Do you prefer one brand of hard drive over another?

ninju D

I'm buying a new hard drive this week and since I haven't seen any deals that knock my socks off, I was curious if the CAGs have a HDD brand preference.
It seems like WesternDigital and Seagate are the main players, but I'm open to suggestions so tell me what you like!
I used to be a big fan of Maxtor, not so much after they were bought out by Seagate.

I never had an issue with an internal drive and their one touch external solutions were simple for my clients to use.

Now, I am not sure, I have transitioned more into security and have not had to build a box in a couple months.
I am totally against Western Digital after I had 3 hard drives DIE on me within a month after I bought them. WD support was so shitty back then. Maxtor is good, but one of my hard drives is about to crash on I might move on to something else.
Same experience here: Maxtor was the best, and their Diamondmax line was dead silent too. Seagate is decent, and I and many aquaintances regard Western Digital quality as pretty inconsistent.

Options are limited at retail, so if your choice is between WD and seagate I'd go with the latter.
I use to be a Maxtor whore but when I build my next PC I'm thinking of going Seagate. Western Digital does have a decent reputation, but as of late like someone mentioned above, they seem to be rather spotty on wether the HDD you get from them is a good one or not.
I've purchased Maxtor, Western Digital, and Hitachi drives and never had a problem with any of them. I would just stick with any major brand (the 3 I listed and Seagate). You can also check out or toms hardware charts for speeds on different models.
It's not been the brand but more of specific models within brands. The Maxtor DiamondMax & WD's Caviar models were pretty shitty for me but others have been ok. The only brand that has consistently failed me was Hitachi (thanks Deskstar... I mean, Deathstar).
Had 1 Seagate totally croak on me, and the replacement they sent me sounded like a train station. I switched to a WD Caviar and have been way happier with it. I think you'll hear all sorts of conflicting stories with this, sorry.
I usually go with Seagate and Maxtor to a lesser extent (mainly for the 5 year warranty on Seagate and because Fry's seemed to have good deals on them when I was purchasing them).
[quote name='ninju D']I'm buying a new hard drive this week and since I haven't seen any deals that knock my socks off, I was curious if the CAGs have a HDD brand preference.
It seems like WesternDigital and Seagate are the main players, but I'm open to suggestions so tell me what you like![/quote]

I have had booth WD and Seagate hard drives, both have been excellent. I have more Seagate barracuda's then anything though, never had a bad one.
Seagate/Maxtor drives are the only two I'll ever use because they've never failed on me. I've had to WD drives and they've both failed.
I'm more on WD side - I haven't had one that failed ... yet.

In the end though, I wouldn't really look into brand name but the warranty instead. I think WD warranty service is great (with either 3/5 years i forget) and you can get your defective HD replaced when you swap it with the new one that send to you through the mail. Other companies may do this too, so read through their literature.

After all, any hard drive is gonna fail sooner or later, so theres really no point to say which is better than the other ...
We've only had 3 brands of HD's in our house... that I know of. I have no idea what's inside my Acer Laptop, my Gateway Laptop, or my brother's MacBook.

Quantum - the one HD in our old Gateway desktop, running strong for 9 years.

Western Digital - 2 externals, both working fine but still young at only 1 year and the other at 8 months.

Seagate - 3 of them in my desktop, all 1.5 years old, and all of which survived 70C+ heat when my fan controller died 6 months after I built the machine. My computer ran fan less for roughly 3-4 hours in 85F summer heat/humidity. The only thing that was damaged due to the heat issue was some Windows install files were corrupted (no programs would work or uninstall but I was able to save all data files) but a reinstall later and everything was fine. The only reason I know the HDs went that high was because of a SpeedFan log. It was just case heat from my GPU and CPU (whose fans were powered by the mobo) so the heat just built up inside with no exhaust besides my power supply's.

Because of that, I tend to prefer Seagate. Oh, and they're the only ones who consistently (though not always) offer a 5 year warranty.
I've been using WD for years and have never had a problem, including a 15 GB drive I bought (six, maybe seven) years ago that is still being used in a friend's computer. I was using a pair of IBM 60GXP drives for a time, but one of them died.
WD fan right here. My current 150 GB hard drive is going strong 3.5 years later. Of course I've read that you can't expect the same level of reliability from 500 GB+ drives -- regardless of brands. But maybe that's just hearsay.
[quote name='caedeskhan']I've had some bad experiences with Maxtor....I use WD now[/QUOTE]

I don't know if it's been bad luck or shoddy workmanship, but nearly every Maxtor drive I have owned has failed on me. I've been using Western Digital for years and have never had a problem with any single drive, so I mainly use Western Digital. I've had one or two Samsung drives as well with no issues.
[quote name='caedeskhan']I've had some bad experiences with Maxtor....I use WD now[/quote]Same. I've had a lot of hard drives over the years, and Maxtor ones were the only ones to give me problems, usually within 2 or so years of use.

I mostly use a combo of WD and Seagate. Not real preference between them, though current Seagates are a bit cheaper.
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