Dragon Age II - Gen. Discussion and Info - Mark of the Assassin DLC 10/11 800 pts.

[quote name='bvharris']Definitely the hardest encounter in the game, I had way more trouble with it than I did with the last boss, though that's probably because
I didn't go into it knowing what to expect so the party I had at the time wasn't prepared to do much ranged damage when it hopped up there on the ledge. Probably took me longer than it would have if I'd brought the right crew for it, but I ended up beating it the first try anyway.

[quote name='Hell Monkey']I actually had a harder time of it then I did in Originsn for the same beast. In Origins I just parked my tank right in front and it never paid attention to anything else.

As Anders is a crap healer compared to the awesomeness of Wynne in DA:O and Aveline can take damage but never seemed to draw much aggro, I had it coming after my 2-handed warrior all the time.[/QUOTE]

It was the easiest encounter in the game for me, since gravitic ring breaks the AI and it just sits there and lets you hit it for 15 minutes (how long it takes on hard difficulty).
Any help here would be great...
I was told that the 1st Dragon Age is pretty much Mass Effect but with swords and set in the past. Now, I like Mass Effect, but I figured I would wait until Dragon Age 2. I tried out the demo for DA2 and hated it. The combat was repetitive and it seemed as if all I did was sit there and tap A, X, or Y, over and over and over,I frequently died, and the only resemblance of Mass Effect was the conversing. So, somebody help me out, if I like Mass Effect, will I like Dragon Age, and should I get it?
[quote name='matto1233']Any help here would be great...
I was told that the 1st Dragon Age is pretty much Mass Effect but with swords and set in the past. Now, I like Mass Effect, but I figured I would wait until Dragon Age 2. I tried out the demo for DA2 and hated it. The combat was repetitive and it seemed as if all I did was sit there and tap A, X, or Y, over and over and over,I frequently died, and the only resemblance of Mass Effect was the conversing. So, somebody help me out, if I like Mass Effect, will I like Dragon Age, and should I get it?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure who told you that, but they were yanking your chain. Mass Effect and Dragon Age have the following things in common:

1) They're RPGs
2) Developed by BioWare
3) Morality-based conversation system

The gameplay is nothing alike though, so I wouldn't go into Dragon Age expecting Mass Effect with swords, because that's not at all what it is.
There are some broad elements that are common to BioWare productions (conversations and party member interaction, moral choices and alignment systems, certain character and story tropes), but by and large, Mass Effect and Dragon Age are not similar.
I never played the demo but from what I hear it sounds like it was in the beginning of the game so you didn't really get a good sense of how deep the combat goes.

I'd say if you're big into Mass Effect skip Origins and play DA2. If you're big in RPGs I say you should at least rent Origins and see if you like it.
You know, I just realized.

I don't think horses actually exist in the Dragon Age universe.

I mean, they're damn near never included in games like because using they don't fit the combat style, but at least in, like, Neverwinter Nights, they exist.

But as far as I can recall, the only evidence in favour of the existence of horses is that Orlesian knights are called "chevaliers" (cheval = horse). Other than that... nothin'.

That, I've gotta say, is a pretty decent answer to my inner pedant asking, "Why didn't you guys have any cavalry at Ostagar?"

EDIT: Further investigation reveals at least one mention of horses in a Dragon Age book. God fucking dammit. And there's a toy horse in Awakenings...
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[quote name='The Crotch']You know, I just realized.

I don't think horses actually exist in the Dragon Age universe.


They ride women not horses!
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Save a horse, ride a Seeker![/QUOTE]

Does it count that she became a Seeker 10 years after the fact?


LOL I so totally forgot to spoiler tag this at first.
[quote name='matto1233']Any help here would be great...
I was told that the 1st Dragon Age is pretty much Mass Effect but with swords and set in the past. Now, I like Mass Effect, but I figured I would wait until Dragon Age 2. I tried out the demo for DA2 and hated it. The combat was repetitive and it seemed as if all I did was sit there and tap A, X, or Y, over and over and over,I frequently died, and the only resemblance of Mass Effect was the conversing. So, somebody help me out, if I like Mass Effect, will I like Dragon Age, and should I get it?[/QUOTE]

I actually think Dragon Age 2 is a lot like Mass Effect 2, but you don't seem to appreciate the tactics. Even though a lot of the people on the internet think the DA2 is all about pushing buttons, you have to get the tactics system or you will probably die a lot. You might be fine on casual, but normal or harder you really have to worry about tactics.

From what you typed I can't imagine you would like it.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']LOL I so totally forgot to spoiler tag this at first.[/QUOTE]
I thought that was a very cool little cameo at the end (although a little less surprising if you'd completed Sebastian's quest line). I'd love to have Cassandra and Seeker-Leliana in the party in DA3. I'd also love to have Cassandra.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
I thought that was a very cool little cameo at the end (although a little less surprising if you'd completed Sebastian's quest line). I'd love to have Cassandra and Seeker-Leliana in the party in DA3. I'd also love to have Cassandra.

I'm just nervous about that because I'll be honest wtih Leliana there I'd want to be the Warden again (even though mine is dead). I didn't really get into being Hawke, or care if I play him again but honestly a new protaganist would be like ugh...in the middle of established flowing story.

I also fully understand the last statement, lol.
Some questions, I'm only nearing the end of act 1 (I only get about an hour of playtime a day, and not every day).

I have no more quests to do before the deep roads and I have 111 soverigns and some change.

1) I only have one exiled prince achievement. Do I get to do more with Sebastian in the 2nd act?
2) I haven't touched enchanting or potion making for fear I'd use money I need later. Is it worth it to invest in these at this point?
3) I'm eying the attribute boosting potions and the staff with 24 damage for Bethany (my healer) in the black emporium. Are they good purchases?
4) Are there any achievements, anything I need to buy/do before doing the deep roads that I can't later on?
5) My warrior has dragon armor save for boots and gauntlets of the fallen. Using Hayden's Razor. Do I have the best non-purchased equipment I can for him?
While I understand the logic and need for one established 'character' like Hawke, the transistion from DA:O to DA2 was jarring for me in the same way the transistion from KOTOR to KOTOR2 was.

It wasn't that I disliked the character from the sequels, especially in the case of Hawke, but I couldn't shake this feeling that what I had *really* wanted was to continue the adventures of the first game. I think it's why I appreciate Mass Effect as a series.

Anyway, on a more DA2 note, I was a little unhappy that the choices for a full 'healer' character were as limited as they were, which is why I ended up doing a re-spec on my mage Hawke to accomplish it. Not looking forward to my 2nd playthrough as a different class because of it.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']
I'm just nervous about that because I'll be honest wtih Leliana there I'd want to be the Warden again (even though mine is dead). I didn't really get into being Hawke, or care if I play him again but honestly a new protaganist would be like ugh...in the middle of established flowing story.

I also fully understand the last statement, lol.
They definitely imply in the ending that Hawke and the Warden will be teaming up somehow. But that's difficult to imagine from a gameplay perspective-- which one would be the player character?

[quote name='Anexanhume']
1) I only have one exiled prince achievement. Do I get to do more with Sebastian in the 2nd act?
2) I haven't touched enchanting or potion making for fear I'd use money I need later. Is it worth it to invest in these at this point?
3) I'm eying the attribute boosting potions and the staff with 24 damage for Bethany (my healer) in the black emporium. Are they good purchases?
4) Are there any achievements, anything I need to buy/do before doing the deep roads that I can't later on?
5) My warrior has dragon armor save for boots and gauntlets of the fallen. Using Hayden's Razor. Do I have the best non-purchased equipment I can for him?[/QUOTE]
1) That's correct, you'll only have one Exiled Prince achievement by the end of Act 1.
2) I never bothered with crafting at all, barring what I needed for the achievement, but that was on Casual, so I can't speak to the other difficulty levels.
3) The only mage staff I ever bought off of a merchant was Cold-Blooded in Act 2. Aside from that I feel like I always had something comparable or better that I had looted.
4) Make sure that you've begun the Bone Pit mines quest line, it continues later. Give 50 gold to Bartrand, do not take the loan offered by the other dwarf. Also, it may be too late to worry about it in Act 1, but make a special effort to get Isabela's friendship or rivalry very high, if you haven't already. It will affect the story in irreversible ways.
5) Armor sounds good, though I preferred Might of the Sten to Hayder's Razor. They're both great but unless you really need the health bonus from Hayder's Razor, Might of the Sten packs more of a punch.
[quote name='Anexanhume']
1) I only have one exiled prince achievement. Do I get to do more with Sebastian in the 2nd act?
2) I haven't touched enchanting or potion making for fear I'd use money I need later. Is it worth it to invest in these at this point?
3) I'm eying the attribute boosting potions and the staff with 24 damage for Bethany (my healer) in the black emporium. Are they good purchases?
4) Are there any achievements, anything I need to buy/do before doing the deep roads that I can't later on?
5) My warrior has dragon armor save for boots and gauntlets of the fallen. Using Hayden's Razor. Do I have the best non-purchased equipment I can for him?[/QUOTE]

1.) You can only get one in Act 1
2.) You can do it whenever, I didn't use it until Act 2 late and Act 3
3.) I'd say to wait on that staff.
4.) Make sure you have all the colletible stuff in Act 1 but beyond that go for it.
5.) Act 1 you can't get much worth while. You'll find some in the Deep Roads, but you should be good to go.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
They definitely imply in the ending that Hawke and the Warden will be teaming up somehow. But that's difficult to imagine from a gameplay perspective-- which one would be the player character?

Specially since some of our Wardens would need to come back from the dead.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Some questions, I'm only nearing the end of act 1 (I only get about an hour of playtime a day, and not every day).

3) I'm eying the attribute boosting potions and the staff with 24 damage for Bethany (my healer) in the black emporium. Are they good purchases?
4) Are there any achievements, anything I need to buy/do before doing the deep roads that I can't later on?

I wouldn't buy that staff just yet. Wait until you get back from the deep roads.

This game has missable things and achievements. I have not gotten all the achievements. Unfortunately you might have to spoil later parts of the game to make sure you aren't missing things from Act 1.
[quote name='wakawakawa']I wouldn't buy that staff just yet. Wait until you get back from the deep roads.

This game has missable things and achievements. I have not gotten all the achievements. Unfortunately you might have to spoil later parts of the game to make sure you aren't missing things from Act 1.[/QUOTE]

The main cross-act thing seems to be the band of three messages. I've read all of the achievement descriptions and feel like I understand them well enough.

Another thing I forgot to mention is upgrading companions' armor. I assume there are unique, pre-determined points to do this at? Oh, and is it ever worth it to get a backpack or can you pretty much dump and sell after every major looting opportunity?
[quote name='Anexanhume']The main cross-act thing seems to be the band of three messages. I've read all of the achievement descriptions and feel like I understand them well enough.

Another thing I forgot to mention is upgrading companions' armor. I assume there are unique, pre-determined points to do this at? Oh, and is it ever worth it to get a backpack or can you pretty much dump and sell after every major looting opportunity?[/QUOTE]
In addition to the Band of Three messages (there are 4 in each act and you only need 3), make sure you get the History of the Chantry Vol. 1 codex entry as well.

I think backpack upgrades are always worth it. Sometimes there are longer quests where you end up with a ton of loot, and it's always nice to not have to drop stuff. There are two in Act 1, two in Act 2, and one in Act 3, and they are all purchased from various shops in Kirkwall.

[quote name='Hell Monkey']
Specially since some of our Wardens would need to come back from the dead.
Eh. They brought Leliana back from the dead, Anders back from the dead, Oghren back from the dead... Can't you even import a dead Warden into Awakening if you want?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']

Eh. They brought Leliana back from the dead, Anders back from the dead, Oghren back from the dead... Can't you even import a dead Warden into Awakening if you want?

What do you mean? Does Leliana stil show up if she dies in Origins?
[quote name='Hell Monkey']
What do you mean? Does Leliana stil show up if she dies in Origins?
Yes, as far as I know.
Anyone watch the zero punctuation on this? I have a hard time disagreeing with his points, especially about the enemy pop-in behind my ranged damagers :D
[quote name='Anexanhume']Anyone watch the zero punctuation on this? I have a hard time disagreeing with his points, especially about the enemy pop-in behind my ranged damagers :D[/QUOTE]

Not yet, gotta get home from work o check it out. I can imagine some of his complaints.
More-or-less accurate, though his complaints about how hard it is to control teammates don't really work for me. The first thing I do on getting a new party member is disable all their tactics so I can pause like a motherfucker and micro-manage the shit out of all my fights. His bit about the camera seems a little odd too, unless you have the great misfortune of trying to fight in a doorway. fuck you, no strategic view.
After finishing my third playthrough, this time as a Warrior class, I can safely say that the combination of Besiege (+10% Damage, 3x Physical/Elemental Force for 10s) + Claymore (+100% Damage for 15s) + Fervor (+30% attack speed for 10s upon enemy death) + having the Primeval Lyrium Rune attached to a weapon (in my case, gave +35% attack speed) makes for an ungodly amount of damage and speed over the course of a single confrontation. Also, because the +30% attack speed for killing an enemy seems to stack, Hawke gets to the point where it's hard to keep up with her on screen because she's pummeling her way through crowds of enemies at blinding speed - it's so fucking beastly to watch. Throw a couple of Heroic Auras or Haste abilities into the mix, and you'll seriously KO an entire group of 12-15 enemies in 2-3 swings of the sword (on Normal/Hard). I need to find some videos that show off this brute of a class.

So, if you're considering a Warrior run, put points into the Reaver specialization so you can reach Fervor. Holy shit it's good!
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']After finishing my third playthrough, this time as a Warrior class, I can safely say that the combination of Besiege (+10% Damage, 3x Physical/Elemental Force for 10s) + Claymore (+100% Damage for 15s) + Fervor (+30% attack speed for 10s upon enemy death) + having the Primeval Lyrium Rune attached to a weapon (in my case, gave +35% attack speed) makes for an ungodly amount of damage and speed over the course of a single confrontation. Also, because the +30% attack speed for killing an enemy seems to stack, Hawke gets to the point where it's hard to keep up with her on screen because she's pummeling her way through crowds of enemies at blinding speed - it's so fucking beastly to watch. Throw a couple of Heroic Auras or Haste abilities into the mix, and you'll seriously KO an entire group of 12-15 enemies in 2-3 swings of the sword (on Normal/Hard). I need to find some videos that show off this brute of a class.

So, if you're considering a Warrior run, put points into the Reaver specialization so you can reach Fervor. Holy shit it's good![/QUOTE]

Sounds like a fun build. My final playthrough is going to be as a Warrior, so I'll probably give that a whirl. I'm still waiting for the patch though.
From the BioWare boards:

[quote name='Chris Priestly']
BioWare has prepared a patch for PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. We are currently testing the patch and are submitting it for certification with EA, Microsoft and Sony. Certification is where testing teams outside of BioWare confirm the fixes we make and ensure that no new issues are introduced. We continue to test the patch during the certification process to ensure quality. Once the patch has passed certification, it is then released to the public. We do not have a more exact ETA of when it will be available to you, but when we do know when it is available, we will let everyone know.

We cannot reveal to you the exact contents of the patch until it passes certification. We can say that there are more than 100 fixes including gameplay, quest and platform specific issues. We can also say that the implementation of auto-attack on both Xbox 360 and PS3 is included. When we can reveal the patch notes, we will let everyone know.
I'm about mid way through Act 2 and the only glitch I've encountered thus far is when the animation of the leader of the Qun sitting down played twice. Pleasantly surprised. No freezes or broken quests so far.
Anyone else just get an email from Bioware offering up a free download of Mass Effect 2 for PC, due to the success Dragon Age 2 has had in its launch? :whistle2:s
[quote name='shrike4242']Anyone else just get an email from Bioware offering up a free download of Mass Effect 2 for PC, due to the success Dragon Age 2 has had in its launch? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

Sure did.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Hmm, nothing for me. You guys bought Dragon Age II for 360, right? Not PC?[/QUOTE]

From the fine print of the e-mail:

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The code for Mass EffectT 2 will be provided once the online pass is registered in game and on social.bioware.com/me2offer using the same EA account."[/FONT]

Did you activate your online pass?
Added the info on the Mass Effect 2 download offer to the OP. (Turns out you do not have to receive the email from BioWare to take advantage of the offer.)

First thread contributor to PM me can have my code. :)
How nice of you. :D

I'm excited to try it out on PC. I built this expensive gaming rig over the winter and I've used it waaaaay less than I should given how much I spent on it. :oops:
[quote name='bvharris']How nice of you. :D[/QUOTE]
Hardly. I remembered that not only do I not have a computer that can run the game, I already own one useless PC copy of Mass Effect 2-- a PC Collector's Edition that I bought after the 360 CE became ridiculously expensive. :cool: The Collector's Edition DLC codes are cross-platform in case anyone was wondering.
Yup...Look forward to seeing the differences between the PC and 360. Wondering if I should get the latest DLC...I hear its average, at best.
bread's done