Don't shop at!!!


So here's my sorry tale.

I bought a refurbed Microsoft wireless wheel from, for what seemed like the bargain price of $49. Once tax and shipping was added, it was a slightly less bargainous $76, but still cheaper than a new one.

Wheel arrived, in a more than slightly battered box, but I dutifully started playing Forza, and all seemed well. That is, until the following day, when the pedals stopped working mid-race. They started working once I unplugged them and plugged them back in again. However, the problem happened 3 more times over the next hour, making it nigh-on-impossible to finish a race.

So I got an RMA number and shipped the wheel back. The problem? does not provide replacements, they only provide refunds for faulty items. However, they do not refund the initial shipping fee, nor do they refund the shipping fee for the return of the item.

So I end up having to foot the bill for shipping both ways, which comes to $47, and am left with no hardware. I've paid $47 for quite literally nothing. I'd have been better off buying a brand new wheel in Gamestop.

I'm pretty pissed off about it - I've complained to the Better Business Bureau, and send complaint emails to Overstockdealz, but I don't expect either will get me my money back.

My advice?Never buy anything from them.
It may be too late now but I assume you put it on a credit card, in which case you can call the card company and try a charge back. I've never done it myself, but you can definitely justify not paying the shipping charge to you, and my understanding is that CCs are generally favorable to the consumer.
[quote name='happy']It may be too late now but I assume you put it on a credit card, in which case you can call the card company and try a charge back. I've never done it myself, but you can definitely justify not paying the shipping charge to you, and my understanding is that CCs are generally favorable to the consumer.[/quote]

That's a pretty good idea. I'll try that. Thanks.
bread's done