Do You Like/Prefer The Formality of The XBOX360 Threads


170 (100%)
This has been brought up to me in the past and it was just brought up again. As you regular XBOX360 forum visitors know, I tend to edit most of the thread OP's here and change titles to "... - Gen. Discussion & Info) add a nice little pic in the top, basic features of the game...etc. to make things easier for everyone. I would love to do this for the other forums as well, but some people are overly sensitive when I do.

From a user perpective, it makes things a lot easier. Before I was a mod, I remember searching for threads like "Halo 2" and the search would come up with a kajillion responses, so I would end up confused as to what to post in and sometimes even create a new thread.

Well, after doing what I've been doing for a few months now, It seems to be working out pretty smoothly. So does it bother you, if you create the topic and I happen to edit the title and add basic info to the OP? Would you guys prefer I leave threads alone and end up with threads like "Itz Teh GoW3 Thread Bitches...Post Here", or should I just keep doing what I'm doing now?

Thank you for you time.
i like both, random threads on games should be left alone, but there's still be an "official" thread as well. no reason threads can't live in harmony.
I like official threads but I would also like to see some branched off threads. It would be nice if there was a multiplayer focused sub-forum with threads pertaining to specific games where one would be able to amass friend codes, gamertags, match times and what not. It'd be cool if there was even some sort of calendar applet like in steam where it could show specific CAG game nights and the game associated to it.
[quote name='dastly75']I like official threads but I would also like to see some branched off threads. It would be nice if there was a multiplayer focused sub-forum with threads pertaining to specific games where one would be able to amass friend codes, gamertags, match times and what not. It'd be cool if there was even some sort of calendar applet like in steam where it could show specific CAG game nights and the game associated to it.[/quote]

We do have those MP threads in the forums...ThatDamnDave and a couple others, started with organizing matches of Rainbow Six, Halo 3, TF2, CoD4...etc.

TheManaKnight has a few in the PS3 thread as well...I'm all up for them.
When I created the Scene It thread, I was happy that you added a little flair to it. Message boards can get horribly cluttered so I'm for anything that offers organization.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I love the official threads. They keep everything neat and tidy, and all the information is clearly listed.[/quote]


It makes it a lot easier to find threads, and you know exactly what you are getting into when you click a thread.
I'm fine with how you set them up. I've gone and done the same in the past outside of this forum and prefer it. Though seperate threads for each specific big multiplayer game is great too. Maybe something like a seperate section for the online aspect of that console (Though it'd only be done for PS3/360/Wii)? I think it would be easier to scan through a couple pages of a specific forum and find something than it is now. Not a big deal either way.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']We do have those MP threads in the forums...ThatDamnDave and a couple others, started with organizing matches of Rainbow Six, Halo 3, TF2, CoD4...etc.[/quote]

It would be great if CAG 2.0 would include something like that so we users can edit it at will to help organize groups and such rather than spending an hour on formatting a thread to make it look decent.
[quote name='Draekon']I'm fine with how you set them up. I've gone and done the same in the past outside of this forum and prefer it. Though seperate threads for each specific big multiplayer game is great too. Maybe something like a seperate section for the online aspect of that console (Though it'd only be done for PS3/360/Wii)? I think it would be easier to scan through a couple pages of a specific forum and find something than it is now. Not a big deal either way.

It would be great if CAG 2.0 would include something like that so we users can edit it at will to help organize groups and such rather than spending an hour on formatting a thread to make it look decent.[/quote]

That CAG 2.0 suggestion would be a great question to ask CheapyD...maybe in the CAGCast CAGBag :)
The formality is fine, but general discussion being general discussion, perhaps they shouldn't be separated by console when the similarities are there. So a general CoD4 thread would include both console versions since they're so similar, and perhaps invite some discussion on the DS version that all 8 people bought.

For multiplatform games, the conversations don't always remain isolated to the 360.
Keep on keepin' on. Heck, I'd also like to see a catch-all "questions/comments that don't warrant a thread" thread in the 360 forum to keep more of the clutter centralized.
I like it the way you do it. Sure, it does make the board sterile but I'll take that compromise for the ease of finding what you are looking for
I dont like it now but I think there should be separate forums for the popular games (halo 3, gears, cod4)
yeah keep up the good work. I like being able to read the thread titles quickly and accurately, plus when doing searches it helps immensely.
I think if the thread is lacking in detail/organization, then go ahead and mod it. But if someone does their own version of a complete thread/looks like they're updating it frequently, it should be left alone.
I like the way you're doing it. I go over to the PS3 forum and it's a mess most of the time, which really bothers me. I like my beer cold and my forum threads organized. Enough said.
bread's done