30 (for games that cost $40-$50 MSRP).

EDIT 2: After reading through this whole thread I find it dispicable that so many people on CAG are extremely willing to buy games at full price (especially the people who keep them sealed for months).
Every now and then. Haven't bought anything for 49.99 since.. well before the X360 launch. I will be buying Dead Rising and Saint's Row at full price, though.
Definitely paying full price/at least buying at launch for these upcoming games:
Cooking Mama
Xenosaga 3
Rule of Rose
DQ Heroes: Rocket Slime
Valkyrie Profile 2
FF12 (NOT getting the LE. This is where being a CAG comes in ;))
Ar Tonelico
Elite Beat Agents
Tales of the Abyss

Might pay full price for:
Devil Summoner
Yoshi's Island 2

This summer has been one of the worst ever for games, and I am bored as hell on the gaming front, so I'm looking forward to this season with caution, as I need to do well in college too.
if I have store credit or if I start putting money towards it months in advance, I'll end up paying full price. I can't remember the last time I slapped down full price on the spot...maybe for something uber rare that I was reselling.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Regarding the particular games you listed:

VP: Silmeria - Square Enix - Will Drop to $20-30
Xenosaga 3 - Will drop to like $10
FFXII - Greatest Hits at $20. Collectors may drop $10-20 from initial retail like Gamestop's RE4 exclusive collector's edition, depending on how many they print
Okami - Everything else Clover has printed has gone in the bargain bin.

You just need more patience[/quote]

But will you get the extra stuff when you reserve? Nope, and it will be hard to find. And I'm starting to be more patient due to the evil pricedrops I've been seeing lately.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Regarding the particular games you listed:

VP: Silmeria - Square Enix - Will Drop to $20-30
Xenosaga 3 - Will drop to like $10
FFXII - Greatest Hits at $20. Collectors may drop $10-20 from initial retail like Gamestop's RE4 exclusive collector's edition, depending on how many they print
Okami - Everything else Clover has printed has gone in the bargain bin.

You just need more patience[/QUOTE]I would go insane if I had to wait for Xenosaga 3 to drop to $10. I'm one of the biggest Xenosaga fans and will definitely have the game beaten within a month (Xenosaga is one of the only series when I get a game, I'll play it instantly and try to beat it). I can't exactly wait for VP Silmeria or FFXII either.
you don't have to wait for price can make your own. get in touch with your inner fatwalleter and resell some stuff. :p
60% of the games I buy are at full price / release date.

90% of those paid at full price are paid with store credit.
I have Dead Rising on preorder (has been since April) with 10 left on it. Thats honestly the first game I've gotten for full price in well over a year. Plus its about the only game I've seen that made me think "I GOTSTA HAVES IT!!!" in the longest time
I'll pay full price for some titles. My criteria are:

- do I want to play it immediately
- how much play time will I get out of it (I don't mind paying more for RPGs)
- will it soon be rare

I will usually wait at least a few weeks on any title, since many go on sale at some point shortly after launch. I haven't paid more than $40 for any game in a long time. Some titles you know will be in the bargain bin soon, or become GH/PC at some point. Those I'll usually wait for.
i don't remember the last game i paid full price for.

hell, i don't even remember the last game i paid over $20 for.

all thanks to cheapyd and this wonderful site.
Only if I simply can't wait for a price drop. Kingdom Hearts II comes to mind, I just had to have it on release date. Although it's been (really) hard sometimes, this site has taught me a very good lesson: It's good to wait sometimes.
Nope the last time I bought a full price game was probably when the ps1 came out and I dont even remember what game I bought it was horrible.
I don't have a problem paying full price for a game as long as I know it's good or it's a game I simply must have. The last time was with GRAW on the 360 because I just picked the console up (at Gamerush for $150) and was out of credit afterwards.
bread's done