Dragon's Dogma PS3 & 360 $49.99 @ Amazon

[quote name='technicalstylez']nope its right. re 6 ps3 demo is september 5, 360 is july 3. holy shit i just realized thats tuesday.[/QUOTE]

yeah thats what I meant. july 3rd. Didnt know xbox got it first, but that makes sense since capcom announced 360 gets all dlc for the game first.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']Well, Capcom has already stated publicly they want to make it a franchise, so here's hoping part 2 isn't just Super Ultimate Dragon's Dogma NOW WITH DIFFERENT COLOR OUTFITS[/QUOTE]

I'm sure they would add 12 new characters also
[quote name='earvcunanan']None.

Seriously, don't give Capcom any money for their on-disc DLC crap. Just enjoy the game :)[/QUOTE]

So if you had to download it then it would be okay? Seriously, Capcom's DLC business model isn't any worse than any other companies.

On topic though, if this was $40 I probably would have bit. I'm surprised this game is holding its value so well.
[quote name='whoknows']So if you had to download it then it would be okay? Seriously, Capcom's DLC business model isn't any worse than any other companies.

On topic though, if this was $40 I probably would have bit. I'm surprised this game is holding its value so well.[/QUOTE]

On-disc DLC isn't a Capcom thing and it runs rampant in the industry today. I don't support locking away features already on the disc just to sell an unlock key weeks later. And the DLC for DD isn't worth it anyway, IMO. Just a bunch of cosmetic looking stuff, mundane quests you've already done in various forms, etc.
I've noticed that this game didn't get a huge print run, it's holding its value because it's not very common in most stores. It was never carried at TRU, sold out at Target, Best Buy sold out of the 360 version at the stores I've been to, haven't seen it at Walmart and I'm not sure about Gamestop, but in general it seems to be fairly limited in the places you can actually find it.

It's a fun game, not perfect, but worth picking up eventually. I paid full price at Best Buy with the hopes I can pricematch in 60 days, but it's looking like I may have to work something else out since this game isn't dropping in price.
got this today with lollipop chainsaw and binary domain with gamestop b2g1f. so like $33 each. i know they would all drop eventually but i had credit to burn. here's hoping they are all awesome ;)
[quote name='TheGuardianWolf']Before you jump on this title I recommend you go watch the Angry Joe review. He pretty much hits the nail on the head with the game's major problems. It's fun, and brings a lot of good ideas to the table, and the goods of the title are really good, but it's flawed enough to be a complete turn off for a lot of people.

Backtracking across the same enemy spawns over and over, no fast travel to get around the monotonous repetitive backtracking, only 1 save file with quests without any set order that get auto-canceled without warning, with an iffy auto-save that saves over that 1 file, a new game+ that does not increase the difficulty at all or mix things up(meaning a second playthrough would be beyond a cake walk, and it isn't that hard in the first place(I died from falling more than enemies)), pawns that repeat themselves over and over and say some stupid things at stupid times, characters in general that are rather lackluster and quests that are beyond bland(though the world itself is good), not enough bosses(what excited me was facing all the different myth creatures, and there really aren't many more than what you've probably seen in trailers/demos), a freaking ton of Disk Locked Content, and the list just goes on from there.

Like I said though, the good parts of the game are really good, jobs are awesome and a blast to rank up, the core gameplay is cinematic and a lot of fun, and the choices you make for your character, and your team in general, in relation to how you approach battles are great. However, what will make or break it for you, I'd say, is at that 15th time walking through that same patch of goblins that you had no trouble defeating in the first place. The fun is still there, but the freshness and any surprise in this encounter are long gone, and you can't help but feel like it's starting to become a chore just to get from place to place. If this sounds like something that'd be hard to get past I recommend a rent/wait for price drop/wait for cheap GOTY edition that are 'all the rage' these days. With the amount of Disk Locked Content they have, I'll be doing the last. Hopefully they'll fix some of the more annoying things in that edition, and particularly add to the NG+ difficulty. like RDR GOTY similarly did by adding the hardcore mode.[/QUOTE]

This game if really tough from what I played. The no fast travel really blew. Joe hits the nail on the head with his review though.

Sort of off topic, but I have to ask. In the Angry Joe video, he shows a video of a little white dog trying to fight a dragon. Does anyone know what his name is? I'll continue looking, lol.
There are ferrystones that take you back to the main hub instantly. I never ran out of them, but I didn't use too many. The world itself is actually really fun to explore, so not being able to fast travel was never a problem to me. You could always just run past enemies easily if you needed to get somewhere fast. Being out in the wilderness as night falls and knowing you're going to have to travel through unknown territory in pitch blackness is an awesome experience. Night would of been ruined with fast travel.
Yeah people are making too big a deal out of no fast travel. There is fast travel, and you can find ferrystones without much problem, PLUS you can earn portcrytsals which can allow you to fast travel to different spots of your choosing. You don't even have to wait to new game plus, just have someone gift one to you via the pawn gift system.
I really enjoyed the game but got tired of it suddenly and haven;t played it in almost two weeks.
Dragons Dogma is worth it to me at full price, which I paid and I already platted it out 1000 Gamerscore on xbox live. Worth every penny and best game so far this year easily.
Having played neither, I'm asking someone who has played both to give me their totally biased opinion on Dragon's Dogma vs Kingdoms of Amalur. I can't get both, but Kingdom's of Amalur is $39.99 today on Amazon.
I don't know if I want to get this or Witcher 2. I played the Demo for this and I really liked it, but I hear the Witcher 2 is a better game overall, more polished, etc. Unfortunately, there's no demo for the Witcher 2. I know Witcher has better "story" and DD is harder.... that doesn't help me decide!

I wanted to try and get both during the B2G1 GS sale this weekend, but I couldn't find any stores that had DD in stock. I would have ordered them online, but I can't believe they make you pay for shipping now - and I also didn't want to deal with having to switch out every single game in-store later on. I hardly ever buy from GS online anymore.
[quote name='Whedon']Having played neither, I'm asking someone who has played both to give me their totally biased opinion on Dragon's Dogma vs Kingdoms of Amalur. I can't get both, but Kingdom's of Amalur is $39.99 today on Amazon.[/QUOTE]

There are demos for both - have you tried those? That might help you decide.

I've played a lot of Amalur, but just the demo for DD. I love Amalur, and I will say it does get a bit better than the demo starts out with. If you like visually pretty games, lots of side quests (many just running around from here to there getting this and that), a little humor, and easier combat - then I'd say go for Amalur. If you like more challenge (and less NPC conversations), then go for DD.

Amalur does also have 2 expansion packs out already - both good and worth the price - but there's probably a GOTY for Amalur coming out before long. Whereas with DD, you'll be waiting for longer for that. I'd also guess Amalur will drop down to $39.99 as the base price before much longer.
[quote name='Gnomes and Pie']Believe me, the frame rate drops are present. Some are just not good at recognizing the differences; it probably has to do with a person's eyes.

For anyone who usually plays PC games and is used to 60+ fps, the drops are instantly noticeable.

Check the following video for a good example of the frame rate drops on both platforms:


I believed you before you linked the video. Since most of the multi ported games run better on 360. But I did watch the video and I did see the differences. I agree with what Silver said that people are making a big deal out of it for no reason. The lowered fps I don't think hinders gameplay at all. I am primarily a pc gamer, but I got used to playing pc games at lower fps then 25 for years until I upgraded. I guess thats why it doesn't bother me and I was having fun while playing.

[quote name='Whedon']Having played neither, I'm asking someone who has played both to give me their totally biased opinion on Dragon's Dogma vs Kingdoms of Amalur. I can't get both, but Kingdom's of Amalur is $39.99 today on Amazon.[/QUOTE]

I personally would pick Dragons dogma over Kingdoms of Amalur. I guess it depends on the type of game you want to play. Seeing is how both of them have different styles of gameplay. If you like the mmorpg feel Kingdoms of Amalur and quicker/flashier combat I think Amalur is better. Dragons dogma is alot more slow pace. The storylines can be debated, but I don't think both games have good story. I found Amalur to be kind of a jack of all trades kind of rpg. Dragons dogma focused on several things and did a very good job on what they picked. I don't think you can go wrong with either game. Both will go down more in price eventually. Have you tried the demos for either game? That might help you decide.
Thanks for feedback. I actually tried the demos for both and still couldn't decide, but it kinda sounds, like you said, I can't go wrong with either.
If you're a hardcore RPGer, Dragon's Dogma. If you prefer a simple (although somewhat more linear) RPG, go for Kingdoms of Amalur. Either way, you win. :p
honestly I would wait on either amalur or dogma. you won't miss out on anything by waiting since they are single player games (not counting dd's pawns which doesn't matter)

and there are lots of DLC for both titles, meaning if you want it all you will still be spending over $60. if you wait you can get all the DLC with the money you save. It could go on sale for $30 or less in the near future.
A frustrating game for sure but I'm starting to "get into it" .

Prepare for not knowing the plot or where to go or how powerful enemies are.

TIP!: Run away from bandits until you can easily kill them. There is an early quest that has you walking a path with tons of bandits who will destroy you. Just run past them and fight all the other things. By the time you complete the quest you'll be almost strong enough to face them.

Odd game but pretty good.
[quote name='the_ENEMY_']honestly I would wait on either amalur or dogma. you won't miss out on anything by waiting since they are single player games (not counting dd's pawns which doesn't matter)

and there are lots of DLC for both titles, meaning if you want it all you will still be spending over $60. if you wait you can get all the DLC with the money you save. It could go on sale for $30 or less in the near future.[/QUOTE]

The DLC is useless and you should worry about it. AS for waiting because its a single player game in the case of amalur that is somewhat true, in the case of DD that is somewhat false. to the the maximum benefit out of the game you need to play right now since, the way the PAWN interaction works AND the one of the main bosses work is is best suited when they are a lot of players playing the game. But if you are gonna be playing in offline mode I suppose what you said is true but offline mode is easier.
As has been said before, There's more active players in DD right now to rent your pawn, so you get better ratings, rift crystals and gifts for it, so getting it sooner would benefit.
Just a heads-up, if you buy from Best Buy for $59.99 online with in-store pickup you can get a $10 Coupon Code for your next order and then you can get a price adjustment if you call and tell them about Gamestop's $49.99 price this week. You may be able to do it all in a single go if you price match right away, but I'm not sure how that will affect the $10 coupon.

Basically paying $40 for the game.
[quote name='Link2999']Just a heads-up, if you buy from Best Buy for $59.99 online with in-store pickup you can get a $10 Coupon Code for your next order and then you can get a price adjustment if you call and tell them about Gamestop's $49.99 price this week. You may be able to do it all in a single go if you price match right away, but I'm not sure how that will affect the $10 coupon.

Basically paying $40 for the game.[/QUOTE]

yeah, that is the problem. i had with doing it with mass effect 3. how it would affect the $10 coupon
[quote name='Link2999']Just a heads-up, if you buy from Best Buy for $59.99 online with in-store pickup you can get a $10 Coupon Code for your next order and then you can get a price adjustment if you call and tell them about Gamestop's $49.99 price this week. You may be able to do it all in a single go if you price match right away, but I'm not sure how that will affect the $10 coupon.

Basically paying $40 for the game.[/QUOTE]Even better if you're silver it's a no brainer you get the $10 code & $10 back + you still have till 9/3 to pm it even lower assuming you're maxing the time period by buyin on Thurs. Pretty much a $40 + $10 credit deal.:bouncy:
[quote name='YBX87']yeah, that is the problem. i had with doing it with mass effect 3. how it would affect the $10 coupon[/QUOTE]price match/price adjustments shouldn't be an issue. Just make sure it's not returned. The total will still be above the $50 so you're still meeting the intial requirements.
[quote name='ElektroDragon']$50!??! This post is a disgrace to CheapAssGamer. Ban him![/QUOTE]

Lolyeah I'm shocked it's still this much. But I've just started playing it last night and I think it's worth it.
I appreciated how open this game is and the way that it doesn't really hold your hand. With that said, I too suddenly lost interest in it a couple weeks ago and went back to Skyrim. I think this game has a ton of potential but also its fair share of issues. You start to realize that the enemies are a bit limited and that they all have their little zones they patrol. You can't have a dragon chase you until you reach a cyclops and then have them battle it out.

In that regard, I think Skyrim is a better game overall .. but the open world and exploration with a day/ night cycle that really feels like nighttime make this worth a look. Plus, it has the great Shadow of the Colossus climbing feature and evidently a substantial endgame mode in addition to new game +.

If I were comparing it to Amalur, this game has a world that is more alive and it lets you have your own adventures, rather than feeling like a go here, kill 10 of these single player MMO that Amalur started to feel like after awhile. Oh, and the pawn system is cool ... no perfect but it feels more like you're leading a party of adventurers that you get to recruit, sort of like old school RPGs.

Just my 2 cents
bread's done