Do you think the gamecube is really under rated.

Agreed. The GC is by far my favorite of the 3 consoles(as I own them all) and I am completely amazed at the quality of games it has that just go unplayed by many consumers.

Games like Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime 2, F-Zero GX, etc should be selling millions and its sad that they're not. Too many people are hung up with some kiddie image Nintendo has and they really need to get over that as they're missing out on some incredible games.
It is easily my favorite system. I still love my PS2 though for all the games that don't appear on the GCN...

ps I'm 30.
It's very underrated! I can't believe it still has a kiddy image. It's all about your taste in games. I personally, love Mario, Zelda, Metroid and a lot of other Nintendo console exclusive franchises. Thus, I will ALWAYS buy a Nintendo platform at some point in the systems life cycle.

I have all three, and have had almost every major (some minor) systems in the past. IF I had to choose, it would be tough for me between the PS2 and the Cube. I'd probably go with the Cube, because even though Final Fantasy is my favorite series of all time, Zelda and Mario are close second and third.

Plus, there's only one spot you can catch Mario and Luigi shooting hoops in NBA Street V3. He He!
Yes, the Gamecube is underrated. I love my Cube, but I'm just sick of everything Mario. We have Mario Sunshine, Mario Tennis, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Paper Mario, the Mario-All Stars in NBA Street Vol. 3, the upcoming Mario Baseball, and the soon to be DDR with Mario. This is one of the things that drove me to buy an XBox.

I understand he's the company mascot, but's unnecessary oversaturation.
Yes for whatever reason the cube has become the "uncool" system and the xbox and ps2 have become the "hip" adult consoles to have. Unfortunately people don't just play great games, those games have to fit into an image, and for many the cube is seen as too kiddy. At 24 years old the cube is my favorite console, Nintendo makes the best games IMO and they require great games from their second parties as well.
Is the whole "kiddie" thing because we all, every last one of us, played the NES when we were kids? Is that what it's about? Or is everyone just too cool for things like fun and colors and games without a body-countometer?

I don't have much to compare to, though, 'cause I only have a 'cube out of the modern systems. I've played the PS2 for exactly one weekend and wasn't much impressed. I guess I'm just a big ol' Nintendo fanboy.
I own a PS2 but I am really just starting to appreciate my cube. The wavebird is hands down the most amazing wireless controller ever. The gameboy player is a great add-on. The Zelda compilation disc is a dream come true. The GC games really are awesome including Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Eternal Darkness and more. Great Great system. It is definitely under appreciated.
The old saying dont judge a book by its cover applies 100% here.

i had a manger at Gamestop today tell me that people have been preordering Resident evil 4 a lot. He is even surprised because normally Nintendo doesnt have good graphics like PS2 and everyone has been telling him RE4 has good graphics.

This guy was mid 30's and the Store manager.!

I started to think... um ok... metroid, starfox, baiten katios, etc etc...
it sells for only $100 bucks right? one of these days i'm definitely going to get one. just a matter of time, and then i'll get the wife to play some mario party. by the way RE4 looks amazing.
[quote name='Snake2715']doesnt have good graphics like PS2[/quote]

If i were a dictator, I would execute anybody who said this seriously. Unless they were comparing the PS2 and the Atari 2600.
I fluctuate between the Cube and the Xbox as my most played consoles, though I have by far the most PS2 games. Odd.
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='Snake2715']doesnt have good graphics like PS2[/quote]

If i were a dictator, I would execute anybody who said this seriously. Unless they were comparing the PS2 and the Atari 2600.[/quote]

I'd be willing to help get you into power.
I think it's hurts the possibility of people getting over your kiddie image when the first consoles on the market are purple.

Comparing graphics between the PS2, GC, and Xbox really shouldn't happen since the differences are just getting hard to spot since the games that show off their limits are so different in their genres that it's hard to tell. Comparing GT4 to Halo 2 and Resident Evil 4 can be difficult. With cross-platform games having virtually no difference in graphics except for some slightly sharper graphics and graphical effects on the GC and Xbox.
PS2 is my favorite just for the sheer variety of game offered, but I can recognize there are several great GCN games I wish I could play.

[quote name='jkam']The wavebird is hands down the most amazing wireless controller ever. [/quote]
How does the GCN Wavebird compare in quality to the Logitech Cordless Action PS2 controller for those that have both? The LCAC is pretty sweet so I'm not so sure I would say "hands down."
[quote name='woobacca']it sells for only $100 bucks right? one of these days i'm definitely going to get one. just a matter of time, and then i'll get the wife to play some mario party. by the way RE4 looks amazing.[/quote]
You should get one while stores still have the Holiday Bundle.
This year alone I've been liking my GC, I dont know if its because all the high priced games are coming down in cost or the fact that its the first next-gen console I got. My PS2 on the other hand has been quite fun, with GTA and all the other titles, but like msdmoney said Nintendo has put out some really great games, I just enjoy the quality over quanity aspect of it all. :cool:
[quote name='guardian_owl']PS2 is my favorite just for the sheer variety of game offered, but I can recognize there are several great GCN games I wish I could play.

[quote name='jkam']The wavebird is hands down the most amazing wireless controller ever. [/quote]
How does the GCN Wavebird compare in quality to the Logitech Cordless Action PS2 controller for those that have both? The LCAC is pretty sweet so I'm not so sure I would say "hands down."[/quote]

I would say it's PS2 and Xbox's versions of the Wavebird, but without the Nintendo-ness of it. Though vibration with the Logitech controllers kind of gives it an edge to me.
[quote name='woobacca']it sells for only $100 bucks right? one of these days i'm definitely going to get one. just a matter of time, and then i'll get the wife to play some mario party. by the way RE4 looks amazing.[/quote]

PO GC is only $$60 at ebgames. I'm almost tempted to pick up a second one.
I recently got a Gamecube (Metroid Bundle $50 at SEARS) and I was very surprised with the game play and graphics, argueably better than the PS2.
Eternal Darkness is an awsome game!!!!!!
I don't know if it's underrated in general... on these forums maybe, but there are still plenty of Nintendo fanatics, just as there are Sony and Microsoft.

I personally have a lot of fun with the games on GC and I think quality over quantity is a good policy since the big N takes forever to drop prices.
I've always felt the Gamecube was vastly underated. I mean the N64 was such a bad system, and Nintendo, I felt, really stepped it up with the Gamecube.

Resident Evil Remake
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
The Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Mario Baseball
Paper Mario 2
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Animal Crossing
Tales of Symphonia
Viewtiful Joe
The Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edittion

As you can see a lot of great games, there's more, but those are my favorties. I think nintendo messed up though when they tried to push the connectivity thing.
has quality games, just not enough of them. and very few that arent sequels to n64 games...

EDIT: and no online is lame, i would love online metroid prime 2
it is more underutilized and underhyped than underrated. You cannot take the opinion seriously of someone saying it is a bad console, but the claim that there are not enough games is legit. As hardware goes, most rational people respect its abilities, its the image that takes the brunt of disrespect. The cube can handle online games, there certain could be a live system in place if nintendo chose this option- but i would guess many gamers would think the cube could not handle it.

i suppose some might find the distinction splitting hairs
Well to me appears that general society in the gaming world doesn't underate it as much as the public does.

I agree with it "quality over quantity" but I do like the PS2 library of games since it has a lot more RPG (just being a bit bias to that). Although TOS is a kick ass RPG and I definately enjoyed playing than some of the RPG on PS2, but blah the variety on PS2 is a lot bigger. Nintendo deserves some too, they're not "kiddie" they can handle better than Sony I think. Sure they don't have DVD capability, but hey there are DVD players made for those too =P.

At least the hype of the good games on GC isn't as bad so that I wanna smack the people talking about it 24/7. I mean they're good games, just too much overload of happiness so it's like a switch that I should dislike it or something.

Sooo.. yea.. GC= underrated IMO. ^_^ Although maybe this was mention in another thread.. why does Paper Mario 2 and Mario Tennis have a best seller on it? Isn't that a bit cocky like? Or they did have a best seller in Japan? I'm not sure.. x.x
I wish everyone who ragged on Nintendo and the Cube would at least give it a decent try. A couple of night ago, my friends and I had a Halo 2 LAN party, and before it got started, myself and a few others were playing Metroid Prime 2. Others came, saw the Cube, saw Prime 2, and scoffed at it! "Metroid is stupid, it's not real, and it looks crappy! Gamecube sucks; let's go play Halo!" Uh...Halo 2 is realistic? Prime 2 looks crappy? Metroid games are stupid, even though you have never played one? And then, these same people had a blast playing Mario Party 6. :? If someone is ragging on the Gamecube, or Nintendo in general, you can usually say it's becuase they haven't played it, and own another system...
Yes, the quality of the console is far better than the ps2. 1st party support is great. besides, wtf is up with all this talk about the gamecube not being mature? I own GTA:SA, and it isn't really mature. The numbers 69 appeared so many times in the game!
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I've always felt the Gamecube was vastly underated. I mean the N64 was such a bad system, and Nintendo, I felt, really stepped it up with the Gamecube.

Resident Evil Remake
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
The Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Mario Baseball
Paper Mario 2
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Animal Crossing
Tales of Symphonia
Viewtiful Joe
The Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edittion

As you can see a lot of great games, there's more, but those are my favorties. I think nintendo messed up though when they tried to push the connectivity thing.[/quote]

I completely agree with you. The GameCube is so much better then the N64. Game wise to graphic wise. I think the GameCube is underrated when compared to previous Nintendo consoles, but not as it is compared in to the current generation of consoles.

EDIT: Also many people complain that the GameCube is not mature, but I don't think it really is. Is Halo/Halo 2 really that mature? Besides the un-necessary cursing in the game, it really isn't too "mature". If it wasn't for the cursing, I think ESRB would have given the 2 games a Teen rating.
^^^ "mature" in the gaming industry is just a code word for excessive swearing, blood, giant tits, etc. for 99.9% of the games that get the 'M' rating.
[quote name='smellhasreturned']Gamecube just doesnt have the support of third party. No Burnout 3, the sega sport series, is Gamecube even getting Mercerneries ?[/quote]

Oh, wow, it doesn't have THOSE great, revolutionary titles. :roll:

The GCN is VERY underrated, it has better games, better overall games than the Xbox.

It may not have online support, or a ton of 3rd party support... and that really sucks, but the system is cheap and has many great, cheap games.

Great, exclusive GCN games:

Resident Evil 4 (exclusive for a year)
All Nintendo franchise games, which are nearly all incredible
Tales of Symphonia
Star Wars: Rogue Leader
Star Wars: Rebel Strike
Eternal Darkness
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Super Monkey Ball 2
Skies of Arcadia Legends

Want details on the great first party franchise games? Well...

Wind Waker
Mario Power Tennis
Zelda Collector's Edition
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Pikmin 2
Animal Crossing
F-Zero GX
Wario Ware
Paper Mario 2
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Super Mario Sunshine
Many more...

Those are the great GCN games, and let's not forget the great ones coming out soon...

The new Zelda
Star Fox: Assault
Super Mario 128

True gamers will have a GCN, or will want one. The GCN has the best 1st party games, and really is a great system for the value.

Especially that holiday bundle! A great game, a system, and two controllers for 100 bucks? :shock:

Now is the best time to get a Gamecube, especially with the great games out and on the horizon.
Gamecube is a great system, and I enjoy owning it and don't regret buying it. However for nintendo to win the sales they need to focus more on online support. If they do this with their next generation system, more 3rd party support may come their way. A Nintendo MMORPG would be cool to have for the next generation system as their launch title.
I don't mean to be a douche, but...

[quote name='Nephets']
Great, exclusive GCN games:

Resident Evil 4 (exclusive for a year)
All Nintendo franchise games, which are nearly all incredible
Tales of Symphonia
Ikaruga - On Dreamcast first
Star Wars: Rogue Leader
Star Wars: Rebel Strike
Eternal Darkness
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Super Monkey Ball 2 - Remix of stages from 1 + 2 + exclusives being released for

+ Xbox
Skies of Arcadia Legends - Originally on Dreamcast, with a few hours of new content added[/quote]

I could make arguments for Twin Snakes and REmake, but those are significant enough upgrades that they're worth a re-purchase, especially REmake.
i love all three of my next gen consoles....I would be sad if i missed any exclusives from the past four or so years
[quote name='guardian_owl']I don't mean to be a douche, but...

[quote name='Nephets']
Great, exclusive GCN games:

Resident Evil 4 (exclusive for a year)
All Nintendo franchise games, which are nearly all incredible
Tales of Symphonia
Ikaruga - On Dreamcast first
Star Wars: Rogue Leader
Star Wars: Rebel Strike
Eternal Darkness
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Super Monkey Ball 2 - Remix of stages from 1 + 2 + exclusives being released for

+ Xbox
Skies of Arcadia Legends - Originally on Dreamcast, with a few hours of new content added[/quote]

I could make arguments for Twin Snakes and REmake, but those are significant enough upgrades that they're worth a re-purchase, especially REmake.[/quote]

Well, technically Ikaruga only made it to America with the GCN, imported only on the DC.

Also, the SOA:L "director's cut" GCN version is far superior to the DC version.
As far as how powerful the GC is, it's a step up from the PS2, and a half a step down from the Xbox. It's in the specs, look it up. Plus, you can see from the NUMEROUS games on all three platforms.

I put numerous in all caps because there are a lot of games that come out on all three systems. For example:

Splinter Cell
Def Jam series
NBA and NFL Street
Mortal Kombat
Soul Calibur 2

So, it annoys me when people say it's only good for Nintendo games. It is true that many 3rd party publishers are pulling GC support as of late, but I can't figure out why.

I realize that there are a few series that do not go to all three and it's usually the Cube that is cut (Mercenaries, I believe), and that the Cube won't support online many times. But, we do usually get the extra content and superior graphics (over PS2).

I do not play games online. I like the solitary experience. It's like reading a book to me, I wouldn't read Lord of the Rings with 3 or 7 other guys over my shoulder. I like that Nintendo isn't all ape shit over going online. They're taking their time and are going to do it right. Maybe then I'll jump on the bandwagon.

Overall, I think Nintendo got a bad rep starting with the Virtual Boy, somewhat on the SNES, then it went on a downhill tumble with the N64. The slide from the N64 days was so bad, that they have an uphill climb to regain their identity with this console generation.

I think we're going to see some truly amazing things from Nintendo's hardware, games, and especially marketing and branding through the rest of the Cube's life cycle and then in a major way starting in May at E3. Mark my words.
The biggest reason why I seldom play (or buy games for) the GC is the funky controller. It is the weirdest thing known to man (or woman ;) ). It hurts the muscles in my fingers sometimes when I'm trying to reach for that one button above the right button. Besides that, I'm always lost when I try to play games with it. I always have to look down at the buttons to figure out, "Where the heck is that button?" The only reason I bought it was to play the Nintendo exclusive games, their big hitters like Mario, Luigi, Kirby, Yoshi etc. Besides the really big down side of the controller though, the cube is cool. It has a good price and I love that it's small. My Xbox takes almost half of my TV stand space. Ugh.
Not a bad system, has some very good titles. But I feel the XBox has better titles overall, and Sony has more support then Nintendo could ever dream of.

Heres hoping to the Revolution.
[quote name='valleyvampiress']The biggest reason why I seldom play (or buy games for) the GC is the funky controller. It is the weirdest thing known to man (or woman ;) ).[/quote]

I came very close to not buying a Gamecube after trying one in at a store display. The controller just seemed too, well, funky. But a short while later I broke down and got one, and I have to say it feels pretty damned good. It could've just been that weird angle the store displays always seem to have their controllers mounted at.

But the Z button is a pain to get to. What were they thinking...?
Yeah, I think it's the best system. It definitely is the system I have the most games for (of this generation). And they are all high quality games, no filler stuff.
I personally think it is overrated, the only nintendo system I have never owned was the super nes...The cube has had some great games that i have loved, such as metroid prime 1 and 2, animal crossing, zelda WW. I was nice to see metal gear redone, and the whole resident evil series..but i hated Fzero, and all the mario games. I just wish that they would make more first party original games, instead of rehashing mario party, mario golf etc...eternal darkness was a great games as of the big reasons for my dislike of nintendo recently is the controller...just keep the controller the same...I think the current controller is just horrible...these are all my opinions
The GCN lost third-party support when they developed their "Kiddy," image. Developers said, "Why bother making games for it if they're not gonna sell?" So they stopped developing for it. This hurt the Gamecube severely, and it all sprang from idiotic douchebags who think blood and tits make the game. I find that PS2 and XBOX fanboys are by far the most radical in their idiocy, and not just because I favor Nintendo.

The simple fact is that for every Halo and for every GTA, there's 2 or three classics on the Gamecube. I'm not saying those are the only good games on the PS2 and the Box, but they're the most used in arguments. "XBOX has Halo 2, Gamecube has crappy cel-shading." Okay. You don't like cel-shading, fine, that's an opinion. But you don't seem to realize that that "Crappy cel-shading," feuled Wind Waker's already perfected gameplay (Which is more important than graphics will ever be) into absolute greatness. You try making an enemy explode into red and black swirling fog half as good as it looked in Wind Waker and come back to me.

There is no question that the XBOX and PS2 have a far more expansive library, but think about all those fillers. Now think about the Gamecube's library. Or how about, the Gamecube's exclusive library. They've already been listed. Mario, Zelda, the Mario sports games, Smash Bros., Resident Evil 4, which is looking to be the highest-rated game of at least this console generation, Eternal Darkness, REmake and RE0, Geist coming. Now look at all of those and tell me two things: 1, how many are mature, and 2, how many are dirt cheap. Hell, you can get ED, REmake and RE0 for less than 35 bucks used if you try hard enough. Plus Wind Waker and Sunshine for 20 each. Smash is still pretty expensive, but until about 5 or 6 months ago, was on the top-ten best selling list of all systems since it was released. Couple that with the fact that you can get the system, 2 controllers and a fantastic, fifty-dollar game for a hundred bucks, and usually even another game with it. Oh yeah, Metroid and Viewtiful Joe, which was my Game of the Year last year. Plus arguably the best version of Soul Calibur 2. Yeah, the Gamecube sucks.
bread's done