Dragon Age 2 - FREE and Promotional in-game items [Currently 31+ available]

The only DA2 DLC I don't have is...
Belt [The Irons] (Preorder EA Store)
Amulet [Amulet of Ashes] (Preorder Best Buy)
Belt [Antivan Garotte] (Bioware Store)
Ring [The Ring of Whispers] (Promo)

How should I got about asking CS about these? Specifically the two preorders. I can see one or the other, but idk how to go about asking for both?

Also, could someone find a list of the exclusive DLC for ME2 and DA:O? I wanted to see if I was missing anything before I emailed EA.

I have for DA:O...
Memory Band
Feral Wolf Charm
The Stone Prisoner
Blood Dragon Armor

and for ME2...
Collectors' Weapon and Armor
Blood Dragon Armor
Terminus Weapon and Armo
Sentry Interface (Dr. Pepper)
Umbra Visor (Dr. Pepper)
Recon Hood (Dr. Pepper)
Zaeed - The Price of Revenge (Cerberus Network)
Cerberus Weapon and Armor (Cerberus Network)
Normandy Crash Site (Cerberus Network)
Cerberus Arc Projector (Cerberus Network)
Firewalker Pack (Cerberus Network)

Anything missing, please add...
Hi there,
I have a DA2 XBOX DLC Exiled Prince Code and would like to trade that one for a 3 Month XBox-Live Trial code!
Feel free to pm in case you are interested! :roll:
Wow it does work, people at EA have no idea what they are handing out to the people, I made five calls to the live chat, and got all the promotional items.

Ser Isaac's Armor
Amulet of Ashes
The Antivan Garrote
The Irons
The Ring of Whispers
Signature Edition Rewards
The Lion of Orlais
The Black Emporium

and I got Terminus Armor for ME2 too, but I couldn't get Collector's Armor, more than one from EA say they don't have it, I need to find a way to get that, only thing I don't have.
Did the same thing. The guy refused to give me the Terminus gear (They cannot give out Collector's as per 3 reps :p). I explained that I have the 360 version, have no way of accessing it but a friend of mine bought the PS3 version and was able to get the code. He told me he can't get the code for me twice, then gave me a code. Persistence is key.

Also, got Exiled Prince, Fadeshear, Black Emporium, etc.

EDIT: Just got the e-mail from the rep. Got Collector's Armor! ^^'
Hi, my name is Nicholas. How may I help you?
Me: hi nick, i bought dragon age origins yesterday at gamestop, but they say they ran out of the promotional item, and told me that EA can help me
Nicholas: May I know the EA account e-mail address linked to the game?
Me: ***************
Me: i use xbox 360 and gamer tag is *******
Nicholas: Thanks for the details.
Nicholas: Please allow me a moment.
Me: the promotional item is called feral wolf charm
Nicholas: ok.
Nicholas: Thank you for waiting.
Nicholas: I have checked your recent contact with us and found that you have already received codes few times earlier regarding similar issues.
Me: ok but can i have the item, it is for free afterall
Nicholas: Please allow me a moment while I can have a word with my supervisor regarding the issue.
Nicholas: Thank you for waiting.
Nicholas: Considering your dedication to the game, I am making an exception for you this time and am issuing you a new code for the feral wolf charm.
Me: make it for xbox please
Nicholas: Created code is ****************.
Nicholas: I believe this resolves your issue.
Me: yes it has thank you
Nicholas: You are welcome.
Nicholas: It was my pleasure to assist you today. I would appreciate if you could take out some time to fill our customer service survey that you would receive in your email within next 24 hours.
Nicholas: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Me: is there any chance i can have another free promotional item called the wicked oath?
Me: its for the same game
Nicholas: wicked oath(Xbox) : ****************
Me: thank you
Nicholas: Thanks for contacting EA.
Nicholas: Take care.
Nicholas: Bye!
Me: bye

EDIT: Got Collector Armor for Mass Effect 2 too, I just go in and say my own code didn't work.
[quote name='PhilOoster']Does anyone know what you're supposed to get for downloading the Mass Effect iphone game?[/QUOTE]

There's some unique dialogue between Miranda and Jacob regarding Galaxy's events. Nothing special.
bread's done