Does Newegg have Black Friday Deals on Computers?


So I was just wondering if Newegg or any other online place where you can get Desktop computers has deals on Black Friday?

My current computer is on it's way out and after 6 years I gotta replace it.

I could just try to build my own but I need windows 7 and I am lazy.

yeah so if anyone happens to know if any online place have desktop sales during Black Friday in the past let me know.
Dammit. I don't remember Futurama that well...

I am guessing that means yes...?

Honestly I don't know if I can wait that long. I should just man up and get the parts from Newegg and put it together myself.
Yes, they do. But, parts/machines are usually a couple models/years old. You'll definitely sacrifice some power for the lower price.

And :lol: at Futurama quote.
Yeah I am just gonna have to get a combo deal on some parts and build my own like nature intended.

It will be better in the long run since I know that I will get a quality power supply, ect.

Why wait for a month to save a few hundred dollars for a PC that will inevitably have a crappy low cost part in it.
I love avocados.

Newegg, compusa, and maybe tigerdirect should have some stuff reasonably cheap around that time.
bread's done