I try and get the most points possible out of all my games, especially the single player ones that dont require hours of playing ranked matches online. So far I've maxed out COD2, COD4, King Kong, Fight Night 3, Oblivion (plus DLC), Bioshock (pre Brass Balls), Hitman: Blood Money, Castlevania SOTN, Star Wars: TFU (Minus DLC, gonna rent the Sith Edition for that), XO: Wolverine, and Batman: AA. If I get 100% I don't feel so bad about trading those games in or selling them off. For a lot of the really tedious, grinding Achievements I'll ride an exercise bike while I play so I don't feel so guilty about wasting time on such soul crushingly boring tasks. I figure it's not so bad spending all those hours on gamerpoints if I'm getting a workout in the process. It's the only way I could get the motivation to finish ones like kill X amount of enemies, collecting orbs/flags/etc, and working through entire rosters in fighting games.
Of the 7 on the list that I've played, I've gotten full Gamerscore (not all achievements) in 2: Fable 2 and Halo 3. I don't strive for full gamerscore all the time, but I try to get as much as I can if I can. I don't see how 34 people got 1000g in COD4, though.
Why isn't Fallout 3 an option? D: I demolished that game! I'm 1470/1550 total on it, with one last DLC (Point Lookout) to do! Should get the full 1550 very shortly! :D
[quote name='japatten']Why isn't Fallout 3 an option? D: I demolished that game! I'm 1470/1550 total on it, with one last DLC (Point Lookout) to do! Should get the full 1550 very shortly! :D[/QUOTE]

Because I pulled the game list from Kotaku. It's the top 13 Xbox Live Games for 2008 per Microsoft Game Studios user research expert Bruce Phillips. Nice Job on Fallout 3 though.

On a side note, I'm also surprised by all the COD4 gamerscore completions. I figured I was in a "select" group, but it appears it's a bigger group then I thought lol.
[quote name='Ronzilla']Because I pulled the game list from Kotaku. It's the top 13 Xbox Live Games for 2008 per Microsoft Game Studios user research expert Bruce Phillips. Nice Job on Fallout 3 though.

On a side note, I'm also surprised by all the COD4 gamerscore completions. I figured I was in a "select" group, but it appears it's a bigger group then I thought lol.[/QUOTE]

COD4 though challenging is one of the easier of the games on this list to complete purely because you don't need to do anything online related, thus taking the game at your own pace. Where has Halo 3 is quite difficult due to the caliber of players that you may or may not be matched up with along with some of the achievements dealing with bungie's employees being in your match...and holy crap, I salute anyone who can get all the achievements for Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band.

Borderlands was my first complete gamerscore game, only because our 4th in ODST is never on when the 3 of us we're sitting on the last two 4 man achievements for probably about a month so far.

Oh yeah I I strive? Only for games I like, I won't kill myself trying to unlock all the achievements if they seems more trouble than they're worth. i.e. player 500 ranked matched in SFIV, I like the game but not that much.
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[quote name='Monsta Mack']Depends on the game. I would never go 1000/1000 in Ridge Racer for example.

If the game has easy to moderate achievements I'll most likely go for 1000/1000 except for maybe that one impossible achievement. I went for everything in Gears 1 except Seriously?[/QUOTE]

You do understand RR requires quite a LOT of skill for 1000, right? I seriously doubt it's a case of you wouldn't, but that you couldn't. As for completion: if I can get it, I do, if I can't or it's just too damn annoying, I don't. I care far more for raw score. Completion % is pretty much meaningless to me. As for your list, I've not even PLAYED 7 of those games.
I like going for achievements, but I really dont care TOO much about getting 100%. If I really like the game i'll strive to get 100% (if its reasonable; EX. I love PDZ, but thats near impossible to get 100%) Only retail game (non arcade games) that I have 100% on is Bioshock. I am missing one achievement in PSU, but that's because the boss is not out yet. Halo 3 I only need 2 more. Game I am currently trying to get 100% on is Senko No Ronde: Wartech, which all i need for that is the multiplayer achievements and 100 hours played.
I play mostly RPGs, so no I never go for 1000, most rpg's require a guide to get 1000 unless you want to waste hundreds of hours of your life.
I don't think I have ever gotten the full achievements but I don't look at them to see what I need to do in order to get them. I just play the game and if I get them, I get them, if I don', so what.
bread's done