Dreamcast Agetec Stick Surprise


15 (100%)
Bit of a long story.

Remember this thread?

If you do, you'd find out that the OP's stick source was depleted before he could share the wealth. Figures at that same time, an ebay store started auctioning off the very same sticks, with the title "6 Dreamcast Agetec Sticks," with 6 units available. With the price pretty decent, I decided to buy one (almost bought two), and the next day went on vacation.

I came home to a box the size of my entertainment center, which housed 6 Agetec sticks. Of course I jumped for joy and thought of keeping four, for you know, Powerstone, and selling off the rest to my fellow CAGs. Of course I jumped the gun a bit. After some testing, only one stick fully worked, while two didn't respond at all, one had a few buttons which didn't work, one which you jiggle the controller plug while playing to get working, and the last looked as if it were in a car crash. I was pleased nonetheless, since I got what I expected: one working Agetec stick.

Two weeks later (aka today), I decided to find out if I could fix the four that seemed fixable. After opening up the first, I found rather simplistic innards consisting of some wires and a small main board. And wouldn't you know, a few of the wires simply weren't connected to the main board. After plugging them in three sticks worked perfectly. The fourth (the jiggle one), had no seemingly bad wires, so I simply took the controller cable out and swapped it with the stick which seemed run over. A little electrical tape to seal a tear in the cable and Presto! Four fixed, fully working and tested, Dreamcast Agetec sticks! With boxes!

(And before anyone asks, I will most likely sell three off. I don't have any specifics, but it'll definately be to a CAG. Look for an update tomorrow, when I'll probably start up a thread in the trading section.)
If you're absolutely sure everything works on the ones you fixed, I'd probably be interested in one. The one I got from Socheata I returned to him because one of the buttons turned out not to work... maybe it had a loose wire as well.
bread's done