Do you prefer a male or female doctor?


26 (100%)
Would you prefer a male or female doctor? I haven't had a female doctor for years (since pediatrics) but I was thinking of switching from my current male doctor to a female one. I've only seen him a few times so its not like I've actually dealt with him enough to build any trust. The other times I've seen a doctor it was one of the doctors on duty during walk in hours. Basically I find that I feel more comfortable with a female one, anyone else prefer a female doctor?

I feel kinda strange asking for a switch to a female doctor since it seems like men usually want male doctors, then again maybe I'm wrong and it is normal.

Also if you're a women I guess the question should be do you prefer a male doctor?
To be fair, I've never been to a female doctor...not once. Obviously, I've dealt with female nurses, and if those experiences are anything worthy of comparing to my various male doctor experiences, then I definitely prefer male. I suppose I just feel more comfortable in such a private situation/position with someone I can more directly identify with...and that's not to say I couldn't identify with the female doctor on some level, but c'mon...a guy's a guy's a guy's a guy. We relate.

I've had a male doctor (the same one) since I was born. I much prefer a guy for checkups and general questions because I can usually level with him, especially since i've known him for so many years, he's kinda like an extended member of the family.

If i'm having a hernia check (and i've had hernias (yes, plural) and surgery for them in the past), I prefer a female. The guy who gave me a hernia check was like.. 85 :/
I once went to get a std check back in the day when I was working the women without a hat and I had a old lady check out my package and it wasnt all that bad really.
I've only had one female doctor, and that was just for a few months. Everything was fine until she had to perform a physical on me. It was very disturbing to me, since I was very young when I had that doctor.

I do agree that it is easier to confide in a male doctor. After all, they are the same sex and can relate to certain things that you are going through that a female doctor can't, or may have trouble understanding.

However, in terms of practicing medicine, females are just as capable as males, of course.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']However, in terms of practicing medicine, females are just as capable as males, of course.[/QUOTE]cough cough! yeah, ok.
Most females tackle positions like doctors as an "authority figure" -- often like a nagging mother or school marm.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']I've only had one female doctor, and that was just for a few months. Everything was fine until she had to perform a physical on me. It was very disturbing to me, since I was very young when I had that doctor.

I do agree that it is easier to confide in a male doctor. After all, they are the same sex and can relate to certain things that you are going through that a female doctor can't, or may have trouble understanding.

However, in terms of practicing medicine, females are just as capable as males, of course.[/QUOTE]

See I'm the opposite. I have an easier time confiding in a female doctor, and I'm more concerned about being embarrassed when I'm talking to a guy. It may be an issue with an younger or an attractive female (depending on her personality), but the female doctor I had was normal looking and middle age.

With a women I feel like I'm talking to a doctor who just happens to be female, with a guy I feel like I'm talking to a guy who just happens to be a doctor.
I definitly feel more comfortable with a male doctor. I feel very uncomfortable with a female doctor, not just for stuff where you're in the buff, but also things like shots and general check-ups. I think its the both male unspoken understandment of.... certain things.
[quote name='jshendel']Male. Don't want to get aroused when I turn my head and cough[/QUOTE]

I can't imagine that happening once you get past the stage where a good gust of wind will give you an erection. The practice I go to is a husband and wife team, while I typically see the male doctor, I've often gone to the wife when he's not available. I am just as comfortable with both of them, no matter the situation. It's a clinical setting, they're professionals, they aren't checking out your package.

And actually the last time I had a hernia check (which was very long ago) I preferred to have the woman do it just due to the great fun of having a man handle my scrotum. Granted at the time I was quite a bit younger then I am now, I'm sure I'm comfortable enough in my sexuality for it not to bother me any longer.
[quote name='jshendel']Male. Don't want to get aroused when I turn my head and cough[/QUOTE]

Always the fear. Though seriously. Its not necessarily an insult is it? Embarrasment sure.... but not badly.
Personally i always ask for a female. I think its funny though. I talk alot and always spark conversation with new people i meet. I also had to get a physical every year since i use to play soccer. anyways, i rather have a female check than a man. It feels moe comfortable being naked in front of a women than a man.
female... unless it's a fat women... I've had a bad experience or two with a fat woman doctor, oh most foreign women have been worth about shit as doctors for me too
I'm not going to vote. I have had the same male Doctor my whole life. However I think I would be more comfortable telling a women doctor all my problems. So no I would not mind a female Doctor, I just not would not want her to be hot. If she is hot then I would not tell her anything.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']female... unless it's a fat women... I've had a bad experience or two with a fat woman doctor, oh most foreign women have been worth about shit as doctors for me too[/QUOTE]

Wait theres fat doctors, Score I going to MD school. It's going to be great. Could you see it me all fat in the white coat a size to small and then some little 12 year old is 40lb overweight and I'm giving a speech about how he is to lose weight.
Hmm, I've had both Female and Male doctors explore the orrifaces of my body. Can't say that there was much of a difference. A gloved hand is a gloved hand.

I always found Male doctors to be able to crack the best jokes. Certainly that's needed when they're checking the colon region.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Hmm, I've had both Female and Male doctors explore the orrifaces of my body. Can't say that there was much of a difference. A gloved hand is a gloved hand.

I always found Male doctors to be able to crack the best jokes. Certainly that's needed when they're checking the colon region.[/QUOTE]

Quite honestly, I'd be much happier if they would just shut up, do what they have to do, we have an after smoke and then we both forget about it.

I hate when the doctor feels like he has to make conversation at times like that.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']I hate when the doctor feels like he has to make conversation at times like that.[/QUOTE]

I was having a mole removed from my chest over the summer. I actually prefered having someone to talk to in that sort of situation. I didn't want to just sit there silent for the 30 or so minutes it took them to cut it off, remove it and sew it up (this was a female doctor).

Not to mention, if the doctor is really able to talk to someone, they can certainly coax information a patient may be embarassed to reveal a lot easier.

I had a colon examination a couple years back. This doctor didn't say much. Just came in, asked about the problem, then dove in (this was a male)

I had a physical when I started college. So, while I'm standing in an open back night gown, the doctor is talking with me and we hold conversation, even when I'm told to cough (this was a female).

Any time I have a doctor that can talk with me, I feel that much more comfortable.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']I was having a mole removed from my chest over the summer. I actually prefered having someone to talk to in that sort of situation. I didn't want to just sit there silent for the 30 or so minutes it took them to cut it off, remove it and sew it up.

Not to mention, if the doctor is really able to talk to someone, they can certainly coax information a patient may be embarassed to reveal a lot easier.[/QUOTE]

I was specifically referring to the "checking the colon region" by which I assumed we meant prostate exams.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']I was specifically referring to the "checking the colon region" by which I assumed we meant prostate exams.[/QUOTE]

I edited my response to include the colon examination and my discomfort with the frankness of his diving in...unless the comment was in jest :p
[quote name='capitalist_mao']I edited my response to include the colon examination and my discomfort with the frankness of his diving in...unless the comment was in jest :p[/QUOTE]

No, listen, if some man has his finger in my ass, urinal rules apply. Dont talk to me, dont make eye contact, do what you need to do and leave.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']I can't imagine that happening once you get past the stage where a good gust of wind will give you an erection. The practice I go to is a husband and wife team, while I typically see the male doctor, I've often gone to the wife when he's not available. I am just as comfortable with both of them, no matter the situation. It's a clinical setting, they're professionals, they aren't checking out your package.

And actually the last time I had a hernia check (which was very long ago) I preferred to have the woman do it just due to the great fun of having a man handle my scrotum. Granted at the time I was quite a bit younger then I am now, I'm sure I'm comfortable enough in my sexuality for it not to bother me any longer.[/QUOTE]

Actually, according to the info I've seen online, guys getting erections during physicals (or anything that involves touching near the genitals) is common. This includes heterosexual guys being examined by men.
This is a good poll. I never had a female doctor before.

I can tell you one thing, its so uncomfortable having a dude check your balls for lumps.
If the doctor is old, I'd prefer a male doctor. Old female doctors tend to scare the shit out of me. Then again, I don't mind having a male doctor as long as he's young and hot.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']No, listen, if some man has his finger in my ass, urinal rules apply. Dont talk to me, dont make eye contact, do what you need to do and leave.[/QUOTE]

We come from different worlds. The urinals are a chatty kind of place at my school. Even with strangers when everyone is drunk.

That being said, I'm curious why someone would feel uncomfortable with their sexuality when being checked out by a male doctor.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']We come from different worlds. The urinals are a chatty kind of place at my school. Even with strangers when everyone is drunk.

That being said, I'm curious why someone would feel uncomfortable with their sexuality when being checked out by a male doctor.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he's inferring a sexually charged discomfort. Just simply discomfort. I would also prefer not speaking when having a doctor examine my colon. Male or female, it is after all, the ass.
[quote name='Quillion']I don't think he's inferring a sexually charged discomfort. Just simply discomfort. I would also prefer not speaking when having a doctor examine my colon. Male or female, it is after all, the ass.[/QUOTE]

I felt pretty uncomfortable having this silent type poking and proding.
Female and as hot and naked as possible.

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[quote name='Cornfedwb']If you don't understand wanting a doctor to shut up and just finish his job, you've never had a prostate exam, trust me.[/QUOTE]

Because I don't think exactly like you. Ah ha :roll:
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