Do you think 'Manhunt' will be the last straw?


Manhunt by Rockstar is going to be one of the most deliberately violent games to date. In fact the more violent and gruesome you are the more rewards you get in the game. For example crushing someone's skull wouldn't be as rewarding as suffocating them while stabbing them to death. Do you think this game will be the last straw thus causing major gaming backlash and even bring in new anti-violence gaming laws?
I said no. Although its very violent, it will never sell as much as GTA, which was so easy to complain about because it sold so well. Manhunt doesn't have the unique structure or open-ended gameplay of GTA, so it will never be as popular. Politicians really only complain about really popular, mainstream violence, like GTA or Mortal Kombat.
I wouldn't think so, after the whole gta3 ordeal it won't make as big a splash I feel simply because in gta3, which happened to be released shortly after 9/11, you can kill the law enforcement officials which as far as I know don't play a part in manhunt. I'm under the impression that with manhunt, everybody is out to kill you and you're out to defend yourself here.
There are cops in Manhunt. But I think they are corrupt and work for the "Director". I don't know whether you can kill the cops or not, but you probably will be able to.

The farther you get into the game the more advanced the hunters get. For instance after a while you get proffesional hunters after with camos and rifles. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point the cops or swat start to hunt you too.
I don't think any game, regardless of how bad it may seem, will ever inspire politicians to gain support in anti-violence gaming legislation. Courts have ruled in the past that such laws would violate the First Amendment. In addition, lawyers would have to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that violent games are in some way criminal, which is difficult even when statistics show that this is true 80-90% of the time.
Well some states started to pass laws to stop stores from selling mature games to minors cause of GTA.
[quote name='vertigo_phreeze']didnt they finally pass something that recognizes videogames as protected by free speech? i could have swore i read that somewhere.[/quote]

Yes, I forget where, but they definitely have said that violent video games are indeed protected by the 1st Amendment.
maybe i will try to research that and find out the details tonite. i was curius after hearing about that gyu sueing Sony, Wal-Mart, Take 2, and Rockstar becuase he said it "trains" kids to shoot at people and vehicles.
[quote name='Scrubking']Well some states started to pass laws to stop stores from selling mature games to minors cause of GTA.[/quote]

And I believe they should. I mean, movies and music are censored. You get carded if you try to get in to see an R-rated movie. Why not video games? It's the same thing, just a different media. I don't believe they should stop making violent video games, I just think they should limit the availability to young kids.

My .02 :D
There was a court case/hearing that the judge either dismissed or said it was crap cause they are protected. That's a precident BUT it's not a final decision.
This f*cking sucks they need video games to be put under the first amendment. Why the hell does freedom of speech not apply video games.
if they think the game is too violent, just create another rating, something like an Adult rating (21 or over, something like that). just about everything should be allowed in video games, the parents just need to pay attention to what their kids are buying. don't try to push the responsibility off on someone else.
[quote name='Sir Dudeness']if they think the game is too violent, just create another rating, something like an Adult rating (21 or over, something like that).[/quote]

They do, its called Adults Only (AO). I believe that only 1 game for PC has gotten it.

And Manhunt will not even come close to GTA. Even though its more violent, it wont get much publicity.
I already knew about the AO rating, but it's very rarely used. If people think a game is too violent, then they should just up the ranking to this ranking. I heard that a game for xbox was to have this rating a long time ago as well, but it was never finished.
M means Mature. If you are mature enough to handle what the game is about. In manhunts case, violence.

AO means Adults only. You cant give a game with only violence in it ao rating. AO rated games are like porn games.
Yeah, the thing about AO ratings is that mainstream consoles do not allow AO games on them because, like spriggan said, AO usually means porno games. And since the only game playing machine that isn't under one company at all ( the PC), AO games are only on PC, although there was one on 3D0 iirc.
For some strange reason*i wonder what* sex and violence sells. If you hought that Man hunt was gruesome and Larry Laffer was raunchy wait untikll you see what comes in the future. Ill bet that video games combine very explicit scenes of lust and of violence. Theyve been doing it since the 80s. Ittll only get worse
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