Does anybody know how to fix a monitor?


82 (100%)
My parents bought a PC combo from BB a few months ago, while I was away at college. It has been working fine, but a few days ago, the monitor crapped out. The top half of the screen is blank, while you can still see the bottom half. I unplugged the monitor from the computer and noticed one of the small pins is missing from the cord. That is the only thing I could think of that would causing this problem. I then looked at the receipt, and noticed BB charged them full price for the monitor; when I looked at the monitor box, it had the "open item" sticker on it! They charged them for a new one, when it was used! Granted, my parents should have noticed this, but they didn't, and I am pissed right now that BB will do nothing. It irks me off that the set they bought was supposed to be new, and BB gave them a used monitor anyway, without telling them of it. Anyway, my parents really have no money right now. My mother is looking for a job, and my father is retired. I would help them buy a new one, but I am nearly broke as well, becuase I am paying for my college. Is there any cheap way to fix this monitor? Can you buy replacement cords? Sorry about the long speel guys; I needed to vent...
I doubt the cord is your problem, not all of the pins are supposed to be there.

That said, I would raise hell w/ BB. If they charged for a full-price monitor, that's what you should have gotten. If you can't get a resolution at the store level, kick it up a notch & call their corporate office.
[quote name='argyle']I doubt the cord is your problem, not all of the pins are supposed to be there.

That said, I would raise hell w/ BB. If they charged for a full-price monitor, that's what you should have gotten. If you can't get a resolution at the store level, kick it up a notch & call their corporate office.[/quote]

Really? My sister has the same PC, and IIRC, all of the pins were on the end of her cord. :? I will have to double check. I plan to fight this, but I don't think it will matter at the store. I talked to the BB employees about it and they said since it was past the return date, they would only repair it, which was expensive. The one thing I am worried about now is that my parents don't know where they put the box. I'm hoping they didn't throw it away. :( Thanks for the post though...
Hopefully you can find the box and everything, that might give you a little more leverage. I would think the monitor would be under some type of warranty, but maybe not since they sold you a used one. It sucks that they tried to pass of a used one as new, so I think you should get a new one based on that fact alone.
All I can say is you really shouldn't open up a monitor if you don't know what you're doing. CRTs can be deadly.

Anyway, give 'em hell.
[quote name='CokeCola']All I can say is you really shouldn't open up a monitor if you don't know what you're doing. CRTs can be deadly.

Anyway, give 'em hell.[/quote]

yeah there is like 5 pounds of lead in a CRT monitor, you never want to open one up unless you know what you are doing.
my A+ teacher told me the most difficult part of a computer to fix is the monitor , he told me its gonna cost more if u get it fixed than to get a new one, u should still have a warranty though give them a call.
[quote name='jam3582']my A+ teacher told me the most difficult part of a computer to fix is the monitor , he told me its gonna cost more if u get it fixed than to get a new one, u should still have a warranty though give them a call.[/quote]

From my A+ study guide:

Other than the power supply, one of the most dangerous components to try to
repair is the monitor, or Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). In fact, we recommend that
you do not try to repair monitors. To avoid the extremely hazardous environment
contained inside the monitor—it can retain a high-voltage charge for hours
after it’s been turned off—take it to a certified monitor technician or television
repair shop. The repair shop or certified technician will know and understand
the proper procedures to discharge the monitor, which involve attaching a resistor
to the flyback transformer’s charging capacitor to release the high-voltage
electrical charge that builds up during use. They will also be able to determine
whether the monitor can be repaired or needs to be replaced. Remember, the
monitor works in its own extremely protective environment (the monitor case)
and may not respond well to your desire to try to open it.
Do you, or maybe a friend, have another monitor you could plug into the computer? Just to be sure it is the monitor that is the problem and not the video card or some other component.
This may sound funny, but next time you use the computer make sure there are no cell phones next to you. Sometimes cell phones make things like Subwoofers, controllers and especially monitors go all messed up. Sometimes its permanent, sometimes its not. A perfect example of this are the second generation nextel phones. The ones with the see through flip top. this may be your problem. Just a thought.
Nah, it's definitely a monitor problem. Check out arcade restoration forums for more information on diagnosis. Honestly, you'd be better off going to a thrift store and picking up a used monitor there. Around me they've all got them for about $15-$25.
even though it was used they should still honor the warranty.... Go that route. Monitors are fairly cheap as i always buy new as used ones form BB and others stores were most likely display models and have been on for months straight.
As a last resort, you could buy the same item from BB. Repackage the bad one, then demand your money back saying they sold you a used abused item. Get all your ducks in a row before attempting. Return on a Saturday (their busiest day). Be prepared to raise 9 kinds of hell if they give you a tough time, and demand to see their manager. This is a crappy practice and it sucks that you have to resort to it, but if BB sold you a used item as new...I consider that even worse.
Thanks for the help guys. I never considered looking into a warranty; I don't know if there is one or not. :? I was also pretty sure opening the monitor would be dangerous, but I have opened arcade units and televisionis, so I know the basics at least. Actually, my sister has the same monitor at her place. I may be able to take it back using her box and such. And yeah, I plan to raise hell. My parents are old and don't care much either way, but I'm not afraid to raise my voice and demand attention. I'll let you guys know...
Well, I went in to BB and had a "talk" with them. I was pissed that they had overcharged for a used monitor. They gave me the difference though! :shock: That was surprising. And, the warranty was good for a year, so, we will be sending it in to be repaired...
bread's done