Draekon's Great 2012 Steam Game Giveaway - Losers Pot Winners posted

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Hmm, I see your point. It might take a while to get everybody who wants to participate to post their picks. At this point, I'd imagine that you really just want to get this over with. OK then, I have a couple of suggestions.

1) How about setting a deadline of 24 or 48 hours for everybody who wants to take part to submit their new wish list. We could send out PMs to all the participants alerting them to the deadline. If you'd like, I (or perhaps even another poster) could help you with sending the PMs out. The PMs needn't be anything more than a simple note telling each person to check out this topic and read what's going on. Then at the end of the time period allotted, you make the selections and anybody who didn't get their picks in will have to settle for whatever is leftover.

2A) Or, you could simply choose the order that people are selected, then send out a PM to everybody letting them know the place in line that they're at and tell them that they have 48 hours to choose something off the list. Person #1 chooses the game he wants, then person #2 chooses the game that he wants from the remaining games. So on & so forth.

Ideally we would proceed though the roster of participants within 48 hours. If it works right though, when you come back here in 48 hours and see what picks were made, you can simply start sending games out. That would eliminate the whole ordeal of you having to go check everybody's list of games and then checking to see what is still left in the gift pile. We will have done that part for you.

Of course, the problem with that second plan is that the people lower down on the list have to wait until the higher up people pick something. If say #8 takes his sweet ass time getting his pick in, #9 through 25 will have to wait until #8 is done to see what's left.

2B) So a possible variation could be for you to post the order in which we will be picking, then to set aside a time when people can pick their games. If they don't show up for that period, they lose their place and are skipped over. Perhaps if we do it in groups and make the selection period for each group between a certain hours. Say, picks #1-5 make there picks between 6:00PM to 6:30PM (for example) some night this week. If anybody in #1-5 fails to show up, they loose their place and end up getting bumped to the bottom of the list. Then we have #6-10 choose between 7:00PM & 7:30PM, and so on & so forth.

Obviously if we do have the selection periods in a given timeframe, we'd better make it clear what time zones we're talking about.

What do you think about these suggestion? Anybody else out there have any thoughts?
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Selections like that I don't think are feasable. It would be easier to sent out two mass emails (since max recipients is 15) and tell them they have 48 to 72 hours to update their original trade list from the list of items I give them. If they have nothing left on the list they want or desire, they can be randomized for a remaining item. It would probably be the most hassle free way to do it as it doesn't take long to search this thread by username and then go off that list.

I can always get a randomized winners list before I send out that email too so people know where they stand. Though I don't think it will make much of a difference either way. I'll just need to make a clear distinction that whatever you want must be giftable and will not be traded like the original contest. The only exceptions to that are ones that had their prize randomized from the remaining gift list after all previous people above them have been drawn.
Thanks again Draekon!

Here's my updated list, everything else I have so if I don't get picked in time for any of these it wasn't meant to be:

  1. Payday: The Heist
  2. Section 8: Prejudice
  3. Darkspore
  4. Dungeon Defenders
  5. Sanctum Collection
  6. Orcs Must Die
  7. Civ III
  8. Chantelise
  9. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  10. Space Pirates & Zombies
  11. Double Fine Pack
  12. Terraria
  13. Reccetear & Chantelise
  14. Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
  15. Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
Hi Draekon,
Here's my updated list.

  1. Plants vs Zombies GOTY Edition
  2. Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
  3. Double Fine Pack
  4. Orcs Must Die (+DLC)
  5. .bit Trip Beat (already own .bit Trip Runner)
  6. Rochard (already own Atom Zombie Smasher)
  7. Civilization III Complete
  8. Section 8: Prejudice
  9. Sanctum Collection
  10. Dungeon Defenders (+DLC)
  11. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  12. Reccetear & Chantelise
  13. Chantelise
  14. Payday: The Heist
  15. Darkspore
  16. E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
  17. Space Pirates & Zombies
  18. Terraria
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Thanks again for the giveaway and all the work you've undoubtedly put into it. My updated list:

1. Payday: The Heist
2. Darkspore
3. Eschalon Book 1 (& Swords & Soldiers if they're tied together)
4. Atom Zombie Smasher (& Rochard if tied together)
5. Chantelise
Hi Draekon. Thanks so much for continuing to do this. I've edited this post to expand the list:

1. Double Fine Pack
2. Section 8: Prejudice
3. Payday: The Heist
4. Orcs Must Die (+DLC)
5. Reccetear & Chantelise
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first thanks to draekon for this second chance :D
also thanks for the donors

well here its my list:
2-Reccetear & Chantelise
4-Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
5-Civilization III Complete

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Thanks for the second chance!
Payday: The Heist
Section 8: Prejudice
Civilization III Complete
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Reccetear & Chantelise
Space Pirates & Zombies
Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
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Alright, you're probably right Draekon. My suggestion probably would be too hard to pull off. So I'll just do like others are doing and post my revised wish list. Use it if you decide to do the drawing like you did before.

Here are the are the games on the list that I don't already own in the order in which I desire them. You will be able to gift any of these.

[customspoiler=Most desired]
Reccetear & Chantelise
Space Pirates & Zombies
Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Payday: The Heist
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Section 8: Prejudice

Here is a list of games where I own part of the package being offered. This might require trading these games instead of gifting.

[customspoiler=Own parts of]
Orcs Must Die (+DLC) - I don't own the DLC
Dungeon Defenders (+DLC) - I own most, but not all of the DLC
Sanctum Collection - I own all but the soundtrack
.bit Trip Beat & Runner - I own Runner

Here are the games that I already own. You will need to trade these games if I end up with one of them. If it comes to this list though, feel free to prioritize others who may be behind me. Because I really don't care which of these I get. I'd only be using them for future trade fodder.

[customspoiler=Already own]
Double Fine Pack
Civilization III Complete
Dungeons of Dredmore (+DLC)
Dungeons of Dredmore Complete Pack
Frozen Synapse
Plants vs Zombies GOTY Edition
Rochard & Atom Zombie Smasher
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
Hi Draekon, thanks again for doing this, really going above and beyond! Here's my revised list in no particular order-

Dungeon Defenders
Payday: The Heist
Reccetear & Chantelise
Rochard & Atom Zombie Smasher
Sanctum Collection
Section 8: Prejudice
Space Pirates & Zombies
Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
My new list:

Payday: The Heist
Civilization III Complete
Section 8: Prejudice
Reccetear & Chantelise
Plants vs Zombies GOTY Edition
Rochard & Atom Zombie Smasher
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Space Pirates & Zombies
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1

Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/shaunio
1. Orcs Must Die (+DLC)
2. Double Fine Pack
3. Chantelise
4. Terraria
5. Darkspore
6. Payday: The Heist
7. Plants vs Zombies GOTY Edition
8. Section 8: Prejudice
9. Civilization III Complete
10. E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
2. Chantelise
6. Dungeon Defenders (+DLC)
4. Darkspore
10. Orcs Must Die (+DLC)
20. Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
18. Space Pirates & Zombies
11. Payday: The Heist
5. Double Fine Pack
9. Frozen Synapse
17. Section 8: Prejudice
19. Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
13. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

  1. Payday: The Heist
  2. Sanctum Collection
  3. Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
  4. Rochard & Atom Zombie Smasher
  5. Space Pirates & Zombies
  6. Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
  7. Darkspore
  8. E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
  9. Frozen Synapse
  10. Civilization III Complete
Thanks again for your generosity!

Dungeon Defenders (+DLC)
Payday: The Heist
Section 8: Prejudice
Space Pirates & Zombies
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Thanks again in advance!

1) Payday: The Heist
2) Darkspore
3) Double Fine Pack
4) Rochard & Atom Zombie Smasher
5) Space Pirates & Zombies
6) E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
7) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
8) Reccetear & Chantelise
9) .bit Trip Beat & Runner
10) Chantelise
1) Payday: The Heist
2) E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
3) Dungeons of Dredmore Complete Pack
4) Space Pirates & Zombies
5) Chantelise
6) Sanctum Collection
  1. Double Fine Pack
  2. Section 8: Prejudice
  3. Orcs Must Die (+DLC)
  4. Sanctum Collection
  5. Rochard & Atom Zombie Smasher
  6. Terraria
  7. E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
  8. Payday: The Heist


I said it before and I will say it again thanks for the great contest. This is one of the reasons I have been a CAG for so long for the deals and the cool community.
Thanks again man, this is a great contest. Can't believe the leftovers are this good.
  1. Civilization III Complete
  2. Double Fine Pack
  3. E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
  4. Orcs Must Die (+DLC)
  5. Payday: The Heist
  6. Darkspore
  7. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  8. Section 8: Prejudice
  9. Space Pirates & Zombies
  10. Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
Winners of the losers pot + prizes:

baxterstockman - Civilization III Complete
headpiece747 - Double Fine Pack
Cantatus - Payday: The Heist
Cornyt - Section 8: Prejudice
Fignutz32 - Sanctum Collection
Etcrane - Darkspore
Flatfeetkid - Orcs Must Die (+DLC)
Blade - Dungeons of Dredmore Complete Pack (RANDOM)
Freedom Fries - Reccetear and Chantelise
FinderKeeper - Plants vs Zombies GOTY Edition
Tezuz - Chantelise
Nny - Terraria
The End - Space Pirates & Zombies
beebs - Dungeons of Dredmore Complete Pack (RANDOM)
Facls - Dungeon Defenders (+DLC)
Bwrobins - E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
momouchi - Swords & Soldiers & Eschalon: Book 1
Jugglenaut - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Lubis - Terraria
CheapLikeAFox - Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
Genocidal - Dungeons of Dredmore Complete Pack (RANDOM)
fritolay59 - Rochard & Atom Zombie Smasher
Hal - Dungeons of Dredmore Complete Pack (RANDOM)
INCyr - .bit Trip Beat & Runner (RANDOM)
Relysis - E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy + Frozen Synapse

Very weird that of the five randomized prizes, four were Dungeons of Dredmore.

Prize distribution status:

baxterstockman - Sent
headpiece747 - Sent
Cantatus - Sent
Cornyt - Sent
Fignutz32 - Sent
Etcrane - Sent
Flatfeetkid - Sent
Blade - Sent
Freedom Fries - Sent
FinderKeeper - Sent
Tezuz - Sent
Nny - Sent
The End - Sent
beebs - Sent
Facls - Sent
Bwrobins - Sent
momouchi - Sent
Jugglenaut - Sent
Lubis - Sent
CheapLikeAFox - Sent
Genocidal - Sent
fritolay59 - Sent (Partially)
Hal - Sent
INCyr - Sent
Relysis - Sent

If you haven't received a prize via gifting yet, you've either won a randomized prize which will be traded, sent you a friend request or I had trouble trying to add you as a friend to give your prize to you. I will do the second push on items and send out PMs later today.
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You're amazing! Thanks so much Draekon, for the prize and all your hard work!

Edit: Thanks for the quick response, Draekon. Looking forward to Section 8!
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Awesome, I got Space Pirates & Zombies. That was #2 on my revised wishlist (9th on my first). Thanks a lot Draekon, I really appreciate it.
Hey, totally sorry about that. Just ended a two year relationship pretty hard and haven't been with it much lately. I already have Dungeons of Dredmore, so if there's someone else who didn't win, they can have my copy. Perhaps like a first come, first serve thing? Up to you, of course. Thanks for the giveaways!
accepted your invite, but already have dungeons of dredmore. so u can give it to someone else if u'd prefer, i'd just end up trading it. thanks again for the great giveaway.
Big thank you to Draekon! He sent me Qube as a consolation gift!
Extremely generous CAG member! Thank you once again! :)

Made my weekend.
All prizes are now given out and this shit is finally over. I can sleep peacefully.

Except for one semi-related loose end, but that won't take much I think.
[quote name='Draekon']All prizes are now given out and this shit is finally over. I can sleep peacefully.

Except for one semi-related loose end, but that won't take much I think.[/QUOTE]

I can't even imagine what you went through for this giveaway, and it was voluntary. You're the man, but I'm sure you're already aware of that. ;)
My stubborn self wasn't going to accept a prize and then Draekon went above and beyond and gifted me a game off my wishlist. Thanks! I've been looking forward to some more Trine.
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bread's done