Does anyone own an XBox and NOT have (or plan to buy) Halo 1 and/or 2?

I'm not gonna get it...first one was a huge disappointment to me with all the hype surrounding it, and it turned out to be a really repetetive fps.
I bought it to see the story. Then after that, it will only be used on LAN parties. Dont have LIVE, dont need LIVE, just plan on kicking my buddies' azzez.
I don't have Halo 1, but I'll definitely pick up Halo 2 for the Live play sometime.. In fact, I thought the first Halo sucked.... but whatever....
Heh. Quite the opposite for me. Halo 2 made me buy an XBOX seeing as consoles seem to be at really low prices nowadays. I just couldn't resist anymore. Bought Halo 1 and 2 to see what all the fuss was about, and I must say, both are very solid games. That said, after finishing the first one, I'm not too sure that buying an xbox for 2 games was a good idea. Since none of you here plan to buy halo 2, what do you think would be a game worth owning instead? (if this is too off topic someone say so and I'll get rid of this post)
I'm your man.

No desire at all to purchase either one. Just the same fPS games, to each other or almost any other FPS game out there.
How about the opposite, I have Halo 2 pre-ordered and don't have an xbox (but my roomate does). Still haven't even played the first for more than an hour. I was sucked into the hype and pre-ordered 2 through the gamerush deals. I am a little skeptical about this game. I don't doubt that it will be good, or even great, but I'm guessing not 9.9 great like all the magazines have said. Of course I will have to play it and make the judgement, but I am guessing in a year or two Halo 2 will be included in a couple overated lists, for slightly inflated scores (9.9's should have been more like 9.4's). Just pure speculation of course, I hope all those who have waited forever for this are enjoying it.
I need a mouse and keyboard to play FPS games...I can't do them any other way...

I'd love to play those games (as my PC won't even handle the first Halo)...but I need mouse and keyboard to do it...
I bought Halo 1 at launch. Thought it was good at first, but quickly grew tired of it. I consider it the 2nd most overrated game ever. As for Halo 2, I will never buy it. I hate FPS with all passion and there are other Xbox games that I rather buy right now. The only reason I'd be interested in getting it is if I were to have Live, so I can play friends, but I canceled long ago and will never get back on.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Heh. Quite the opposite for me. Halo 2 made me buy an XBOX seeing as consoles seem to be at really low prices nowadays. I just couldn't resist anymore. Bought Halo 1 and 2 to see what all the fuss was about, and I must say, both are very solid games. That said, after finishing the first one, I'm not too sure that buying an xbox for 2 games was a good idea. Since none of you here plan to buy halo 2, what do you think would be a game worth owning instead? (if this is too off topic someone say so and I'll get rid of this post)[/quote]

Get the DOA's and Ninja Gaiden. Those are some sweet Xbox exclusives. Also, Chronicles of Riddick and KOTOR are freaking awesome too.
[quote name='Samurai T']I bought Halo 1 at launch. Thought it was good at first, but quickly grew tired of it. I consider it the 2nd most overrated game ever. As for Halo 2, I will never buy it. I hate FPS with all passion and there are other Xbox games that I rather buy right now. The only reason I'd be interested in getting it is if I were to have Live, so I can play friends, but I canceled long ago and will never get back on.[/quote]

whats the most overrated?
i didnt play the first- i own the second- just bought the LE @ walmart for 50 and am using strictly as trade bait, or to ebay. ill never open it, i have no desire to play it, but around christmas when some fan boy is looking to buy a copy- ill ebay quick
I'm a bit on the opposite side. I liked Halo a lot and bought Halo 2 today. However, I have zero interest in the online portion of the game. Capture the Flag and Deathmatch on Halo 2 is still just Capture the Flag and Deathmatch. Tired and boring.........
I bought Halo when it hit $20, which was about 4 days after I got an X-Box. I bought it mainly for the multi-player and didn't touch the single player much until I'd had it about 8 which point I think I played through 40% of the game, more out of being bored with my other games than anything else. I just don't think it's all that fun...but I should throw in the fact that I'm not a big fan of FPSs, and I didn't think the story was anything new or exciting. I didn't buy Halo 2 and probably won't.
I had 1 since launch, but just traded it in for $25 Blockbuster credit which I used to preorder Halo 2.

I'm not that psyched about it, but I might as well get SOME use outta my XBOX.
i got halo 1 for 20 at EB after last christmas..they were doing a deal on it or something....

but it was new and 20 bucks
[quote name='Ikohn4ever'][quote name='Samurai T']I bought Halo 1 at launch. Thought it was good at first, but quickly grew tired of it. I consider it the 2nd most overrated game ever. As for Halo 2, I will never buy it. I hate FPS with all passion and there are other Xbox games that I rather buy right now. The only reason I'd be interested in getting it is if I were to have Live, so I can play friends, but I canceled long ago and will never get back on.[/quote]

whats the most overrated?[/quote]

Soul Calibur 2
I have no real desire to buy them.

Halo 1 was a HUGE disappointment. I had been looking forward to the game since 1998 when the first little bit of info started coming out. I was a HUGE Bungie fan back then, but after the buy out they really started going down hill. first Oni then Halo. =/

I rented Halo 2 today and even thou it is better then Halo 1 its still not all that great. A lot of stuff did get better and it feels a bit more like old school Bungie. but its still no where near as great as Marathon.

I might buy them when they both get down below $20 but that's a big maybe.
To the people that say Halo 1 is repetitive... Did you play the entire game?

I see a lot of hate for Halo 2 on the boards lately, and not many people saying good things... Then I remember, most people are too busy enjoying Halo 2 to care.

Well, back to Halo 2.
I rented Halo 1 for the xbox and just never could get used to using the controller for a fps. I bought the game for the PC and enjoy it. I don't think I will be buying halo 2 though. At least not until I get one of those smart joy frag adapters. I am looking forward to Mech Assault 2 though. :D
halo 1 is repetitive, it might be 10 levels but most of the levels you go forward then backward through the same enviroment, i really enjoyed halo 1 when i bought it like 3 yrs ago, i played it today since i havent gotten my halo 2 yet and it doesnt feel the same anymore. i played the level with the scorpion tank and the 1st half of the level was fun but the rest seem like a chore just to beat it, same room like 5 times. but according to reviews halo 2 doesnt have any repetitive levels. and yes i played through the whole game 3 times every level like every halo fan
Not going to buy halo 2 and never owned halo. I did play halo but the indoor parts of level were so repetative that I stopped playing.
Ehh, I have to agree with the too much hype thing. I bought the first one. Excellent co-op, but it really wasnt anything that great to me. Id had better multplayer in Unreal Tournament and such, and the campaign by yourself is pretty boring and not really fun (I thought).

Personally, Im in awe of a few other games now, most specifically Kingdom Under Fire. Such a beautiful, beautiful game. Most fun Ive had in a long time with a game.

That said, I will eventually get Halo 2, but not right now. I have a few other games which I really want to get my hands on first. I simply must buy Ninja Gaiden. I beat it on a rental, but I really want to play through it again...and that never happens to me.
If you like first person Halo 2
If you like RPG's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
If you like Grand Theft Auto: SA
If you like great all those
If you like to whine like a little a gun and put yourself out of your misery.......the end
[quote name='Goodtone']If you like first person Halo 2
If you like RPG's ...Buy Shin Mugami Tensei: Nocturne
If you like Grand Theft Auto: SA
If you like great all those
If you like to whine like a little a gun and put yourself out of your misery.......the end[/quote]
[quote name='Goodtone']If you like first person Halo 2
If you like RPG's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
If you like Grand Theft Auto: SA
If you like great all those
If you like to whine like a little a gun and put yourself out of your misery.......the end[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol:
[quote name='Goodtone']If you like first person Halo 2
If you like RPG's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
If you like Grand Theft Auto: SA
If you like great all those
If you like to whine like a little a gun and put yourself out of your misery.......the end[/quote]

Exactly, It all depends on what you like. To me the GTA series, who everyone seems to love, are just big, sloppily put together messes. The flaws are so frequent and numerous that I don't know how anyone can look beyond them.
[quote name='rebenns']Surely there must be SOMEONE out there?[/quote]

Yep, that would be me. I haven't liked a single FPS since Doom (as in Doom 1).

I have Halo 1. I do not have 2. But, am trying to get my sis-in-law to get the LE version for me at Walmart.
Love this game
I'm with all of you. No desire to get either. I played 1 for a bit and didn't think it was anything special.
[quote name='Goodtone']If you like first person Halo 2
If you like RPG's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
If you like Grand Theft Auto: SA
If you like great all those
If you like to whine like a little a gun and put yourself out of your misery.......the end[/quote]

I like first person shooters, But I find Halo and Halo 2 very overrate and very boring! If you want a FPS buy a good one like UT2004 or Doom3.

I like great games but there is no way I'll buy GTA:SA and Halo2 the games both Suck. I all ready own Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and I agree it is a great game.
[quote name='CapAmerica'][quote name='Goodtone']If you like first person Halo 2
If you like RPG's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
If you like Grand Theft Auto: SA
If you like great all those
If you like to whine like a little a gun and put yourself out of your misery.......the end[/quote]

I like first person shooters, But I find Halo and Halo 2 very overrate and very boring! If you want a FPS buy a good one like UT2004 or Doom3.

I like great games but there is no way I'll buy GTA:SA and Halo2 the games both Suck. I all ready own Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and I agree it is a great game.[/quote]

The games don't "suck". They just don't appeal to you. Fine. Let someone else buy them and enjoy them. Stick to what you like.. Coming into a thread and saying something "sucks" is a waste of time. Just find what you like and talk about that instead of getting your panties in a wad...If it's that time of the month, go buy a punching bag and take it out on that..............................the end
bread's done