Dreamcast drive always this loud?


38 (100%)
Hey guys, I picked up a dreamcast off my buddy last week he was selling at his garage sale. I had one back in the day and I missed having it around.

I plugged it in on saturday to play some games, and the drive sometimes sounds like a weed wacker running! Was the DC drive always this loud? or is this unit about to die? I remember my old one beening a little loud a start up (when the game was loading) but I don't remember it being this loud.

And people complain about the 360 drive! (By the way, this drive is about 3x as loud as my 360 drive)
Haha, I think it sounds pretty sweet! (vintage gaming at it finest) I was just afraid something was wrong with it, I was going to go get my 10 bones back from him
For what it's worth, I picked up a new one recently and it DOES sound a lot louder than my old one. So, it may have to do with when they were manufactured or whatever.

It was off-putting at first.
Drives get louder naturally. Remember they spin, and rotational devices have friction and aren't as smooth as before.

If it's any consolation, my DC is as loud as a Jet, but because it's NOT a 360, I can shove it in any little cupboard/cabinet I want and it won't over-heat or die on me. I've had my DC since 1999 and it's still alive and well. :) So beat on it, don't be afraid, she can take it!
My dreamcast is pretty loud. But not as loud as my 360. The dreamcast has that annoying beep that the vmus make when you turn it on though HAHA.
Mine's also load, and for some reason especially when I use a boot disk. It sounds like that thing must be spining at mach 4.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Yeah it was always that loud, people just havent always been this bitchy.[/quote]

That was pretty bitchy, in and of itself.
I own 3 DCs and played with a few different ones at friends house and can say that honestly the systems really range in the noise they put out. I have one that I can hardly hear, another thats kinda loud but the third is a fucking buzzsaw....seriously I have to turn the TV up when I play the damn thing.
I own 2 Dreamcasts and both of them are very quiet. I would assume that the noise has to do with when the dreamcast was manufactured and how much it has been played.
It loads louder on certain games though. Anyone notice that on Soul Calibur it loads at least three times louder?
[quote name='Paco']It loads louder on certain games though. Anyone notice that on Soul Calibur it loads at least three times louder?[/quote]

Don't know about Soul Calibur(never owned it), but the games that used Windows CE were louder for some reason.
One time long ago the wife was getting ready to take a nap in the other room while I booted up the DC. "Are you vacuuming?" she called immediately. I quickly realized the hum of the DC might resemble that of our then-vacuum, one of those tiny, cheap broomstick models, and I then muted the volume and called back, "Um, yes?" Since it was vacuuming she told me to go ahead but keep it down.

I got chore points that day for kicking ass in Power Stone 2. Thank you, noisy DC!
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