Dragon Age Ultimate edition $29.99 EB Games 360/PS3

Princess Zelda

Dragon Age Ultimate edition $29.99 EB Games PS3 360

It's in store price drop. It's not on their website.


Includes Dragon Age: Origins, The Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Expansion Pack, Plus All Nine Additional Content Packs
I almost ordered this from the EA Store on Friday. Glad I waited now I can finally play the DLC picked it up today after seeing it on RFD.
This is definitely worth it for any Bioware fan. Had the PC download for a while now; got it for 15 bucks during an EA sale. Waiting for DA2 DLC to release so I can pick that up via DA2 Ultimate box.
Just as a note, Dragon Age Origins (the original version) on PS3 still qualifies as a Trade 2, Trade 3, etc so you can effectively upgrade to this version for $5. Great deal. Thanks OP.
[quote name='snuter']Just as a note, Dragon Age Origins (the original version) on PS3 still qualifies as a Trade 2, Trade 3, etc so you can effectively upgrade to this version for $5. Great deal. Thanks OP.[/QUOTE]

What is the trade 2, trade 3 deal? I checked their website but only see an Infamous 2 trade deal and a trade 3 = +10%, 5=20%, 7=30%. But Origins can't be worth more than $10 in trade now. I wouldn't mind trading up for 5 bucks more!
yes, Nija, bother with it. awesome game and for that price it's a steal! I just traded in my copy of Dragon Age origins and another game towards Alice: Madness returns (netting $25 for each. If I hadn't already played the living crap out of Origins and Awakening (bought the DLC when it was on sale) I'd so grab the Ultimate Edition.
[quote name='ninjalunchbox79']just wondering if i should even bother with this game ... with all the good ones about to come out .. ???[/QUOTE]

I bought DA when it first came out (I always support Bioware) but am just playing through it now. If you like rpg's, it's solid. It's looooong, so with all the dlc included in this pack, you definitely get a lot of bang for your buck
Dragon Age Origins on consoles is like a cross between Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on the original Xbox and any Bioware Dungeons and Dragons game.

One of the best RPGs this generation, IMO.

They could have made it near identical to the PC version (minus graphics) if Bioware was a bit more intuitive with the hot keys and controls in general, and left in the top down view. No PC developer seems to be able to get it quite right on consoles, but at least Bioware used to try (I'm not a fan of Mass Effect 2 or Dragon Age 2 - they dumbed down those games way too much).
It was a pretty solid game, but I just grew tired of it near the end and was rushing to finish it. I think after I hammer through my back log I might come back to it and really take my time with it, it's a vast world and you can tell the developers spent a LOT of time working on the finer things (background stories, documents, history of the world, etc.)
[quote name='snuter']Just as a note, Dragon Age Origins (the original version) on PS3 still qualifies as a Trade 2, Trade 3, etc so you can effectively upgrade to this version for $5. Great deal. Thanks OP.[/QUOTE]

Upgrade for $5? How? Isn't Trade 2 or 3 for newly released games?
^^ Sorry, I apologize for my lack of details. Some EBs will let you do a Trade 2 or Trade 3 for anything. (infact, my EB actually suggests a Trade 2 cause the value of the games gets bumped to $25 each instead of $23.33 each on a trade 3.)

Anyway, the guy suggested doing using the "Trade 1 and Get Zelda 3DS for $14.99" deal (which effectively makes the trade bump to $25 with a trade 1 instead of the normal $20 for a trade 1), then move it the next day to this game. I had no problem doing this since this is the a new games.
I thought GameStop updated their systems so any changes to trade deals reverts the TIV to the latest value.
bread's done