Do you name your own characters or use default POLL


137 (100%)
I'm one of those gamers that has to rename just about everybody, well at least the main character. The problem is when i was little i beat earthbound and when people would talk about Ness, I was like who? I'm i the only person like this?
I always name my main character, sometimes I name the other characters, sometimes I don't, depends on their name and if I can think of something better.
I usually pick the default name anyways.. either I just don't want to type it all or it sound too weird if I make my own. If I am forced to make up my own name I just pick the same I would always pick.
Depends on the game. But most of the time I uses the default names. Its pretty pointless to uses any other name besides Link for Zelda or Cloud of FFVII
I use to change all the names but then i started to use default names mainly for the same reasons as doodle777_98, and plus the story just fits better with default names.
I tend to make up my own.
It's funny to think back on it, but besides Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, I don't know the names of the other characters because I used rap artists as the names. I don't know why, I just did. Cloud was Vanilla (as in Ice) and the black guy was Tupac...Missy was in there as one of the hos. I can't recall the rest right now.
Actually I even changed clouds name in ffvii and when i got kingdom hearts and heard cloud was in it i was like who? Of course i left tifa's name alone but it took me forever to figure out who squall was.
I never had a game where you could change the name until I started watching my stepdad playing FF2 (4j, whatever you want to call it) on SNES. Man, he was cool. Lol, he renamed all the characters after our family.

The funniest was when he renamed Kain the Dragoon to "Spud" which was my stepbrother's nickname (because his head was shaped and looked like a potato).

Anyway, I always use the defaults, because it's too difficult to match up real names with guides or conversations with other players. The only time I name characters on my own is when there isn't a default name, and I always name the guy Leon, because I think that name is bad ass.
i used 2 to do it..then the appeal to me just leave the default names are better than anything i cud churn out half the time
[quote name='doodle777_98']I'm one of those gamers that has to rename just about everybody, well at least the main character. The problem is when i was little i beat earthbound and when people would talk about Ness, I was like who? I'm i the only person like this?[/quote]

ive done that b4...i learned that lesson from ff7, i renamed everybody...then when i was reading the strategy guide, i was completely confused as to what the hell a barrett was, etc
I always use default unless of course it forces me to put a name in it, and then I will make up something depending on what game I'm playing and what mood I am in.
It depends on the game, how I'm feeling, etc. Pokemon Sapphire and Fire Emblem I used my own name. Most other games I use the defaults. When I was a kid though, I'd always put my name in. :)
Depending on the game I tend to rename all my characters with varients of bob, which drives my girlfriend nuts, or sometimes obscene things if it's a game known for melodrama because seeing characters pleading for the life of sh*thead or dumbshaqfu is just hillarious.
Teh Final Fantasay Poss-ay!
Stiny the Thief
Shanky the Monk
Skunkee the Warrior
And Fitty Cent the Red Mage

yes i always have to rename characters
I usually use the default names. Except for games with one character. In Pokemon i always name my guy Hero, and since silver i named the bad guy ???.
I used to customize the names, but I quit [unless I had to] for a couple reasons:
* if I need to check a walkthrough/faq, it makes it easier looking for the default name;
* lack of creative names that fit the ambience of the game'
* if I use the 'usual' names [that I have used in pen and paper RPG's, or names of pets, etc], then I get a little superstitious and don't want anything bad to happen to the character in the game.
Until about four years ago... I used to use custom names on only the main character. Then I just gave up, unless there is only one protagonist... then my creativity kicks in.
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